Patch 10.24 Preview from Riot Mort’s Stream

All changes are tentative and subject to change. Source:

Patch 10.24 Preview from Riot Mort's Stream

New patch, lots of changes.  Keep in mind, this is just a preview.  Official patch comes out on Tuesday.  Goes to Live servers on Wednesday.

Patch 10.24 Preview from Riot Mort's Stream

System Changes

  • Player Damage
    • Stage 3: 1 -> 2 damage
    • Stage 4: 2 -> 3 damage
    • Stage 6: 10 -> 8 damage
Patch 10.24 Preview from Riot Mort's Stream

System Changes

  • Chosen Odds Changes
    • Level 4: 40/60/0/0/0 to 60/40/0/0/0
    • Level 5: 20/50/30/0/0 to 40/55/5/0/0
    • Level 6: 10/45/45/0/0 to 15/45/40
    • Level 7: 0/30/40/30/0 to 0/40/55/5/0
    • Level 8: 0/20/40/40/0 to 0/15/45/40/0
    • Level 9: 0/0/30/40/30 to 0/0/15/45/40
Patch 10.24 Preview from Riot Mort's Stream

System Changes

  • Normal Odds Changes
    • Level 5: 45/30/20/5/0 -> 45/33/20/2/0
    • Level 6: 30/35/25/10/0 -> 35/35/25/5/0
    • Level 7: 19/35/30/15/1 -> 24/35/30/10/1
    • Level 8: 14/25/35/20/6 -> 15/25/35/20/5
Patch 10.24 Preview from Riot Mort's Stream

System Changes

  • Loot Distribution Changes
    • Lowered the variance in the intial loot drops from Stage 1, leading to a slight increase in total loot from teh start
    • Reduced the extreme variance in item distribution by one, which should lead to less cases of simliar item drops in a game
    • Grey Orbs average value increased very slightly, but lowered Neeko drop rates from them
Patch 10.24 Preview from Riot Mort's Stream

Balance – Chosen

  • Attack Damage Chosen Bonus Stat 30 -> 20
    • Yasuo, Aphelios, Zed, Xin Zhao, Ashe, Jhin, Talon, Warwick
Patch 10.24 Preview from Riot Mort's Stream

Trait Changes

  • Cultist
    • A Chosen Cultist now only provides +1 star Level to Galio instead of 2x the Chosen’s star level
    • 2 Star Chosen: 4 -> 3
    • 3 Star Chosen: 6 -> 4
  • Fortune
    • Fixed an issue with one of the 11 loss drops being undervalued
    • Slightly lowered the drop rate of Neeko’s Help from the 6 Fortune loot table
Patch 10.24 Preview from Riot Mort's Stream

Champ Changes – 1 Cost

  • Diana
    • 200/300/450/650 -> 200/300/400/500 Spell Shield
  • Nami
    • 40/80 -> 60/100 Mana
  • Lissandra
    • 350/450/600/900 -> 350/450/600/800 Spell Damage
  • Yasuo
    • 160/190/225% -> 180/200/225% Spell Damage
Patch 10.24 Preview from Riot Mort's Stream

Champ Changes – 2 Cost

  • Aphelios
    • 45 -> 50 AD
    • 40/80 -> 50/80 Mana
  • Pyke
    • 150/250/450 -> 125/200/375 Spell Damage
  • Lulu
    • 1.5 -> 1 second knock up duration
    • 6 second -> Rest of Combat duration
    • Refreshing Wild Growth on an ally now properly heals them and triggers teh knockup
  • Jarvan
    • 2 -> 1 second stun duration
    • 60/120 -> 50/80 Mana
  • Zed
    • .75 -> .8 Attack Speed
Patch 10.24 Preview from Riot Mort's Stream

Champ Changes – 3 Cost

  • Akali
    • 150/225/350 -> 175/250/400 Spell Damage
  • XIn Zhao
    • 40/80 -> 30/60 Mana
  • Jinx
    • 0/50 -> 70/120 Mana
    • 1.5/1.5/1.5 -> 1.5/2/2.5 second Stun Duration
    • 200/325/550 -> 150/250/450 Spell Damage
    • Target hit -> All targets in 1 hex radius are stunned
    • Chosen Stat
      • Spell Power -> Mana Reduction
Patch 10.24 Preview from Riot Mort's Stream

Champ Changes – 4 Cost

  • Cassiopeia
    • 60/120 -> 80/150 Mana
    • 10% -> 20% Damage Amplification
  • Talon
    • 0/50 -> 0/40 Mana
    • 125/200/600 -> 85/135/400 Bonus Spell Damage
    • Fixed a bug where the bonus damage portion couldn’t crit
    • Spell no longer refunds mana on kill
    • Talon is no longer invulnerable during his leap (he is still untargetable and unstoppable)
    • Leap has been sped up slightly
  • Jhin
    • 85 -> 100 AD
  • Warwick
    • 70 -> 85 Attack Damage
    • .9 -> .8 Attack Speed
    • Warwick’s Howl on takedown no longer fears. Instead it grants himself and all allies who share a trait with him 60/75/200% Attack Speed for 3 seconds
Patch 10.24 Preview from Riot Mort's Stream

Champ Changes – 5 Cost

  • Azir
    • 50/125 -> 75/150 Mana
  • Yone
    • 0/80 -> 0/50 Mana
    • 60 -> 90% Armor and MR Shred
    • Spell no longer knocks up enemies
    • Yone becomes untargetable during his spell cast
    • Fixed a bug where Yone could become unresponsive after casting Seal Fate
  • Lee Sin
    • 1.5/2/10 -> 2/3/10 second Primary Stun Duration
    • 1.5 -> 1 second Secondary Stun Duration
  • Sett
    • 70/175 -> 100/175 Mana
Patch 10.24 Preview from Riot Mort's Stream

Item Changes

  • Zz’Rot Portal
    • 150 -> 100 Construct Attack Damage
Patch 10.24 Preview from Riot Mort's Stream

Bug Fixes

  • Addressed an issue where ghost armies with the Hunter Trait occasionally activated the Hunter attack instantly upon combat starting
  • The Hunter Trait will no longer fire its first attack one second early
  • Zilean now correctly de-prioritizes casting his spell on summoned units
  • The following Attacks can now correctly Miss (Blind) and be Dodged:
    • Talon’s Truestrike
    • Yasuo’s Striking Steel
    • Xin Zhao’s Crescent Guard
    • Wukong’s Crushing Blow
    • Ashe’s Hunter’s Focus
  • Fiora will no longer sometimes change targets after casting her spell
  • Fixed various issues around attempting to purchase a Chosen unit

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