TFT Meta Snapshot Patch 10.19 – Week 2 Update

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Meta Snapshot Summary

Lots of changes in Week 2 of this meta.  Enlightened Talon has taken a back seat.  Ahri comps have become the best comp.  Spirits and Shades made a big comeback as well.  The top 3 comps right now are Riven, Ashe, and Ahri comps.

Due to popular demand, I will separate Cultist and Dusk builds  I guess if it is 6 or 9 Cultists, I will call it Cultist, and disregard 3 Cultists.

I also added Chosen Options as a segment of each comp, so you know which synergies to look for!  Good luck this week!

S: DuskElderwood Brawler Ashe, Ahri
A: Cultists, Sharpshooter, Enlightened, Shade Spirit, Moonlight Aphelios
B: Moonlight Lissandra, Moonlight Diana, Duelist, Wukong Carry, Warlords, Twisted Fate Reroll
C: Ninjas, 6 Mages, 6 Fortune



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TFT Compositions Tier List

S Tier: Highly Flexible or Very Strong

4 or 6 Dusk

TFT Meta Snapshot Patch 10.19 - Week 2 Update
4 or 6 Dusk. Very strong comp right now

Difficulty: High
Item Dependency: Low
Variance: Low

Chosen: Dusk, Mystic


  • Early Cultist Chosen helps a ton because you can transition to this comp from Cultist very easily
  • Riven items

How to Play

Riven Items: If 6 Dusk, go full defensive items.  If 4 Dusk, give her 1 offensive item such as Ionic Spark, Blue Buff, or Hat.  Play early Cultist to win streak and play strongest board.  Roll on 7 until stable on 4-1 or 4-2.  Roll until stable on level 8 at 5-1 or 5-2.  Leftover Items on Jhin or a tank.


  • Jhin is good against Riven

Ashe Brawler Elderwood

TFT Meta Snapshot Patch 10.19 - Week 2 Update
First person who hit Masters played this almost exclusively. Very flexible depending on Chosen and Spatulas for 3,6,9 Elderwood combined with 4,6,8 Brawler

Difficulty: Medium
Item Dependency: Medium
Variance: Low

Chosen: Brawler, Elderwood, Hunter


  • Chosen Elderwood or Brawler.  Sometimes Hunter works.
  • Quicksilver on Ashe.  Many items work on her.  Rageblade is the best damage item.  HoJ, Giantslayer, BT, Deathblade, IE all work, just any damage item for 3rd slot.  
  • Brawler starts

 How to Play

Play strongest board.  Use Tahm Kench as tank item holder.  Use almost any DPS unit to item hold for Ashe.  I prefer Aphelios.  Go 8, play a combination of Elderwood + Brawler depending on your Chosen trait.  Go 9, play as many Setts as possible.  Put AP and tank items on Set.


  • Giant Slayer

Ahri + Frontline

TFT Meta Snapshot Patch 10.19 - Week 2 Update
Ahri kills everything. You don’t need Mage either. You just put tanks in front of her.

Difficulty: Medium
Item Dependency: Medium
Variance: Medium

Chosen: Vanguard, Mystic


  • 2 Damage Items for Ahri + either Shojin or Guardian Angel

How to Play

Play strongest board and use a ranged caster to hold Ahri items.  Slam other non Ahri items to preserve health.   Roll for Ahri on either 7 or 8 depending on your HP and Gold.  

Ahri Items: Jeweled Gauntlet + Hat is the highest DPS for 2 items.  Other items that work is Double Hat, Double Jeweled Gauntlet, Jeweled Gauntlet Infinity Edge.  Guardian Angel can replace Shojin.


  • Spread out
  • Shroud of Stillness to hit Ahri
  • Dragon Claw
  • Guardian Angel


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A Tier: Solid Team Comps. Weaker, less flexible, requires more luck than S-Tier

6 or 9 Cultist + Anything

TFT Meta Snapshot Patch 10.19 - Week 2 Update
Usually it’s 6 Cultist + random stuff. Sometimes you go 9 Cultist or go 3 Cultist with Riven Carry with lots of Dusk. Jhin or Kalista carry work, it depends on your items. Can go more Keepers or go 2 Dusk depending on lobby. Highly flexible

Difficulty: High
Item Dependency: Low
Variance: Low

Chosen: Dusk, Cultist, Keeper, Sharpshooter


  • Early Cultist Chosen helps a ton, but you can pretty much go this every game (assuming normal ‘luck’)

How to Play

Play early Cultist to win streak and play strongest board.  Roll on 7 until stable on 4-1 or 4-2.  Roll until stable on level 8 at 5-1 or 5-2.  Decide if you are going Jhin or Kalista based on items.  Jhin likes all Sword items, Kalista likes attack speed items.


  • Giantslayer is good against Galio


TFT Meta Snapshot Patch 10.19 - Week 2 Update
Jinx carry stuns multiple units with Sharpshooter trait. Can go 4 or 6 Sharpshooter

Difficulty: Medium
Item Dependency: High
Variance: Medium

Chosen: Sharpshooter, Spirit


  • Early Jinx items

How to Play



  • Aatrox if no Quicksilver


TFT Meta Snapshot Patch 10.19 - Week 2 Update
Flexible comp with Talon and Morgana carry

Difficulty: High
Item Dependency: Medium
Variance: Low

Chosen: Enlightened, Assassin, Adept, Mystic


  • Morellonomicon for Morgana
  • 3 items for Talon (Sword items, Hand of Justice)

Bonus: Tank items for Shen

How to Play

You can transition into this comp with almost anything.  You just need the right items. I do prefer Assassin transitions into this or Janna early games.


  • Positioning around Talon so he gets stuck on a tank.

Shade Spirit

TFT Meta Snapshot Patch 10.19 - Week 2 Update
Spirit comps are taking over right now

Difficulty: Medium
Item Dependency: Medium
Variance: Medium

Chosen: Shade, Spirit, Mystic


  • RFC for Zed and 2 other offensive items

How to Play

Chosen Zed is really strong and lets you 3 star him really easily.  You don’t need him 3 star if you can fast 9 instead to play a lot of Legendaries.

Put random tank items on Yuumi.  You can also do Guardian Angel Ahri and frontline Ahri


  • CC on Zed
  • Anti Assassin positioning

Moonlight Aphelios

TFT Meta Snapshot Patch 10.19 - Week 2 Update
New Aphelios Build that utilizes 4 Spirit. Popular in Korea

Difficulty: High
Item Dependency: High
Variance: High

Chosen: Moonlight, Hunter, Spirit


  • Chosen Aphelios
  • GA/Rageblade Aphelios, and preferably QSS 3rd item.

How to Play

A top 10 Korean player ONLY goes for Chosen Aphelios, but you can use either Moonlight, Hunter, or Spirit.  Slow roll for Aphelios and the other Moonlights at level 5. 

Items for Aphelios: Guardian Angel is by far the best item, followed by Rageblade.  3rd item can be QSS, Statik shiv, Spear of Shojin, Any damage item. 


  • Aatrox since Aphelios typically does not have Quicksilver
  • Crowd Control on Aphelios
  • Adept (if no Quicksilver)


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B Tier: Playable, but not Preferred. These comps could be strong if uncontested.

Moonlight Lissandra

TFT Meta Snapshot Patch 10.19 - Week 2 Update
Another Moonlight carry comp but with Lissandra. It works really well because you can get a ton of 3 star units with Vanguards. Highly situational because you need Chosen and lots of Lissandras, but if you hit, you will do well.

Difficulty: Low
Item Dependency: High
Variance: High

Chosen: Moonlight


  • Chosen Moonlights and lots of the 1 cost units early
  • Tear and AP items for Lissandra

How to Play

Slow roll for all the Moonlights and 1 cost Vanguards.  Power level after you hit the Moonlights.  Play random strong units after that.  


  • Dragon Claw or Mystics
  • Assassins to kill Lissandra

Moonlight Diana + Assassins

TFT Meta Snapshot Patch 10.19 - Week 2 Update
Diana carry with Lissandra to support

Difficulty: Low
Item Dependency: High
Variance: High

Chosen: Moonlight


  • Early Moonlight Chosens
  • Hextech Gunblade and tank items for Diana

How to Play

Get an early Chosen Moonlight Diana or Lissandra before committing to the composition.  Slow roll for Diana and Lissandra.  Add 4-6 Assassin and a tank unit/legendaries.


  • High damage such as Jhin


TFT Meta Snapshot Patch 10.19 - Week 2 Update
Chosen Yasuo and then force Duelists. Slow roll for Yasuo 3 and then go fast 8/9. Can do 6 or 4 Duelist depending on items and what champions you hit. Don’t force this without chosen Yasuo or a ton of Yasuos early. Yasuo items are pretty flexible. Use IE/Titans/QSS/HoJ/Rageblade etc.

Difficulty: Low
Item Dependency: Low
Variance: High

Chosen: Duelist


  • Early Chosen Yasuo + at least 2 item components

How to Play

Start game with Chosen Yasuo.  Slow roll at 5.  Hit Yasuo and then level up and play whatever.


  • High damage teams

Wukong Carry

TFT Meta Snapshot Patch 10.19 - Week 2 Update

Difficulty: Low
Item Dependency: High
Variance: High

Chosen: Vanguard, Mystic, Wukong


  • Lots of Wukongs early
  • RFC for Wukong

How to Play

Slow roll for Wukong.  Play Vanguard Mystics.


  • Gets outscaled late game


TFT Meta Snapshot Patch 10.19 - Week 2 Update
Katarina 3* + other units. Warlords and good units

Difficulty: Easy
Item Dependency: High
Variance: High

Chosen: Katarina, Warlord, Assassin


  • 3  Star Katarina

How to Play

Get a Warlord or Assassin Chosen Katarina.  Get her 3* and play 3-6 Warlords and random strong units (4 and 5 costs).


  • Spread out

Twisted Fate Annie Reroll

TFT Meta Snapshot Patch 10.19 - Week 2 Update
Reroll and win with Chosen TF Mage. It is broken–1 shots everything.

Difficulty: Low
Item Dependency: High
Variance: High

Chosen: Mage or to complete a 3* Annie or TF


  • Good TF items
  • Early TF with Mage Chosen on anyone

How to Play

Slow roll for TF then power level after you hit Twisted Fate 3 star.


  • Magic Resistance
  • Assassins vs TF
  • Zephyr vs Annie if she doesn’t have Quicksilver

C Tier and Below: These are compositions that are weak, but if they are given to you, you might be forced to play them.

Ninjas (Assassin or Shade)

TFT Meta Snapshot Patch 10.19 - Week 2 Update
Assassin or Shade is good (don’t go both). It depends on which Chosen you get. They both use RFC well. Go for Akali in Ninja Assassins. Go for Zed in Ninja Shade. Add random synergies like Adept, Mystic, or Keeper after the Ninja + Shade/Assassins

Difficulty: Medium
Item Dependency: Medium
Variance: Medium

Chosen: Assassin, Shade


  • RFC and Blue Buff if you are going for Akali
  • RFC for Zed.  Guardian Angel or Rageblade are great other options.
  • Hitting Ninjas at a reasonable time

How to Play

Play strongest board until it looks like a Ninja game, such as hitting a Chosen Ninja or getting a few of them in the same shop.  Slow roll at level 6 or 7 if going for Zed carry (you need 3* Zed and the level you roll at depends on the state of the game).  For Akali, go 7 at 4-1 or 4-2 and roll.  Level 8 at 5-1 or 5-2.


  • Grouping units in back to have anti Assassin positioning
  • Zephyr on Shen since he is a solo tank

6 Mages

TFT Meta Snapshot Patch 10.19 - Week 2 Update

Item Dependency:


  • Mana and AP items

How to Play

6 Fortune (TBD)

Item Dependency:




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Carousel Item Priority

Higher Priority Items

Lower Priority Items


TFT Meta Snapshot Patch 10.19 - Week 2 Update
S: Glove Chain
A: Sword Bow
B: Belt Rod
C: Negatron
F: Tear

Item Quadrant (TBD)

The closer to the Top Right, the better and more versatile the item is. Avoid items on Bottom Left if possible.

Strength (y-axis) is based on how effective an item is in the situations where it is most used.  Items that are strong at all stages of the game are listed higher.

Versatility (x-axis) is based on both the number of Compositions an item fits in and Champions an item is used on.  Versatility is also how often you could build an item.


Even though I was Challenger in Set 1 and Grandmaster in Set 2, I know there are many players better than me.  This is why I scout the Top 10 players in all major regions and analyze what they play and how they play each composition to make this Tier List.  Tiers are determined by what I think will get you the highest average rank.  This means that while one composition might be super strong late game, it may be difficult to acquire, so it may not be S-Tier.  For example, it is difficult to win with certain compositions, but extremely easy to Top 4.  Rankings within a tier are very close together.  Always try to play with what makes sense for every game, and adapt to your lobbies with proper tech choices.

DifficultyItem Dependency, and Variance are listed.  Difficulty is how hard the composition is to play.  Difficulty does not factor into the strength or viability of the composition but serves as a factor for new players.  Item dependency is how important specific items are to the composition.  Variance is the approximate placement range of the composition.  For example, a consistent Top 4 composition has Low variance.  A composition that either places 1st or 8th has a High variance. If I mention that a composition is Forcible, it means that you can play this comp every game.

Tier placement assumes strong play.  Refer to Difficulty metric before attempting to play.

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5 thoughts on “TFT Meta Snapshot Patch 10.19 – Week 2 Update”

  1. I’m glad that you separated dusk from cultists. Like I commented on your YouTube video, I didn’t even watch it since I didn’t see one of the best comps on your list in the first minute.

    • I think they still are the same though. It’s the same ‘pathway’ to them. LIke for both you go Cultist or keeper start, and then you go with whichever comp you hit after. I think both comps are good just because they are flexible, not cuz their end game powerlevel is high. Both want Riven Jhin Aatrox, just depends on ur items

  2. I’m having a hard time finding an item holder for Riven. Been trying to use Kennen to hold GA, but the transition feels awkward because Riven is the carry, but is holding tank items. Is there someone who fits this before you get Riven?

    • I use Elise Jarvan or Kennen. they all work. can also use a vanguard or brawler if those are your early game tank. I don’t typically slam GA, but i know other players do. If it’s GA, then it’s Kennen. You can also put GA on your backline carry such as TF

  3. I really like the style of this comp listing, makes it quite easy to figure out how to play each comp. Thank you and please keep it up!

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