Set 6.5 is Neon Nights which features the arrival of Silco and the future of Hextech in Teamfight Tactics
They are removing and adding over 20 champions
Imperial and Academy are being removed. Debonair and Hextech are the two new big traits
Alistar and Corki are making their TFT debut, leaving Rammus as the only champion not in TFT.
What do you think Silco’s traits and ability will be?
Some Augments will be changed.
Confirmed Champions for Set 6.5
Here are 15 Champions that have been featured in a preview
Champion Name | Origin | Class |
Alistar | Hextech | Colossus? Bodyguard |
Brand | Debonair | Arcanist |
Corki | ? | Sniper? |
Draven | Debonair | Challenger? |
Gnar | Yordle | Bruiser |
Irelia | Innovator? | Challenger? |
Jarvan | Hextech | Protector? |
Kha’zix | Mutant | Assassin |
Lucian | Victorious | Twinshot? |
Nocturne | Hextech | Assassin |
Reksai | Mutant | Bruiser |
Sejuani | Hextech | Vanguard or Bruiser |
Silco | Chemtech | ? |
Sivir | Victorious | Twinshot or Sniper |
Syndra | ? | Scholar or Arcanist |
Note that Swain and Leona look like they will be staying even though they are removing Imperials and Academies
Removed Champions (Speculation)
99% sure: Garen, Graves, Katarina, Lux, Samira, Sion, Talon, Yone,
80% sure: One of the Yordles (maybe Vex to make room for Gnar)
95% sure: I think they are removing Socialite and combining it with Debonair. RIP Taric, Galio (has a Debonair skin), and Seraphine
90% sure: There might also be a new Class since they normally remove one small Class each set. I am guessing Mutants are being swapped (looking at Kog’Maw, Mundo, and Cho’Gath). Lastly I think Colossus might be out too since Alistar looked like he went on a slim fast diet.
30% sure: Removing Orianna and Akali because they were hard to balance
Continuing Champions
Caitlyn, Camille, Darius, Gangplank, Illaoi, Jinx, Kai’Sa, Kassadin, Leona, Malzahar, Miss Fortune, Poppy, Singed, Swain, Warwick, Zac, Ziggs
Set 7
Illaoi in Set 7. Dragon theme
Something similar to Augments will be in Set 7.