TFT Tier List – Patch 11.6 Meta Snapshot

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Meta Snapshot Summary

There is a new Mage comp out right now that is pretty cool. Other than that, many viable or cool/fun comps right now, including the Fortune starts that people have been trying. Samira is still kind of like exodia with 2* and good items. Keepers are free Top 4s, Kayle is still consistent 4 cost carry comp.

Best TFT Comps for Set 4.5 Patch 11.6

S: Slayers, Kayle, Keepers, 7 Mages,
A: 8 Brawler Shyvana, Fabled Vanguard Mystic, Enlightened Talon, Duelists,
B: Dragonsoul, Spirit Sharpshooters, Sharpshooters, Cultists, Warlords, Mage Elderwood, Assassins,
C: Zed, Reroll Diana, Reroll Nasus,

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Video Breakdown

TFT Comps Tier List Set 4.5

S Tier: Best TFT Comps – Highly Flexible or Very Strong

Slayers (3 or 6)

TFT Tier List - Patch 11.6 Meta Snapshot

Last Week’s Rank: A

Difficulty: Medium
Item Dependency: Medium
Variance: Medium

Chosen: Slayer, Dragonsoul, Vanguard


  • Tryndamere Items:
    • Best: Last Whisper, Guardian Angel, Infinity Edge
    • Good: Hand of Justice, Deathblade
  • Olaf Items:
    • Best: Deathblade + Runaan’s + Guardian Angel
    • Good: Rapidfire Cannon, Hand of Justice, Infinity Edge

Item Holder: Any early game 2* unit that does damage

How to Play: FULL GUIDE

Standard Leveling. Try to roll more at level 8 than level 7.


  • Burst damage and anti heal

Executioner Kayle

TFT Tier List - Patch 11.6 Meta Snapshot

Last Week’s Rank: A

Item Dependency:

Chosen: Executioner, Divine, Adept


  • Rageblade and then 2 more Kayle Items
  • Reaching late game

Item Holder: Any 2* backline/ranged unit

How to Play: Full Guide | Video Guide | Kayle to GM Gameplay

Slam Rod and flexible items early. Fast 8/standard leveling. Only need 2 Divine, 4 is good too, but don’t do more.


  • Assassins
  • Aurelion Sol

Keeper Kennen

TFT Tier List - Patch 11.6 Meta Snapshot

Last Week’s Rank: A

Difficulty: Medium
Item Dependency: Medium
Variance: Medium

Chosen: Keeper


  • Guardian Angel
  • Keeper Chosen

Item Holder: Anyone

How to Play: Video Guide

Standard until 3-2, level to 6 and then roll until stable. Go to 7 at 4-1 or 4-2, and then decide to slowroll on 7 or 8 for Kennen 3 or go 9.


  • Sejuani
  • QSS
  • Kayle


TFT Tier List - Patch 11.6 Meta Snapshot

Last Week’s Rank: B

Difficulty: Medium
Item Dependency: Medium
Variance: High

Chosen: Mage


  • Asol Items (GA, Damage (HoJ, JG), Healing (HoJ, Gunblade))
  • Mage Chosen

Item Holder: Twisted Fate

How to Play: Full Guide

Standard leveling pattern. Can play from Fortune start too to get higher chance of getting Spatula.


  • Magic Resistance
  • Assassins bypassing Annie
  • Zephyr vs Annie if she doesn’t have Quicksilver
TFT Tier List - Patch 11.6 Meta Snapshot

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A Tier: Solid TFT Team Comps. Weaker, less flexible, requires more luck than S-Tier

Brawlers Shyvana

TFT Tier List - Patch 11.6 Meta Snapshot

Last Week’s Rank: A

Difficulty: Low
Item Dependency: Medium
Variance: Medium

Chosen: Brawler


  • Brawler Chosen

Item Holder: Anyone until Shyvana

How to Play:

Go for Shyvana 3* at level 7 or 8 depending on gold, HP, and how many Shyvanas you have

Shyvana Items: Runaan’s, Deathblade, Hand of Justice, Guardian Angel, Rapidfire Cannon, Rageblade, Giantslayer


  • Giantslayer

Fabled Vanguard Mystic

TFT Tier List - Patch 11.6 Meta Snapshot

Last Week’s Rank: B

Difficulty: Medium
Item Dependency: High
Variance: High

Chosen: Fabled, Vanguard, Mystic


  • Neeko Items (Jeweled Gauntlet and Survivability)
  • Early 3 Fabled

Item Holder: Any caster early game

How to Play: Full Guide

Go 6 Vanguard 2 Mystic or 4 Vanguard 4 Mystic depending on opponents.

Slow roll at 7 if you have a lot of Neeko and Nautilus for 3*. If not, go 9.

Items for Neeko: I feel like Guardian Angel is super super strong because her ultimate takes so long to cast. Jeweled Gauntlet is probably the best item. Gunblade or offensive item is best for 3rd item.


  • Aurelion Sol if he can 1 shot Neeko.
  • Assassins if Neeko can get caught

Enlightened Talon

TFT Tier List - Patch 11.6 Meta Snapshot

Last Week’s Rank: B

Difficulty: High
Item Dependency: Low
Variance: Medium

Chosen: Enlightened, Syphoner, Assassin, Adept, Divine


  • Morellonomicon for Morgana
  • 3 items for Talon (Guardian Angel + Sword items)

Item Holder: Any Attack Damage item user.  Kindred works really well.

How to Play:

Standard Leveling OR Slow Roll for Fiora 3* into this comp


  • Zz’Rot Portal to aggro Talon to a tank
  • Positioning around Talon so he gets stuck on a tank.


TFT Tier List - Patch 11.6 Meta Snapshot

Last Week’s Rank: B

Difficulty: Low
Item Dependency: Medium
Variance: High

Chosen: Duelist


  • Early Chosen Yasuo + at least 2 item components

Item Holder: Garen for tank items, Anyone for offensive items

How to Play:

Start game with Chosen Yasuo.  Slow roll at 5.  Hit Yasuo and then level up and play whatever.  If you have a lot of Jax, go for 3* Jax and itemize him after Yasuo. Otherwise, go Fast 8/9


  • High damage teams
TFT Tier List - Patch 11.6 Meta Snapshot

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B Tier: Playable, but not Preferred. These comps could be strong if uncontested.


TFT Tier List - Patch 11.6 Meta Snapshot

Last Week’s Rank: B

Difficulty: High
Item Dependency: Medium
Variance: Medium

Chosen: Dragonsoul


  • Aurelion Sol or Shyvana Items

Item Holder: Brand, Any early 2 star that you will sell

How to Play: FULL GUIDE (for Olaf)

Build early game items on Brand or a random 2* such as Luden’s Echo. Statikk Shiv Trist works too.

Strongest board -> Fast 8 roll down on 4-5. OR Roll on 7 at 4-1 for 1 Aurelion or 2* Shyv (spend ~20gold only)

Option 2: Tristana Reroll (need Tristana items early and at least 5 Tristanas at 2-7).


Spirit Sharpshooter

TFT Tier List - Patch 11.6 Meta Snapshot

Last Week’s Rank: S

Difficulty: High
Item Dependency: High
Variance: Medium

Chosen: Sharpshooter, Spirit. If you have Sharpshooter Chosen, take out Nidalee. If you have Spirit Chosen, take out Kindred


  • Lots of Tristanas and preferably lots of Dianas too
  • At least 1 Locket since you do not run tanks
  • Quicksilver on Tristana + 2 damage items. Last Whisper vs Vanguards, Hand of Justice vs other (can use other AD/AS items too)

Item Holder: N/A

How to Play:

Slow Roll for Tristana and Diana and maybe Teemo later.

You need to know when to ‘give up’ on certain 3 stars. For example, sometimes you can run Sivir carry instead of Tristana if you can’t get Trist 3. Sometimes you put lockets on Teemo instead of Diana if you don’t have Diana 3.

At later levels, add Mystic or random tanks or 6 Sharpshooters.


  • Jax can dodge Tristana for a while if she does not have RFC
  • Kayle with RFC

Sharpshooters Vanguards

TFT Tier List - Patch 11.6 Meta Snapshot

Last Week’s Rank: B

Difficulty: Medium
Item Dependency: High
Variance: Medium

Chosen: Sharpshooter or Spirit (for 4 Spirit)


  • Lots of Sivirs and Sivir items

Item Holder: Random Damage early game unit

How to Play:

Slowroll for Sivir 3* at 7 or 8



TFT Tier List - Patch 11.6 Meta Snapshot

Last Week’s Rank: B

Difficulty: Medium
Item Dependency: Medium
Variance: Low

Chosen: Cultist


  • Chosen Cultist

Item Holder: Any non Cultist unit

How to Play:

This comp is great below Challenger


(1) Slow Roll:

Slow Roll for Twisted Fate and Elise 3, maybe even Pyke 3.  Power level to 8 and get Zilean for 9 Cultists. 

(2) 6 Cultists/Flex:

Normal Leveling and find a carry to flex into a different comp


  • Giantslayer is good against Galio


TFT Tier List - Patch 11.6 Meta Snapshot

Last Week’s Rank: B

Difficulty: Medium
Item Dependency: Medium
Variance: Medium

Chosen: Warlord, Legendary


  • Warlord Chosen
  • Early winstreak
  • Early Kat items

Item Holder: Garen for tank items, Anyone for offensive items

How to Play: Full Guide | Video Guide

Standard Leveling or Slow Roll for Nidalee 3*

Can use Katarina carry, Tryndamere carry, or both. Reroll Nidalee is really strong if you have a lot of Nidalees early


Quick Tips for Climbing at Start of Season

Mage Elderwood

TFT Tier List - Patch 11.6 Meta Snapshot
5 Mage 6 Elderwood
TFT Tier List - Patch 11.6 Meta Snapshot
9 Elderwood Version

Last Week’s Rank: B

Difficulty: Medium
Item Dependency: Medium
Variance: Medium

Chosen: Elderwood, Mage


  • Sunfire Rakan
  • 3 Items for Asol
  • Spatula is really really nice
  • 6 Elderwood 5 Mage power spike at level 8

Item Holder:

How to Play: Full Guide | Video Guide

Standard Leveling

9 Elderwood 3 Mage with Elderwood Chosen

5 Mage with Mage Chosen



TFT Tier List - Patch 11.6 Meta Snapshot

Last Week’s Rank: B

Difficulty: High
Item Dependency: High
Variance: High

Chosen: Assassin


  • Akali items + lots of Akalis

Item Holder: Any early game unit

How to Play

Slow roll at 7 or 8 for Akali 3.


Rank up with a Challenger TFT Coach

C Tier and Below: These are compositions that are weak, but if they are given to you, you might be forced to play them.

Zed – Spirit or Ninja (Spirit is better)

TFT Tier List - Patch 11.6 Meta Snapshot

Last Week’s Rank: B

Chosen: Slayer, sometimes Spirit

Difficulty: Low
Item Dependency: High
Variance: High


  • RFC for Zed
  • QSS for Zed

Item Holder: Just use the Zed you have early

How to Play:

Best board until stage 7. Can also lose streak Stage 2 and roll at level 6 on Stage 3-2

Do Spirit or Ninja

Slow Roll at 7


Kindred Zeke’s holder


Akali Zeke’s holder


  • Grouping units in back to have anti Assassin positioning

Reroll Diana Spirit Assassins

TFT Tier List - Patch 11.6 Meta Snapshot

Last Week’s Rank: B

Difficulty: Low
Item Dependency: High
Variance: Medium

Chosen: Spirit, Assassin


  • 3 items for Diana
  • Early Chosen Diana

Item Holder: Diana

How to Play:

Slow roll at level 5 for Diana. You can also try 6 Assassin 2 Spirit.


Reroll Nasus

TFT Tier List - Patch 11.6 Meta Snapshot

Last Week’s Rank: C

Difficulty: Low
Item Dependency: High
Variance: Medium

Chosen: Syphoner


  • Lots of Nasus (Nasi?) and items for him
  • You really want Syphoner Nasus, but Divine is playable if you get a lot of Nasuses

Item Holder: Nasus

How to Play:

Reroll for Nasus at level 5 (Slow Roll)

Items for Nasus: I prefer 2 defensive + Jeweled Gauntlet. Can build Titan’s, Dragonclaw, Bramblevest


  • Anti Heal (Morello/Kindred/Sunfire)
TFT Tier List - Patch 11.6 Meta Snapshot

To get the latest video tutorials, head on over to my channel at

TFT Items

Carousel Item Priority

High Priority >>>> Low Priority

TFT Tier List - Patch 11.6 Meta Snapshot

TFT Item Quadrant

The closer to the Top Right, the better and more versatile the item is. Avoid items on Bottom Left if possible.

Strength (y-axis) is based on how effective an item is in the situations where it is most used.  Items that are strong at all stages of the game are listed higher.

Versatility (x-axis) is based on both the number of Compositions an item fits in and Champions an item is used on.  Versatility is also how often you could build an item.

TFT Tier List - Patch 11.6 Meta Snapshot


Even though I was Challenger in Set 1 and Grandmaster in Set 2, I know there are many players better than me.  This is why I scout the Top 10 players in all major regions and analyze what they play and how they play each TFT build to make this Tier List.  Tiers are determined by what I think will get you the highest average rank.  This means that while one composition might be super strong late game, it may be difficult to acquire, so it may not be S-Tier.  For example, it is difficult to win with certain compositions, but extremely easy to Top 4.  Rankings within a tier are very close together.  Always try to play with what makes sense for every game, and adapt to your lobbies with proper tech choices.

DifficultyItem Dependency, and Variance are listed.  Difficulty is how hard the composition is to play.  Difficulty does not factor into the strength or viability of the composition but serves as a factor for new players.  Item dependency is how important specific items are to the composition.  Variance is the approximate placement range of the composition.  For example, a consistent Top 4 composition has Low variance.  A composition that either places 1st or 8th has a High variance. If I mention that a composition is Forcible, it means that you can play this comp every game.

Knowing how to get better at TFT is much more important than knowing what compositions to play. Knowing how to play Teamfight Tactics will help you no matter what patch it is.

Tier placement assumes strong play.  Refer to Difficulty metric before attempting to play.

Video Guide

2 thoughts on “TFT Tier List – Patch 11.6 Meta Snapshot”

  1. I’m farming my Fates Pass 2 currently. While ranking back up. Currently moving through Gold NA. For NA Gold atm, Cultists are hard to play(per Bunnies recommendation for low elo climbing) due to the large amount of people trying to play them. Guessing they read Bunnies recommendation too lol. I was playing around with the different comps today while bored grinding. I tried bunnies Sharpshooter/Spirit comp. I have to recommend it as well for lower Elo. It requires minimal effort/knowledge while easily placing top 4. I played it 5 times while grinding gold. I placed top 4 in 4/5 games that i played. I would call it a “Watch Netflix on your other monitor comp”. Since it is so easy to p[ay. Basically i would only buy the champs from the Meta guide while saving gold. Waiting to get either Chosen Spirit or Sharpshooters. Then i would spend everything to max my team to get an early lead. 4/4 and 4/4 early is very strong Lower Elo people rarely block other player builds, change comps to counter other players or buy items to deal with it. It gets pretty outscaled as the game goes late however. It’s not really a build that wins games. Basically get ahead. Once outscaled lose slowly and place top 4. With perfect items and rolls you can win. You just have to get really far ahead and end the game early. The only real requirements is having Chosen Spirt/Sharpshooters. I just started this season and made a lot of mistakes while leaning it. It powered through my newbness. It requires very little Econ, skill or attention. I’m using it to auto pilot my way through gold pretty decently. Thanks for the builds Bunny. You are a life saver! 🙂

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