TFT Comps Set 11

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Set 11 is out on PBE!! If you want Set 10, go to the main Meta Page

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We’ve brought Voids1n back to show us Set 11 comps. He is the Set 5 MSI winner and reaches top 10 every set. Catch his streams on Twitch or get coaching from him!

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Check Leveling Guide so you know what to do for each comp (includes reroll and Augments)

* TFT Dictionary *
8 Must Know TFT Terms
How to Learn TFT
Fundamentals of TFT
5 Playstyles for Climbing
* How to Actually get to Challenger *

Best TFT Comps for Set 11 PBE Meta

S: Fast 9/5 Costs, Syndra Dryad, Kai’Sa Bruiser, Ashe Porcelain,
A: Midnight Siphon Yorick, Duelist Reroll, Ethereal Blades Shen, Umbral Alune, Shen Senna Reroll, Kayn Lee Sin, Lux Reroll, Aphelios Reroll, Janna Zyra Reroll, Inkshadow Kai’Sa, Arcanist Warden, Lillia Invoker, Storyweaver Bard, Built Different, Kog’Maw Reroll, Ghostly 4 Costs, Zoe Soraka Diana Reroll, Alune Invoker Reroll, Kobuko Lucky Paws, Syndra Fated,
B: Yone Reroll, Dryad Reroll, Kha’Zix Reroll, Storyweaver Reroll,
C: Mythic Bard,

Note that Items don’t really matter that much, so don’t grief your game to get specific items unless I mention a specific item is required.

Try out different types of positioning and champions in these comps too! There is a ton of variation in TFT so be sure to check out the Core units and then flex the rest of your team!

Video Breakdown

TFT Comps Tier List Set 11

S Tier: Best TFT Comps – Highly Flexible or Very Strong

Lux Reroll

TFT Comps Set 11

Leveling Pattern: 2 Cost Reroll


Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:

How to Play:

Go level 6 on 3-2 and slow roll for Lux 3*. Level up and then roll for 3 costs.




Storyweaver Reroll

TFT Comps Set 11

Leveling Pattern: 1 Cost Reroll


Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:

How to Play: Since this is a primarily 1 cost reroll comp, you want to naturally level up at roll for as many copies of Sivir, Garen and Zyra as possible. Roll to ~30 gold. After, econ back up and slowroll above 50g at level 5 to hit your Garen and Sivir 3, and then level to 6 to roll for Zyra 3. Your lategame is to find Irelia and put in 7 Storyweaver.




Kha’Zix Reroll

TFT Comps Set 11

Leveling Pattern: 1 Cost Reroll


Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:

How to Play: Since this is a primarily 1 cost reroll comp, you want to naturally level up at roll for as many copies of Kha’Zix, Malphite and Kindred as possible. Roll to ~30 gold. After, econ back up and slowroll above 50g at level 5 to hit your Kha’Zix and Malphite 3, and then level to 6 to roll for Kindred 3. You can even look for Neeko 3 if you have a lot of gold to work with. Late game you can just add more Heavenly units.




4 Cost Ghostly

TFT Comps Set 11

Leveling Pattern: Standard Leveling


Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:

How to Play: For this comp, since you’re carrying Morgana and Kayn, you want to split your items in a way that you can itemize both later on in the game. For example, you can play Kindred + Gnar combo early/mid game to carry both Morgana and Kayn items, respectively. Endgame you want Wukong as a trio carry.




Inkshadow Kai’Sa

TFT Comps Set 11

Leveling Pattern: Standard Leveling


Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:

How to Play: This is probably one of the more consistent and easy to play 4 cost AD comps, as you just play Inkshadow into Inkshadow. You want senna as the item holder a lot of the times, but if you have a 2* Caitlyn and a 1* Senna it’s better to put the AD items on Caitlyn for board strength. Midgame there are a lot of different tanks you can use, as any upgraded Warden/Bruiser/Behemoth and work. Late game, however, you want to transition out Bard and maybe even 5 Inkshadow to throw in 5 cost units.




Alune Invoker Reroll

TFT Comps Set 11

Leveling Pattern: 3 Cost Reroll


Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:

How to Play: For this, you want to level 7 and roll for 2* copies of your important 3 costs, and maybe even a Lillia/Annie. You want to slowroll above 50g to find Alune and Tahm Kench 3*. Alune and Lillia are your duo carries. Your late game capout revolves around Lillia and Annie 2* and Azir.




Aphelios Reroll

TFT Comps Set 11

Leveling Pattern: 3 Cost Reroll


Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:

How to Play: For this, you want to level 7 and roll for 2* copies of your important 3 costs, and maybe even an Ashe. You want to slowroll above 50g to find Aphelios, Thresh and Amumu 3*. Aphelios and Ashe are your duo carries. Your late game capout revolves around Udyr and Sett.




Dryad Reroll

TFT Comps Set 11

Leveling Pattern: 2 Cost Reroll


Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:

How to Play: Since this is a 2 cost reroll, you want to econ up and level to 6 to find 2* copies of Kindred and Gnar at 3-2. After, econ back up to 50g and slowroll above 50g to find as many copies of Kindred and Gnar while keeping maximum econ. Ornn should be your tank lategame and 4 Dryad is what you should aim for.




Duelist Reroll

TFT Comps Set 11

Leveling Pattern: 3 Cost Reroll


Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:

How to Play: Since this a 3 cost reroll comp, you want to level 7 and roll for 2* copies of your important 3 costs, and Lee Sin. You want to slowroll above 50g to find Tristana and Volibear 3*. Tristana and Lee sin are your main carries Stage 4. Your late game capout revolves around Wukong.




Bard Reroll

TFT Comps Set 11

Leveling Pattern: 3 Cost Reroll


Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:

How to Play: Since this is 3 cost reroll comp, you want to econ while playing strongest board until level 7. At 4-1, roll for Bard and Tahm Kench 2* to stabilize. You can potentially also find Lillia and Nautilus as well on your rolldown. Afterwards, econ back up and slowroll above 50g to hit 3* Bard and Tahm Kench.




Arcanist Warden

TFT Comps Set 11

Leveling Pattern: Standard Leveling


Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:

How to Play: Since this 4 cost comp, you want to play AP carries early game while building towards Syndra items. Make sure you have a lot of frontline items late game as well because if your frontline is not good enough, Syndra doesn’t have enough time to pump out damage. Your lategame revolves around Lissandra and Hwei as your carries.




Video Guide