Here is how you play Battle of the Golden Spatula, the Chinese TFT spinoff. This includes a remastered Set 1, a duo team mode where it is 2v2v2v2 and a TFT Puzzle mode.
What you will need:
- WeChat or QQ account (I used a WeChat account)
- A computer
- An internet connection
There are other ways to do this such as using a phone with access to the Chinese app store, but this works for those who do not have that.
Step 1: Download an Emulator
Get an Android or iOS emulator or have the Chinese app store on your phone. In this tutorial, we are going to use BlueStacks which allows you to play on your PC through an Android emulator
Click “Download BlueStacks 5“
Run the downloaded file
Click “Install now“
This screen will show up once you are done installing
Step 2: Download Chinese TFT Client aka Battle of the Golden Spatula
Go to
Download the Android version
Open the file you just downloaded
The menu in BlueStacks should now have the TFT Icon
Click Settings icon
Optional: Change CPU allocation and Memory allocation so that it looks like above
Click Save Changes
Step 3: Open Chinese TFT Client
Click the TFT Icon in the main menu
Click all the Blue Bubbles that pop up
Click “Allow” for Photo/Media access and Phone calls. You are on an emulator, so I wouldn’t be concerned about this.
Game should start loading after clicking all the Blue Bubbles. Now I want you to click the Gold Bubbles
Game should be downloading. Wait until it is completed
Check the Diamond and then click the WeChat icon. You can also do it through a qq account, but I signed up through WeChat
Step 4: Use your phone to scan the QR Code
Use your phone and then open WeChat
Click the “Discover” tab at the bottom and then click “Scan“
Scan your QR code.
Go back to your computer
Step 5: Create your Chinese TFT account
Click the Gold Button
Type in your desired username (don’t use BunnyMuffins)
This screen will pop up. It will force you to do a tutorial.
Google translate says that left is beginner, right is for more experienced players. Pick either and complete the tutorial.
You are now able to play TFT
Step 6: How to play Battle for the Golden Spatula Duo mode, Set 1, and TFT Puzzles (Translations)
Left menu is Events, Shop, Collection, Inventory, and Summons. Right side is Choose Game Mode and Play Button
Here is the first part of the game mode menu. We have Set 1 ranked and normals and current set ranked and normals
This is the second part of the Game Mode menu where we have Hyperroll, TFT Puzzles, Duo mode (2v2v2v2) and the tutorial.
TFT Puzzle Mode
Here you try to figure out the best way to defeat the enemy by using items and your team. (Hint: the carry is not your first instinct)