TFT Set 5.5 Tier List – Patch 11.15b Meta Snapshot Week 2

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Meta Snapshot Summary

Updated 8/6 – B PATCH UPDATE!! Also, Riot is on vacation, so the next patch is August 11.

Note that pretty much all the recommended items can be replaced by a Radiant item

Of course with the start of every set, new things are being discovered everyday, so be sure to be on the lookout by bookmarking this page or subscribing to my YouTube for the latest news and comps.

Check LEVELING GUIDE so you know what to do for each comp (includes reroll)

Quick Tips for Climbing at Start of Season

9 Advanced Tips to get to Challenger

Best TFT Comps for Set 5.5 Patch 11.15b

S: Sentinels, Abomination,
A: Hellion, Aphelios, Invokers, Nigthbringer Yasuo,
B: Cavalier Cannoneer, Assassins, Forgotten Draven, Skirmishers, Redeemed Vel’Koz, Dawnbringer Karma,
C: Kayle Knights,

Note that Items don’t really matter that much, so don’t grief your game to get specific items unless I mention a specific item is required.

Try out different types of positioning and champions in these comps too! There is a ton of variation in TFT so be sure to check out the Core units and then flex the rest of your team!

Check out the Cheat Sheet for easy reference in each of your games!



Video Breakdown

TFT Comps Tier List Set 5.5

S Tier: Best TFT Comps – Highly Flexible or Very Strong


TFT Set 5.5 Tier List - Patch 11.15b Meta Snapshot Week 2
Swap Gwen/Lulu for Rell/Naut if you need Armor instead of MR. Can also use Fiddlesticks for Mystic

Last Week’s Rank: S

Difficulty: Medium
Item Dependency: Medium
Variance: Medium


Item Holder:

How to Play:

Standard Leveling

Lucian Items: LW, HoJ, Deathblade, IE, BT, JG, Warmogs

Core: Lucian, Senna, Akshan, Galio, Rakan, 6th Sentinel. Add either 4 Cannoneer, Mystics, or Ironclad

Can also do 3 Sentinel and run more complementary synergies or 4 Cannoneer


Abomination Heimer

TFT Set 5.5 Tier List - Patch 11.15b Meta Snapshot Week 2

Last Week’s Rank: A

Difficulty: Low
Item Dependency: High
Variance: Medium


  • Early Draconics
  • Early Abominations
  • Items for Abomination (mix of tank and damage is nice)
  • I like having a Radiant item for the Abom

Item Holder:

How to Play: Gameplay

Get early Draconic start for Zyra 3* OR go for Heimer


TFT Set 5.5 Tier List - Patch 11.15b Meta Snapshot Week 2

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A Tier: Solid TFT Team Comps. Weaker, less flexible, requires more luck than S-Tier

Hellion Reroll

TFT Set 5.5 Tier List - Patch 11.15b Meta Snapshot Week 2

Last Week’s Rank: B

Difficulty: Low
Item Dependency: Medium
Variance: High


  • Early Hellions and lots of HP

Item Holder: Ziggs for Teemo, Trist for Trist

How to Play:

Reroll on level 5 or 6 depending on

  • If you can hit 3* one costs at level 5
  • Or go straight for 3* Tristana at level 6.


  • Zephyr on Kennen
  • Backline access


TFT Set 5.5 Tier List - Patch 11.15b Meta Snapshot Week 2
Take out Nightbringers for Ironclad or Mystic or Revenant or a combo of those

Last Week’s Rank: S

Difficulty: Medium
Item Dependency: Medium
Variance: Low


  • Aphelios Items (Deathblade, BT, Rageblade, Shojin, IE, LW)

Item Holder: Any 2* backline/ranged unit

How to Play:

Standard Leveling

Core: Aphelios, Akshan, Rell, Sejuani. Add a combination of the following: 4 Nightbringer, Mystics, Ironclad, Revenant, Knights–lots of different options.



TFT Set 5.5 Tier List - Patch 11.15b Meta Snapshot Week 2

Last Week’s Rank: A

Difficulty: High
Item Dependency: High
Variance: Medium


  • Items for Heimer
  • Hitting the comp (hard to do and risky)

Item Holder: Early game caster. Sometimes Karma

How to Play:

Standard Leveling

Need to get a Heimer 1 on 8, if not you can only go for the comp on level 9, which is difficult to do. You only go this comp if you are doing really well that game and have tons of gold because this comp can’t be played every game and is hard to pull off if you don’t get a little lucky.

Best late game comp


Nightbringer Yasuo

TFT Set 5.5 Tier List - Patch 11.15b Meta Snapshot Week 2
Can add Jax/Irelia

Last Week’s Rank: A

Difficulty: Medium
Item Dependency: High
Variance: High


  • Lots of Yasuos

Item Holder:

How to Play:

Slow roll at 7

Core: Yasuo, Diana, Lee Sin, Sejuani. The other 4 units are flex (Ironclad, Skirmishers, Mystic, Nightbringer)


TFT Set 5.5 Tier List - Patch 11.15b Meta Snapshot Week 2

For full gameplay and Q&A, check out my live stream at

B Tier: Playable, but not Preferred. These comps could be strong if uncontested.

Cavalier Cannoneer

TFT Set 5.5 Tier List - Patch 11.15b Meta Snapshot Week 2

Last Week’s Rank: B

Difficulty: Low
Item Dependency: Medium
Variance: Low


Item Holder:

How to Play:

Slow Roll at 6 for all the 2 cost 3 stars


Assassins (4 or 6)

TFT Set 5.5 Tier List - Patch 11.15b Meta Snapshot Week 2

Last Week’s Rank: B

Difficulty: Medium
Item Dependency: High
Variance: Medium


  • Nocturnes

Item Holder: Anyone

How to Play:

Slow Roll at 7 for Nocturne 3.

Can go 6 Assassin if you get the Spatula item. Use Fiddle as second carry or Viego

I like positioning Viego and Pyke on opposite sides


  • Positioning
  • Melee carries

Forgotten Draven

TFT Set 5.5 Tier List - Patch 11.15b Meta Snapshot Week 2

Last Week’s Rank: B

Difficulty: Medium
Item Dependency: Medium
Variance: Low


  • Draven Items

Item Holder: Vayne or Kalista

How to Play:

Standard Leveling

You can play 6 Forgotten or 4 Forgotten with 4 Knights


Skirmishers Knights

TFT Set 5.5 Tier List - Patch 11.15b Meta Snapshot Week 2

Last Week’s Rank: B

Difficulty: Medium
Item Dependency: High
Variance: Medium


Item Holder: Attack damage early game unit like Udyr or Kalista

How to Play:

Standard Leveling

One Trick:

I’ve seen some 6 skirm builds, but this version has had the higher ranking players play it.


  • Volibear (breaks all shields)

Vel’Koz (6 Redeemed)

TFT Set 5.5 Tier List - Patch 11.15b Meta Snapshot Week 2

Last Week’s Rank: B

Difficulty: Medium
Item Dependency: Medium
Variance: Medium


  • Velkoz Damage Item and Mana Item
  • Tank Items on Rell

Item Holder: Kalista or Varus or Ziggs (any caster)

How to Play:

Standard Leveling

Can do 3 Redeemed build with more complementary synergies/legendaries

Can itemize Lux and put her next to your team. (Rageblade Shojin)


  • CC on Velkoz such as Thresh or Diana (if Velkoz does not have QSS)
  • Assassins

Dawnbringer Karma

TFT Set 5.5 Tier List - Patch 11.15b Meta Snapshot Week 2

Last Week’s Rank: B

Difficulty: Medium
Item Dependency: Medium
Variance: Low


  • Tear item for Karma and 2 damage items

Item Holder: Early game caster

How to Play:

Standard Leveling

Dawnbringers can use a lot of different carries, but Karma is the best one.

Can go 4 Invoker Late Game with Teemo Carry


3* Nidalee/Riven Carry – Slow roll at level 7 for them


  • Late game you swap items from Karma to Teemo

Rank up with a Challenger TFT Coach

C Tier and Below: These are compositions that are weak, but if they are given to you, you might be forced to play them.

Kayle Knights

TFT Set 5.5 Tier List - Patch 11.15b Meta Snapshot Week 2

Last Week’s Rank: C

Difficulty: Low
Item Dependency: Medium
Variance: High


  • Hitting Kayle

Item Holder:

How to Play:

Fast 8 and hit a Kayle


TFT Set 5.5 Tier List - Patch 11.15b Meta Snapshot Week 2

To get the latest video tutorials, head on over to my channel at

TFT Items

Carousel Item Priority (Start of Game)

High Priority >>>> Low Priority

TFT Set 5.5 Tier List - Patch 11.15b Meta Snapshot Week 2

TFT Item Quadrant – Will Update Next Week

The closer to the Top Right, the better and more versatile the item is. Avoid items on Bottom Left if possible.

Strength (y-axis) is based on how effective an item is in the situations where it is most used.  Items that are strong at all stages of the game are listed higher.

Versatility (x-axis) is based on both the number of Compositions an item fits in and Champions an item is used on.  Versatility is also how often you could build an item.

TFT Set 5.5 Tier List - Patch 11.15b Meta Snapshot Week 2


  • How are compositions ranked?
    • There are many factors, but the two strongest ones are how often they can be played and how strong they are when you get it. Think of it like frequency of being played combined with how well it can potentially do.
    • I also rank them based on how often the best players in the world play each comp (top 10 players in major regions)
  • Why isn’t XYZ Comp here?
    • Probably not played enough, not strong enough, or maybe it hasn’t been discovered yet and will hopefully be added next week.
    • It’s also impossible to fit every single variation of every composition on a tier list, so expect variations of these comps to do well too.
    • I also add in different versions of different comps in the notes, so be sure to read through them! (For example, one synergy might have two different playstyles such as reroll or standard)
  • What does Difficulty, Item Dependency, and Variance mean?
    • Difficulty is how hard the composition is to play.  Difficulty does not factor into the strength or viability of the composition but serves as a factor for new players. 
    • Item dependency is how important specific items are to the composition. 
    • Variance is the approximate placement range of the composition.  For example, a consistent Top 4 composition has Low variance.  A composition that either places 1st or 8th has a High variance.
  • Does what composition I play matter?
    • No. Playing TFT well matters a lot more
  • I can’t get these exact items every game
    • You don’t need perfect items or exact items unless specified in the Requirements section. Most of the time you just need ‘playable’ items and not ‘best in slot’ (BIS)
  • You are wrong, XYZ comp should be in S tier and ABC player said this S tier comp sucks
    • Everyone has different opinions. I try to take a data based approach by analyzing games from the best players in each region to combine all their opinions.
    • At the end of the day, comp doesn’t matter much compared to just playing TFT well (rolling, managing econ, positioning, etc). If you check out the best players, you will see that each player favors different compositions yet they are all very highly ranked.
  • When is this site updated?
    • Every Friday
  • Where can I learn more?
    • There are many resources and players to learn from. I suggest starting at my YouTube channel and this website.

Knowing how to get better at TFT is much more important than knowing what compositions to play. Knowing how to play Teamfight Tactics will help you no matter what patch it is.

Tier placement assumes strong play.  Refer to Difficulty metric before attempting to play.

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