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Meta Snapshot Summary
How I’ll play this patch:
- Pray for Twin Terror augment. If not:
- Force a reroll comp based on my Stage 1 items
- Jinx with Rageblade
- Yone/Riven use similar items (Titan’s, BT, IE, HoJ, etc.)
- Force AP 4 costs
- Twisted Fate or Karthus builds
- Have Heartsteel on 2-1 -> go Ezreal/Cait AD flex (need lots of items for this)
- Force a reroll comp based on my Stage 1 items
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We’ve brought Voids1n back to show us Set 10 comps. He is the Set 5 MSI winner and reaches top 10 every set. Catch his streams on Twitch or get coaching from him!
Check out the Patch Review!
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Check Leveling Guide so you know what to do for each comp (includes reroll and Augments)
* TFT Dictionary *
8 Must Know TFT Terms
How to Learn TFT
Fundamentals of TFT
5 Playstyles for Climbing
* How to Actually get to Challenger *
Best TFT Comps for Set 10 Patch 14.2 Meta
S: Heartsteel Ezreal, Senna Reroll, Katarina Reroll, Lulu Reroll, Seraphine Reroll, Kayle Reroll, Riven Reroll,
A: Pentakill, Twisted Fate Disco, Executioner Reroll, Annie Reroll, Country Reroll, Ahri Warriors, Punk, Miss Fortune Reroll, Yasuo Reroll, True Damage, Twin Terror, Yone Reroll,
B: Ahri Sentinel, Olaf Reroll, Rapidfire Caitlyn Bruisers,
C: Corki Reroll, Jax Reroll, Heartsteel Reroll,
Note that Items don’t really matter that much, so don’t grief your game to get specific items unless I mention a specific item is required.
Try out different types of positioning and champions in these comps too! There is a ton of variation in TFT so be sure to check out the Core units and then flex the rest of your team!
TFT Comps Tier List Set 10
S Tier: Best TFT Comps – Highly Flexible or Very Strong
Punk Reroll
Leveling Pattern: Slow Roll at level 5 for 1 costs. Level 6 for 2 costs
- Lots of Jinxes
Headliner: Jinx (Prefer Rapidfire. If Punk, 6 Punk is really good)
Item Holder: Jinx, Pantheon
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder: Vex
How to Play:
This is a 1 cost reroll comp, so you want to build your econ as much as possible throughout Stage 2. Make sure to not manually push levels, as you want to roll at 3-1 at level 4 for as many Jinxes and Vis as possible, then look for Pantheon 3* after. This is a top 4 comp, not a winout comp unless you highroll pretty hard and can get 6 Punk with a Punk Emblem.
- Jinx items: Runaan’s Hurricane, Last Whisper, Giant Slayer, Deathblade
- Pantheon items: Gargoyles x2, Any generic tank item
- Twitch items: AD items + Antiheal, both Morello and Red Buff work
- 4/6 Punk
Extended Play, Binary Airdrop, Pumping Up, Lucky Streak, On a Roll, Unified Resistance
Twin Terror
Leveling Pattern: 2-Cost Reroll
- Twin Terror augment
Headliner: Vex, Samira
Item Holder: Vex, Samira, Amumu
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder: None
How to Play: Try to econ and save as much HP as possible. Ideally fit in punk on stage 3 and use punk rolls to upgrade your board with little investment. 4-1 roll for Executioner Vex or Samira. This board stabilizes very well in stage 4. Wincons are Amumu 3, Vex 3, and Samira 3. Throw any leftover items on Vex. Once you hit everything, go level 8 for amumu 2 and replace pantheon 2 with thresh 2.
- Vex items: Blue Buff/Adaptive Helm, Deathcap, Morello
- Samira Items: Deathblade, Hextech Gunblade, Last Whisperer, Infinity Edge
- Amumu items: Gargoyle x2, Warmogs/Redemption/Bramble/Dragons Claw
- Amumu Vex Twitch Pantheon Samira
Twin terror, Lucky Gloves, Expose Weakness, Martyr, Buried Treasures, Unified Resitance
Level 8
Leveling Pattern: Level to 5 at 2-5, level to 6 at 3-2, level to 7 at 4-1, level to 8 at 4-2/4-5
- Superfan Opener
- Frontline Items
Headliner: Viego, Karthus, Akali
Item Holder: Olaf, Yasuo, Senna, Corki, Annie, Urgot
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder: Akali
How to Play:
This is the most flexible, yet hardest comp in the game as it requires you to go 9 in order to top 2. Slam bruiser items on good early game units and AP items on early backline units. You need at least one mana item on Karthus. On the 4-2 rolldown, try to hit as many pairs as possible. If you get a pentakill chosen, consider dropping superfans for 7 pentakill with Olaf/Yorick, else play Poppy + 1 instead. If you have to make tank items, try pivoting executioners instead, as they use tank + ap items but no bruiser items. On level 9, try to hit yorick 2 with 3 items to cap.
- Viego items: Red Buff, Bloodthirster, Titan’s Resolve, Edge of Night, Deathblade, Sterak’s Gage
- Karthus items: Adaptive Helm, Spear of Shojin, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Guardbreaker
- Akali items: Pentakill Emblem, Infinity Edge, Deathblade, Hand of Justice, Morello, Red Buff
- 5/7 Pentakill
Binary Airdrop, Buried Treasures, Phreaky Friday
Lux Reroll
Leveling Pattern:Â 2 Cost Reroll
Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:
How to Play:
Econ early. Go level 6 on 3-2 and slow roll for Lux 3*. Level up and then roll for 3 costs.
Katarina Reroll
Leveling Pattern: 2-Cost Reroll
- Hoj/JG early components
- Superfan Opener
Headliner: Katarina (Crowd Diver)
Item Holder: Katarina
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:
How to Play:
This is a 2 cost reroll, so you want to build your econ in Stage 2, and roll at 3-2 for Katarina headliner. If you have Country headliner, you can play it temporarily and trade her for the Crowd Diver variant. You really want to hit 6 Crowd Diver as your late game win condition! Look to play this comp if you have components for Jeweled Gauntlet/Hand of Justice. Zhonya’s Hourglass is really good on her as well.
- Katarina items: Jeweled Gauntlet, Hand of Justice, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Zhonya’s Hourglass
- Zed items: Edge of Night, Giant Slayer, Hextech Gunblade, Sterak’s Gage, Deathblade
- Spark + Tank items on Neeko
- Don’t build Anti-Heal as Katarina inherently wounds enemies
- 4/6 Crowd Diver, 3 Superfan
Jeweled Lotus, Phreaky Friday
Country Reroll
Leveling Pattern: Level to 5 at 2-5, level to 6 at 3-2, level to 7 at 4-1, either stay at 7 and slowroll for 3*, or if you have a lot of gold, you can go to 8 at 4-5 and slowroll at 8
- Country Opener: Headliner Country or a Samira or Urgot early drop
- Winstreak early game
Headliner: Urgot, Samira
Item Holder: Samira Vex Amumu Urgot
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder: Any frontliner
How to Play:
Since this is a 3 cost reroll comp, you want to play your strongest board early game and level to 3-5 or 4-1 to 7 and look for an Urgot or Samira Headliner. After you find Samira and Urgot 3*, you can look for Vex/Amumu/Sett 3*. If you get Spatula, go level 8 for 7 country.
- Samira items: Infinity Edge x2, Last Whisperer, Giant Slayer
- Urgot items: Red Buff, Edge of Night, Hextech Gunblade,
- Vex items: AP items + 1 mana
- 5 Country 2 Executioner 2 Mosher
- Threes a crowd – many 3 cost units are in comp great value
- Combat augments – allows additional power for the fights
- Economy augments – allows a higher chance to hit
Seraphine Reroll
Leveling Pattern: 2-Cost Reroll
- Superfan Opener
- Early AP items
Headliner: KDA/Spell Seraphine, ideally KDA but both are takeable
Item Holder: Seraphine then Ahri
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder: KDA Ekko
How to Play:
This is primarily a 2 cost comp, so you want to econ until 3-2 and level to 6 to look for Seraphine Headliner. You want to stabilize and then slowroll above 50g at level 6. After you hit, look to level up for Ahri and then Sona. Anti heal/ Shred can go on whichever tank you hit first.
- Seraphine items: Spear of Shojin, Morellonomicon, Radadon’s Deathcap
- Ahri items: Blue Buff, Nashor’s Tooth, Hextech Gunblade, Giant Slayer, Spear of Shojin
- Tank items on Neeko/Ekko
- 5 KDA 3/5 SpellWeaver
Jeweled Lotus, March of Progress, Remember Your Roots, Spoils of War 1, Infusion, Unified Resistance, Pumping Up 1/2
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A Tier: Solid TFT Team Comps. Weaker, less flexible, requires more luck than S-Tier
Annie Reroll
Leveling Pattern: Roll to 30g at lvl 4 at 3-1. Slow Roll at level 5 for 1 costs.
- Tears + a lot of early annies
Headliner: Emo Annie
Item Holder: Annie
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder: Emo Spat -> Sona or Ahri
How to Play:
This is a 1 cost reroll. It focuses on strength in the early game to tempo into fast leveling. Follow the leveling pattern and then once you hit Annie 3 star, proceed to level to 8 where you can roll again if you aren’t on a streak, if you are, focus on going 9 and capping with Sona. Anti heal and Shred can go on whichever (Neeko/Amumu/Ekko) Secondary tank you hit first.
- Annie items: Spear of Shojin, Nashor’s Tooth, Bluebuff
- Amumu items: Tank items + Spark
- Neeko items: Anti Heal
- 4 Emo, 3 KDA
Cybernetic Bulk, Three’s a Crowd, Trade Sector, Learning to Spell, Stationary Support, Pumping Up 1/2/3
Twisted Fate Disco Dazzler
Leveling Pattern: Level to 5 at 2-5, level to 6 at 3-2, level to 7 at 4-1, level to 8 at 4-2/4-5
- Disco opener (Nami or Taric Headliner + AP items)
Headliner: Twisted Fate, Blitzcrank
Item Holder: Nami, Bard, Lux
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder: Any
How to Play:
This is a 4 cost fast 8 board. You want to play your strongest board early game trying to buy lots of Disco units and level to 3-5 on 7 to keep tempo. Try to win streak and maintain hp while getting over 50 gold. Around 5-1 or 5-2 level your board to level 8 and sell your Headliner for a Twisted Fate Headliner (1st prior) then blitzrank.
Tip: Try and go vertical Dazzlers if you get the Headliner, 6 Dazzlers do a lot of damage
- Twisted Fate items:
- Ziggs items:
- Sona items:
- Blitz/Illaoi items:
- 5 Disco 3 Spellweaver 3/4 Dazzler
Binary Airdrop, New Recruit, Little Buddies, Keepers, Transfusion
Yone Reroll
Leveling Pattern: Level to 5 at 2-5, level to 6 at 3-2, level to 7 at 4-1, either stay at 7 and slowroll for 3*, or if you’re close to 3*ing a 3 cost carry, you can invest to 10g to find the last copies then econ back up.
- Healing on Yone
Headliner: Edgelord/Crowd Diver Yone
Item Holder: Yasuo, gnar, evelynn
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:
How to Play:
You generally play this if you get Gargantuan Resolve or an early Yone and have decent components for this. You want to get Heartsteel ASAP and start cashing out a bit, building econ, and then at 4-1 send it for Yone Headliner and as many Yones as possible at level 7. You can sometimes hit Yone 3 at 4-1 if you’re highrolling, if you don’t have like 8 yones try to leave some econ interest (like ~20g) so you can build your econ back up and roll down again to look for 3*.
- Yone items: Infinity Edge, Bloodthirster, Hand of Justice, Titan’s Resolve, Quicksilver, Edge of Night, Sterak’s Gage
- Zed items: Edge of Night, Infinity Edge, Bloodthirster, Hand of Justice, Titan’s Resolve, Quicksilver, Sterak’s Gage
- Viego items: Bloodthirster, Hand of Justice, Titan’s Resolve, Quicksilver, Edge of Night, Red Buff, Hextech Gunblade
- Need an evenshroud or last whisper for Sentinel players
- 3 Edgelord, 4 Crowddiver, 3 Pentakill
Gargantuan Resolve, Three’s a Crowd, Last Stand, the Edge of Night one, Jeweled Lotus, Harmacist
Riven Reroll
Leveling Pattern: Level to 5 at 2-5, level to 6 at 3-2, level to 7 at 4-1, either stay at 7 and slowroll for 3*, or if you’re close to 3*ing a 3 cost carry, you can invest to 10g to find the last copies then econ back up.
- AD items + Cloak early game
Headliner: Riven
Item Holder: Riven/Viego/Caitlyn
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder: Viego
How to Play:
You generally play this if you get BIS riven items early and/or some rivens early. Put items on melee headliners early like Olaf/Vi/Gnar/Yasuo or urgot and try to play strongest until 4-1. If you manage to get an 8-bit emblem or an early riven without the headliner, you can easily win out. Roll down at 4-1 for 4 8-bit and the pentakill trio. Try to position opposite to their carry unless they’re playing TF. Once you hit riven 3, go level 8 for Viego/Caitlyn 2 and preferrably lucian + 1 jazz unit. With 6 8-bit, play corki instead of rapidfire at 7 and fit rapidfire at 8. Some games you can get away with not having QSS on riven (against low CC boards). If you have Banshee’s, you can drop QSS for Infinity Edge, Titans, or Steadfast Heart.
- Riven items: Quicksilver, Bloodthirster, Giant Slayer, Infinity Edge, Hand of Justice
- Viego items: Morello, Red Buff, Edge of Night, 8 bit Emblem, Sterak’s Gage
- Caitlyn items: Runaan’s Hurricane, Giant Slayer, Infinity Edge, AD ITEMS
- Morde items: Only Evenshroud
- 4/6 bit, 3 Edgelord 3 Pentakill, 2 rapidfire
Idealism, Jeweled Lotus, Vampirism, Insert Coin, Radiant Relics, Unified Resistance, You Have My Sword, Support Cache.
Executioner Akali Karthus
Leveling Pattern: level to 5 at 2-5, level to 6 at 3-2, level to 7 at 4-1, level to 8 at 4-2/4-5
Headliner: Akali Executioner/KDA, Karthus any Headliner
Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:
How to Play:
This is basically the same playstyle as the Ahri Akali comp. You basically just play flex AP until you hit a good Headliner, and if you land on Karthus instead of Ahri you play him instead! Since both comps revolve around Superfan, you want to get Superfan ASAP and maintain your HP until level 8 where you roll down for a relevant Headliner.
- Akali items: Hand of Justice, Titan’s Resolve, Last Whisper, Bloodthirster, Giant Slayer
- Karthus items: Archangel’s Staff, Hextech Gunblade, Giant Slayer, Jeweled Gauntlet, Rabadon’s Deathcap
- 3 Pentakill, 2-4 Executioner
Olaf Reroll
Leveling Pattern: 1-Cost Reroll
- Lots of Olafs
Headliner: Olaf (Bruiser)
Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:
How to Play:
Roll to 30 at 3-1 at level 4. Look for as many Olafs as possible, then econ back up and slowroll at level 5 above 50g. Sterak’s Gage is Olaf’s best item, you only want to play this comp when you have like 6 natural Olafs by 2-1 and have the Bruiser variant, because hitting the 4 Bruiser and 6 Bruiser thresholds early is what makes this comp win Stage 3 and 4. I would avoid playing reroll if you hit Penta Olaf, in that case just use him to hold items early game. Late game, you want 6 Bruiser + secondary carries like Viego, Karthus, Yorick.
- Olaf items: Sterak’s Gage, Bloodthirster, Quicksilver, Titan’s Resolve
- Viego items: Titan’s Resolve, Bloodthirster, Red Buff
- Karthus items: Spear of Shojin, Adaptive Helm, Guardbreaker, Nashor’s Tooth
- 6 Bruiser 3 Pentakill
Too big to fall, Gargantuan Resolve, Binary Airdrop, Jeweled Lotus, Final Ascension
Leveling Pattern: 3 Cost Reroll
- Lots of Samira/Amumu/Vex or Lesser Champion Duplicators
Headliner: Vex or Samira (Executioner only)
Item Holder: Samira, Vex or Amumu
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder: Emo Karthus
How to Play:
Reroll for 3* at level 7 since this is a 3 cost comp. You really want Samira, Vex and Amumu 3* as well as as many copies of Twitch and Pantheon as possible.
- Samira Items: Giant Slayer, Deathblade, Gunblade, Infinity Edge, Hand of Justice
- Vex items: Blue Buff/Adaptive Helm, Deathcap, Morello
- Amumu items: Stoneplate + Tank items
- 6 Executioner
Item Augments, Idealism, Expose Weakness, Binary Airdrop, Lucky Gloves
Miss Fortune Reroll
Leveling Pattern: level to 5 at 2-5, level to 6 at 3-2, level to 7 at 4-1, either stay at 7 and slowroll for 3*, or if you have a lot of gold, you can go to 8 at 4-5 and slowroll at 8
Headliner: Miss Fortune, Neeko, Ekko
Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:
How to Play:
Since this is a 3 cost reroll comp, you want to play your strongest board early game and level to 3-5 or 4-1 to 7 and look for a Miss Fortune Headliner. This is a heavily contested comp, so you might have to level at 3-5 to find your Headliner before contesters! You ideally want to find Neeko and Ekko 3* as well, but since Neeko and Ekko are in many comps it is unlikely you’ll be able to hit 3* versions.
- Miss Fortune items: Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Last Whisper, Giant Slayer, Deathblade, Guardbreaker, Infinity Edge
- Neeko and Ekko items: Tank items
- Bard items: Spear of Shojin, AP items
- 3 Superfan, 2 Bigshot, 2 Jazz, 3 KDA
Yasuo Reroll
Leveling Pattern: 1-Cost Reroll
- Yasuo True Damage Headliner
Headliner: Yasuo True Damage
Item Holder: Yasuo
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder: Yone, Riven
How to Play:
I would only play this comp if I have at least 5 Yasuos by 2-1 and relevant components (At least 1 Sword, Bow, Glove, etc). True Damage Yasuo is a bit better than Edgelord for rerolling. Roll at 3-1 at level 4 until 30g for as many Yasuos as possible. Finish looking for Yasuo 3 at level 5. You eventually want to play 6 True damage 3 Edgelord with Akali duo carry, so look to find some Akali items later on.
- Yasuo items: Edge of Night, Bloodthirster, Infinity Edge, Giant Slayer, Hand of Justice, Hextech Gunblade
- Akali items: Edge of Night, Blue Buff, Bloodthirster, Hand of Justice, Giant Slayer, Titan’s Resolve
- Qiyana items: Blue Buff, Edge of Night, Bloodthirster, Hand of Justice
- 6 True Damage 3 Edgelord
Not Today, Idealism, Blinged Out, Jeweled Lotus
KDA Ahri Akali
Leveling Pattern: level to 5 at 2-5, level to 6 at 3-2, level to 7 at 4-1, level to 8 at 4-2/4-5
- Superfan opener with AP items and KDA units
Headliner: Akali Executioner/KDA, Any Ahri
Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:
How to Play: Gameplay
Since this is a 4 cost comp, you need to play strongest board early, oftentimes exchanging Headliners to preserve HP/play strongest board. Ideally you want to get to level 8 at either 4-2 or 4-5 with enough gold to look for either Ahri or Akali Headliner, so managing your econ well early game is extremely important!
- Ahri items: Blue Buff, Spear of Shojin, Jeweled Gauntlet, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Giant Slayer, Hextech Gunblade
- Akali items: Hand of Justice, Titan’s Resolve, Last Whisper, Bloodthirster, Giant Slayer
- 5 KDA 3 Spellweaver 2 Executioner
Jax Reroll
Leveling Pattern: 2-Cost Reroll
- Put EDM buff on Jax
Headliner: EDM Jax preferred, but honestly take any Jax
Item Holder: Jax
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:
How to Play: This is a 2 cost reroll, which means most of the time you want to econ early and then go level 6 at 3-2 to stabilize a bit/find Headliner Jax. Sometimes you can temporarily take other Headliners like Gnar or Senna to econ up and find Jax later. You should slowroll above 50g at level 6 to find Jax 3*, but if you’re close (7 or 8 Jaxes), you can go below the econ threshold to find the remaining Jaxes. Once you finish finding Jax, level up to duo carry Zed, and if you randomly find a Lux 3*, you can trio carry Lux.
- Jax items: Jeweled Guantlet, Hand of Justice, Quicksilver, Titan’s Resolve, Bloodthirster, Hextech Gunblade, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Giant Slayer
- Zed items: Bloodthirster, Edge of Night, Titan’s Resolve, Giant Slayer, Hand of Justice
- Lux items: AP items
- Zac/Sett items: Tank
Core: 4/5 EDM, 4/6 Mosher
Submit to the Pit, Idealism, Harmacist, Jeweled Lotus, Stationary Support, Crash Test Dummies, Indomitable Will
Rapidfire Caitlyn Bruisers
Leveling Pattern:
Item Holder: Samira,
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:
How to Play:
Roll at 8 for Cait and Zac 2*, as well as 1 copy of illaoi and lucian if possible. This is an AD flex 4 cost comp,
True Damage
Leveling Pattern: Level to 5 at 2-5, level to 6 at 3-2, level to 7 at 4-1, level to 8 at 4-1/4-2/4-5
Headliner: Akali, Caitlyn (ideally if you have True Damage Emblem on her)
Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:
How to Play:
You really want things to keep Akali and Qiyana alive, as they are squishy melee units and are susceptible to cc and burst, like from Ahri. Edge of Night is really good on Akali, otherwise the classic BT + Titans combo is alright too.
Early headliners:
1) Evelynn headliner + Superfan KDA carrying Akali items.
2) Heartsteel with Yone carrying Akali items.
3) Gnar headliner + Superfan carrying Akali items.
4) Yasuo headliner + Superfan carrying Akali items.
Try to level to 8 at 4-1/4-2 to look for your level 8 board. If you go later, Akali + Caitlyns will be gone!
- Akali items: Edge of Night, Infinity Edge, Bloodthirster, Hand of Justice, Titan’s Resolve, Quicksilver, Sterak’s Gage, Hextech Gunblade
- Qiyana items: Edge of Night, Bloodthirster, Hand of Justice, Titan’s Resolve, Blue Buff, Tank items, Thief’s Gloves
- Caitlyn items: Red Buff, Infinity Edge, Spear of Shojin, Deathblade, GIant Slayer, Blue Buff
- Tank items on 4 cost tanks
- 4/6 True damage, 2 Rapidfire, 2 Guardian, 2 Sentinel
Not Today, Blinged Out, You Have My Sword, Harmacist, Vampirism, Idealism, Little Buddies
For full gameplay and Q&A, check out my live stream at https://twitch.tv/bunnymuffinslol
B Tier: Playable, but not Preferred. These comps could be strong if uncontested.
Ahri Sentinel
Leveling Pattern: Level to 5 at 2-5, level to 6 at 3-2, level to 7 at 4-1, level to 8 at 4-1/4-2/4-5
- Blue Buff/Spear of Shojin (Blue Buff pref)
Headliner: Both Ahris, Sentinel Blitzcrank only
Item Holder: Annie, Senna
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:
How to Play:
This is probably one of the best, if not the best 4 cost comp right now because of how resilient the team is.
Opening lines:
1) Annie headliner + Superfan Spellweaver
2) Heartsteel with Senna/Corki/any AP headliner carrying Ahri items
3) Senna headliner + Superfan
4) Seraphine headliner + Superfan
Try to level to 8 at 4-1/4-2 to look for your level 8 board. If you go later, Ahris and Blitzcranks may be gone!
- Ahri: Blue buff, Hextech Gunblade, Nashor’s Tooth, Jeweled Gauntlet
- Blitzcrank items: Redemption, Warmogs, tank items (you want some HP items to balance out the resistances that Sentinels Give)
- You can throw tank items on Ekko/Morde as well.
- The Virtue of the Martyr Support item is really good in this comp because it helps stall for the Sentinels, which is the whole purpose of the comp. Needlessly big gem is good too.
- 3 Spellweaver, 6 Sentinel
Augments: Buried Treasures III, Stationary Support, Help is on the Way, Scrappy inventions, Cybernetic Bulk, Caretaker’s Favor, Binary Airdrop, Roll the Dice, Shopping Spree
Leveling Pattern: level to 5 at 2-5, level to 6 at 3-2, level to 7 at 4-1, level to 8 at 4-2/4-5, level to 9 at 5-1/5-2/5-5
- Ideally you want econ/exp augments
Headliner: Ziggs, Illaoi, Yorick, Qiyana, Lucian, Jhin
Item Holder: Ziggs, Illaoi, Yorick, Qiyana, Lucian, Jhin
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:
How to Play: Gameplay
Fast 9 is one of the best playstyles right now if your understanding of econ management and Headliner is good. You really want one of the econ augments shown, as they help you access level 9 much faster. It is often ideal to trade Headliners at key intervals of the game. For example, if you’re lose streaking early game, you can just greed for a 2 cost Headliner later on for Stage 3. The best late game items are Spear of Shojin + Guinsoo’s Rageblade, as those items are both good on Sona and Ziggs and Jhin can use Shojin well. You might as have to trade at 3-2 if you feel your current Headliner isn’t working, or if you econ is high, at 3-5 for a 3 cost. Many times you will roll a few times for a good 4-2 4 cost Headliner, but if your econ and HP is ok, you can skip 8 entirely and go lvl 9 at 5-1.
- Ziggs items: Spear of Shojin, Archangel Staff, Red Buff, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Nashor’s Tooth, Jeweled Gauntlet, Guardbreaker, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Blue Buff, Giant Slayer
- Sona items: Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Spear of Shojin
- Illaoi items: Tank items
- Yorick items: Tank items,Titan’s Resolve, Bloodthirster,Hand of Justice
- Qiyana items: Edge of Night, Titan’s Resolve, Bloodthirster, Hand of Justice
- Jhin items: Spear of Shojin, Giant Slayer, Last Whisper, Deathblade, Infinity Edge, Gunblade, Guardbreaker, Blue Buff
- Lucian items, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, AD items
- 5 costs, Jazz
Patient Study, Rich get Richer, Level Up, Shopping Spree, Clear Mind, Cluttered mind, Spoils of War, Hedge Fund, Good For Something
Corki Reroll
Leveling Pattern: 1 Cost Reroll
- Corki Headliner with AD items, focus on getting 8-Bit stacks early
Headliner: Corki
Item Holder: Corki, Garen
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder: Kaisa, Miss Fortune, Ezreal
How to Play:
This is a 1 cost reroll. It focuses on strength in the early game to tempo into fast leveling. Follow the leveling pattern and then once you hit Corki 3 star, proceed to level to 8 where you can roll again if you aren’t on a streak, if you are on a streak focus on going 9 and capping with legendries.
- Corki: Last Whisper, Infinity Edge, Giantslayer, Deathbalde,
- 2-6 8-Bits, Sentinel frontline, Big Shot backline
- Combat augments for fights
- Econ Augments for maximizing your corki hits and fast 9 potential.
Heartsteel Reroll
Leveling Pattern: 2-Cost Reroll
- Heartsteel early
Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:
How to Play: Gameplay
This is primarily a 2 cost reroll comp so slowroll at 6 for Aphelios, Sett and Yone 3*.
- Aphelios items: Rageblade, AD items
- Yone: Bruiser items
- Sett: Tank items
- 3/5 Heartsteel, 2/4 Rapidfire
Rank up with a Challenger TFT Coach
C Tier and Below: These are compositions that are weak, but if they are given to you, you might be forced to play them.
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- How are compositions ranked?
- There are many factors, but the two strongest ones are how often they can be played and how strong they are when you get it. Think of it like frequency of being played combined with how well it can potentially do.
- I also rank them based on how often the best players in the world play each comp (top 10 players in major regions)
- Why isn’t XYZ Comp here?
- Probably not played enough, not strong enough, or maybe it hasn’t been discovered yet and will hopefully be added next week.
- It’s also impossible to fit every single variation of every composition on a tier list, so expect variations of these comps to do well too.
- I also add in different versions of different comps in the notes, so be sure to read through them! (For example, one synergy might have two different playstyles such as reroll or standard)
- [Legendary Unit] carry is the best in the game, where is it?
- It is not reliable to have a 5 cost carry as a composition because you will not be able to get a 2* Legendary consistently. There may be metas where there are ‘Fast 9’ comps, but these often use any legendary they can get instead of a specific one.
- What does Difficulty, Item Dependency, and Variance mean?
- Difficulty is how hard the composition is to play. Difficulty does not factor into the strength or viability of the composition but serves as a factor for new players.
- Item dependency is how important specific items are to the composition.
- Variance is the approximate placement range of the composition. For example, a consistent Top 4 composition has Low variance. A composition that either places 1st or 8th has a High variance.
- Does what composition I play matter?
- No. Playing TFT well matters a lot more
- I can’t get these exact items every game
- You don’t need perfect items or exact items unless specified in the Requirements section. Most of the time you just need ‘playable’ items and not ‘best in slot’ (BIS)
- You are wrong, XYZ comp should be in S tier and ABC player said this S tier comp sucks
- Everyone has different opinions. I try to take a data based approach by analyzing games from the best players in each region to combine all their opinions.
- At the end of the day, comp doesn’t matter much compared to just playing TFT well (rolling, managing econ, positioning, etc). If you check out the best players, you will see that each player favors different compositions yet they are all very highly ranked.
- When is this site updated?
- Every Friday
- Where can I learn more?
- There are many resources and players to learn from. I suggest starting at my YouTube channel and this website.
Knowing how to get better at TFT is much more important than knowing what compositions to play. Knowing how to play Teamfight Tactics will help you no matter what patch it is.
Tier placement assumes strong play. Refer to Difficulty metric before attempting to play.