TFT Comps Set 11 Tier List – Patch 14.7 Meta Snapshot

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We’ve brought Voids1n back to show us Set 11 comps. He is the Set 5 MSI winner and reaches top 10 every set. Catch his streams on Twitch or get coaching from him!

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Check Leveling Guide so you know what to do for each comp (includes reroll and Augments)

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Best TFT Comps for Set 11 Patch 14.7 Meta

S: Lux Reroll, Yone Reroll,
A: Kai’Sa Bruiser, Inkshadow Kai’Sa, Sage Lillia, Ethereal Blades Shen, Ghostly Zyra, Umbral Alune, Fast 9/5 Costs, Storyweaver Bard, Kobuko Lucky Paws, Storied Champion Garen, Ashe Warden, Shen Senna Reroll, Level 8 Duelists, Midnight Siphon Yorick, Kayn Lee Sin, Kog’Maw Reroll, Duelist Reroll, Janna Zyra Reroll, Zoe Soraka Diana Reroll, Arcanist Warden, Mythic Lillia, Built Different, Syndra Dryad, Alune Invoker Reroll, Syndra Fated, Aphelios Reroll, Dryad Reroll,
B: Ghostly 4 Costs, Storyweaver Reroll, Mythic Bard,
C: Kha’Zix Reroll,

For subrankings such as + and – tiers, check out my Patreon or OnlyFans (no NSFW images and the two sites will have the same info) where you will get precise rankings. Also you can DM for extra tips there 😉

Note that Items don’t really matter that much, so don’t grief your game to get specific items unless I mention a specific item is required.

Try out different types of positioning and champions in these comps too! There is a ton of variation in TFT so be sure to check out the Core units and then flex the rest of your team!

Video Guide

TFT Comps Tier List Set 11

S Tier: Best TFT Comps – Highly Flexible or Very Strong


TFT Comps Set 11 Tier List - Patch 14.7 Meta Snapshot

Leveling Pattern: 2 cost reroll


Item Holder: Senna, Shen, Aatrox
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder: Ornn, Bruiser unit

How to Play: Since this is a 2 cost reroll, you want to build econ until 3-2 to roll for your level 6 board, which is 4 Ghostly 3 Inkshadow 2 Warden. Once you hit 3-2, try to look for 2* Senna and/or Shen and then build your econ back up to 50g after to maximize interest. You want to then slowroll above 50g to find Senna and Shen 3*. Shen is your main tank, and Senna is your DPS. After you find your units level to 8 to fit in 6 Ghostly.


  • Senna items: Last Whisper, Giant Slayer, Infinity Edge, Hextech Gunblade, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Runaan’s Hurricane
  • Shen items: Gargoyle Stoneplate, Warmog’s Armor, Redemption, Dragon’s Claw
  • Aatrox items: Tank items
  • Morgana items: Morellonomicon


  • 4/6 Ghostly 3 Inkshadow 2 Warden


Pumping Up, Accomplice, Lucky Gloves, Two Healthy, Ghostly Emblem, Featherweights

Trickshot Bruisers

TFT Comps Set 11 Tier List - Patch 14.7 Meta Snapshot

Leveling Pattern: Standard Leveling


  • AD items

Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:

How to Play: This is the best generic AD lategame comp, as a full 5 cost board is far too expensive and is only a bit better. With this comp, you want to play strongest board, usually revolving around Storyweaver early game with Sivir carry items, and then roll down at 8 for Galio 2 Kai’Sa 2. Your goal lategame is to find Xayah and put in 4 Trickshots, usually at level 9. Early game tanks could range from Garen to 3 cost Wardens like Amumu and Illaoi, or could be bruisers like Rek’Sai or Tahm Kench


  • Kai’Sa items: Red Buff, AD items
  • Xayah items: AD items
  • Teemo items: Morellonomicon, Blue Buff
  • Galio items: Stoneplate, Warmog’s, Redemption, other tank items
  • Sylas items: Tank items


  • 4 Trickshot 4 Bruiser


Lucky Ricochet, Unified Resistance, A Cut Above, Escort Quest, Patient Study, Pumping Up, Jeweled Lotus, Accomplice

Fast 9 and 5 Costs

TFT Comps Set 11 Tier List - Patch 14.7 Meta Snapshot

Leveling Pattern: Standard leveling, requires highroll and/or a lot of gold to be able to go 9 and then 10


  • A lot of gold

Item Holder: Irelia, Hwei, Azir, Wukong, Ornn, Rakan, Udyr
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder: Heavenly/Dragonloard/Altruist very good

How to Play: This is a highroll comp but has one of if not the highest caps in the game. The issue with this comp is its sheer cost, because it is very very expensive. Because of this, you need a lot of gold and/or HP to go to level 9 to roll for your 5 costs. After, you can try to capout to win at level 10. If you’re winstreaking hard early game or you have a seemingly infinite amount of gold you definitely should look to play this comp as it uses all sorts of items and can reliably land you a 1st or 2nd if you stabilize hard enough.


  • Irelia items: Guinsoo’s Rageblade, AD items
  • Hwei items: Spear of Shojin, Morellonomicon, AP items
  • Azir items: Spear of Shojin, Stattikk Shiv, AP items
  • Wukong items: Blue Buff, healing, AD items
  • Ornn items: Tank items
  • Rakan items: AP/Tank items
  • Udyr items: AD Bruiser items


  • Dragonlord


Jeweled Lotus, Accomplice, New Recruit, Patient Study, Escort Quest, Lategame Specialist, Raining Gold

TFT Comps Set 11 Tier List - Patch 14.7 Meta Snapshot

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A Tier: Solid TFT Team Comps. Weaker, less flexible, requires more luck than S-Tier

Heavenly Yone

TFT Comps Set 11 Tier List - Patch 14.7 Meta Snapshot

Leveling Pattern: 3 cost reroll


  • Yone items

Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder: Kindred

How to Play: This is a better version of the Umbral Yone comp, as Heavenly really shines in making Yone a 1v9 machine, especially with a Heavenly emblem. Yone really likes Titan’s Resolve and a healing item. Sometimes you can run double healing with BT + HoJ, but Quicksilver is actually really good in the lux meta right now. You want to build your econ, play strongest board and roll down at 4-1 for Yone 2*. Then, you build your econ back up and slowroll above 50g to secure Yone 3. Then, you level to 8 to find Kayn 2 and maybe a lucky Wukong. You can also go for Kindred 3 if you get a lot of Kindreds


  • Yone items: Titan’s Resolve, Bloodthirster, Hand of Justice, Quicksilver, Infinity Edge
  • Kayn items: Titan’s Resolve, Bloodthirster, Hand of Justice, Infinity Edge, Edge of Night, Giant Slayer
  • Kindred items: Morellonomicon, Blue Buff, Heavenly Emblem
  • Neeko items: Tank


  • 4/5+ Heavenly, 4 Reaper


Heavenly Crest, Heavenly Crown, Gargantuan Resolve, Idealism, Heavy Hitters, Pumping Up, Team Building

Duelist Reroll

TFT Comps Set 11 Tier List - Patch 14.7 Meta Snapshot

Leveling Pattern: 3 Cost Reroll


  • AD/AD Bruiser items

Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder: Diana, Yone

How to Play: Since this a 3 cost reroll comp, you want to level 7 and roll for 2* copies of your important 3 costs, and Lee Sin. You want to slowroll above 50g to find Tristana and Volibear 3*. Tristana and Lee sin are your main carries Stage 4. Your late game capout revolves around Wukong. If you find a Duelist Emblem, put it on Diana and have 8 Duelist be your new win condition once you find Irelia. You have to find both Voli and Tristana 3* if you want to place well in the game. Excess AD items go to Irelia, AP items go to Diana


  • Tristana items: Last Whisper, Giant Slayer, Deathblade, Infinity Edge, Hextech Gunblade, Hand of Justice
  • Volibear items: Titan’s Resolve, Bloodthirster, Hand of Justice, Tank items
  • Diana items: Rabadon’s Deathcap, Healing items
  • Irelia Items: Red Buff, Morellonomicon, AD items


  • 6/8 Duelist


Extended Duel, Keepers, Team Building, Jeweled Lotus 3, Accomplice, Gargantuan Resolve

Aphelios Reroll

TFT Comps Set 11 Tier List - Patch 14.7 Meta Snapshot

Leveling Pattern: level to 7 at 3-5 or 4-1, look for 2* Aphelios and Thresh, then build your econ back up and slowroll above 50g until Aphelios and Thresh 3*. Amumu is a luxury.


  • Guinsoo’s Rageblade

Item Holder: Sivir, Senna, Caitlyn
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:

How to Play: Play early game around AD low cost units like Sivir, Senna and Caitlyn. If you have to get certain items, you can opt to go for a lose streak stage 2 to get carousel priority. At 4-1 you want to level 7 and roll for 2* copies of your important 3 costs, and maybe even an Ashe. You can level to 7 at 3-5 if you have at least 40 gold to roll. You want to then build econ and slowroll above 50g to find Aphelios, Thresh and Amumu 3*. Aphelios and Ashe are your duo carries. Your late game capout revolves around Udyr and Sett.


  • Aphelios items: Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Hextech Gunblade, Giant Slayer, Deathblade, Infinity Edge, Last Whisper
  • Ashe items: Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Hextech Gunblade, Giant Slayer, Deathblade, Infinity Edge, Last Whisper
  • Thresh items: Gargoyle Stoneplate, Warmog’s, Dragon’s Claw, Redemption
  • Amumu items: Tank items
  • Sett items: Morellonomicon, Tank items


  • 5 Fated 2 Sniper 2 Behemoth


Pumping Up, Jeweled Lotus, Epoch, Fated Crest, Final Ascension, Team Building

Kog’Maw Reroll

TFT Comps Set 11 Tier List - Patch 14.7 Meta Snapshot

Leveling Pattern: Build econ interest throughout stage 2, roll to 30 at level 4 at 3-1, build econ back up at level 5 and slowroll above 50g for 3* 1 costs


  • Blue Buff for Kog’Maw

Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:

How to Play: Since this is a 1 cost reroll, you want to build as much gold as possible throughout Stage 2 so you can roll down at 3-1 at level 4. You want to roll to 30g, because it’s unlikely you’ll hit 3* Kog’Maw and the other 1 costs at 3-1, so you want some interest left so you can build up to 50g and slowroll above maximum interest at level 5. This is the most efficient way to use your economy for a 1 cost reroll. After you hit your Kog’Maw and 3* tanks, level to add either more Behemoth or more Mystics. You can add Lillia and Hwei as secondary carries if you get more AP items late game. Caitlyn can hold AD items.


  • Kog’Maw items: Blue Buff, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Hextech Gunblade
  • Caitlyn items: AD items
  • Cho’Gath items: Tank items
  • Malphite items: Tank items


  • 3/5 Mythic, 2/4 Behmoth, 2 Sniper


Prismatic Ticket, Pumping Up, Final Ascension, Epoch, Trade Sector, Learning to Spell, Sharing is Caring, Featherweights

Ethereal Blades Shen

TFT Comps Set 11 Tier List - Patch 14.7 Meta Snapshot

Leveling Pattern: 2 cost reroll


  • Ethereal Blades augment

Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:

How to Play: Since this is a 2 cost reroll, you want to build econ until 3-2 to roll for your level 6 board, which is usually 4 Behemoth + 2 other units. You basically want to just get in 6 Behemoth ASAP to buy time for your Shen to ramp. Once you hit 3-2, try to look for 2* Shen and Yorick and then build your econ back up to 50g after to maximize interest. You want to then slowroll above 50g to find Shen 3*. Shen is your main DPS obviously. and Yorick 3* is oftentimes your tank. If you find an early Ornn you can choose to itemize him.


  • Shen items: Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Giant Slayer, Bloodthirster
  • Yorick items: Tank items
  • Ornn items: Tank items


  • 6 Behemoth


Ethereal Blades, Pumping Up Accomplice, Blinding Speed, Featherweights

Storyweaver Bard

TFT Comps Set 11 Tier List - Patch 14.7 Meta Snapshot

Leveling Pattern: level to 7 at 3-5 or 4-1, look for 2* Bard and Tahm Kench, then build your econ back up and slowroll above 50g until Bard and Tahm 3*


  • Guinsoo’s Rageblade

Item Holder: Ahri, Sivir, Senna, Teemo
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder: Only real useable is Heaven, Mythic is ok if you find Hwei on 8, throw on Soraka or Zoe

How to Play: Since this is 3 cost reroll comp, you want to econ while playing strongest board until level 7. At 4-1, roll for Bard and Tahm Kench 2* to stabilize. You can roll at 3-5 if you have 40+ gold to roll at level 7. You can potentially also find Lillia and Nautilus as well on your rolldown. Afterwards, econ back up and slowroll above 50g to hit 3* Bard and Tahm Kench. You ideally want Bard and Tahm Kench 3, and your level 9 objective is to find Hwei and Rakan.


  • Bard items: Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Hextech Gunblade, Stattik Shiv
  • Tahm Kench items: Gargoyle Stoneplate, Redemption, Dragon’s Claw, Warmogs
  • Lillia/Hwei items: Spear of Shojin, Morellonomicon, Stattik Shiv, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Archangel Staff, Giant Slayer
  • Nautilus items: Tank items or Thief’s Gloves


  • 5 Mythic 3 Storyweaver 2 Trickshot


Pumping up, Golden Ticket, Epoch, Heroic Grab Bag, Team Builder, Risky moves, Sharing is Caring

Lillia Invoker

TFT Comps Set 11 Tier List - Patch 14.7 Meta Snapshot

Leveling Pattern: 4 cost


  • Blue Buff or Spear of Shojin for Lillia

Item Holder: Ahri, Teemo, Zyra, Kindred, Alune
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:

How to Play: This is a level 8 and beyond comp. What this means is if you’re dropped AP items including Tears, look to angle for this comp while playing your strongest board early/mid game. You are looking to level to level 8 at 4-2 and find Lillia, Annie, Sylas and Nautlius. Lillia and Annie are the highest priority units, as well as lucking into a Hwei and/or Azir. After you’ve stabilized at level 8, level to level 9 to cap out your board with Azir and Hwei 2* as well as adding in useful 5 costs like Sett or Rakan.


  • Lillia items: Blue Buff or Spear of Shojin, Morellonomicon, Stattik Shiv, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Archangel Staff, Giant Slayer
  • Hwei items: Spear of Shojin, Morellonomicon, Stattik Shiv, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Archangel Staff, Giant Slayer, Guinsoo’s Rageblade
  • Azir items: Spear of Shojin, Morellonomicon, Stattik Shiv, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Archangel Staff, Giant Slayer, Guinsoo’s Rageblade
  • Annie, Sylas and Nautilus items: Tank items


  • 5 Mythic 4 Invoker


Jeweled Lotus, New Recruit, Accomplice, Epoch, Patient Study, Risky moves, Sharing is Caring

Dryad Reroll

TFT Comps Set 11 Tier List - Patch 14.7 Meta Snapshot

Leveling Pattern: 2 Cost Reroll


Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:

How to Play: Since this is a 2 cost reroll, you want to econ up and level to 6 to find 2* copies of Kindred and Gnar at 3-2. After, econ back up to 50g and slowroll above 50g to find as many copies of Kindred and Gnar while keeping maximum econ. Ornn should be your tank lategame and 4 Dryad is what you should aim for.


  • Gnar items: Titan’s Resolve, Bloodthirster, Hand of Justice, Sterak’s Gage
  • Kindred items: Blue Buff, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Jeweled Gauntlet, Giant Slayer, Hextech Gunblade
  • Ornn: Tank items:
  • Kayn: Titan’s Resolve, Bloodthirster, Hand of Justice, Sterak’s Gage


  • 4 Dryad 4 Reaper


Arcanist Warden

TFT Comps Set 11 Tier List - Patch 14.7 Meta Snapshot

Leveling Pattern: Standard Leveling


  • Blue Buff or Shojin for Syndra

Item Holder: Ahri, Teemo, Alune
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:

How to Play: Since this 4 cost comp, you want to play AP carries early game while building towards Syndra items. Make sure you have a lot of frontline items late game as well because if your frontline is not good enough, Syndra doesn’t have enough time to pump out damage. Your lategame revolves around Lissandra and Hwei as your carries. Blue buff is better than Shojin because of her low mana pool. Late game you really want 5 costs to help Syndra as she can not do all the damage by herself. Fated Spat is really good in this comp.


  • Syndra items: Blue Buff, Hextech Gunblade, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Jeweled Guantlet, Giant Slayer, Guardbreaker
  • Amumu items: Tank items
  • Nautilus items: Tank items
  • Lissandra/Hwei items: Morellonomicon + AP items, Statikk Shive


  • 4/6 Arcanist, 4 Warden, 3/5 Fated


4 Cost Ghostly

TFT Comps Set 11 Tier List - Patch 14.7 Meta Snapshot

Leveling Pattern: Standard Leveling


Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:

How to Play: This is the most reliable 4 cost comp in the game because it has the single target necessary to deal with the crazy solo tanks running rampant in this meta. The way you want to run this is to play strongest board, take strong augments, play for tempo and play into this at level 8. For this comp, since you’re carrying Kai’Sa, Morgana and Kayn, you want to split your items in a way that you can itemize them later on in the game, especially Kai’Sa and Morgana. You can play Ashe instead of Kai’Sa if you can’t find her. Late game play for Udyr 2 at level 9.


  • Kai’Sa items:
  • Morgana items:
  • Kayn items:
  • Illaoi items: Tank


  • 6 Ghostly


Pumping up, Lucky Gloves, Accomplice, Ghostly Emblem, Unified Resistance, Sleight of Hand, Roll the Dice

Mythic Bard Reroll

TFT Comps Set 11 Tier List - Patch 14.7 Meta Snapshot

Leveling Pattern: 3 Cost Reroll


  • Guinsoo’s Rageblade

Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:

How to Play: Since this is 3 cost reroll comp, you want to econ while playing strongest board until level 7. At 4-1, roll for Bard and Tahm Kench 2* to stabilize. You can potentially also find Lillia and Nautilus as well on your rolldown. Afterwards, econ back up and slowroll above 50g to hit 3* Bard and Tahm Kench.


  • Bard items: Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Hextech Gunblade, Stattik Shiv
  • Tahm Kench items: Gargoyle Stoneplate, Redemption, Dragon’s Claw, Warmogs
  • Lillia/Hwei items: Spear of Shojin, Morellonomicon, Stattik Shiv, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Archangel Staff, Giant Slayer
  • Nautilus items: Tank items


  • 5 Mythic


Epoch, Trade Sector, Heroic Grab Bag, Team Building, Jeweled Lotus

Alune Invoker Reroll

TFT Comps Set 11 Tier List - Patch 14.7 Meta Snapshot

Leveling Pattern: 3 Cost Reroll


Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:

How to Play: For this, you want to level 7 and roll for 2* copies of your important 3 costs, and maybe even a Lillia/Annie. You want to slowroll above 50g to find Alune and Tahm Kench 3*. Alune and Lillia are your duo carries. Your late game capout revolves around Lillia and Annie 2* and Azir.




Lux Reroll

TFT Comps Set 11 Tier List - Patch 14.7 Meta Snapshot

Leveling Pattern: 2-Cost reroll


  • Lots of Luxs

Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder: Illaoi

How to Play: The strength of Amumu buys time for your Luxes to ramp up and take out the backline. You want to treat this as a 2 cost reroll, as you need a lot of gold to hit your Lux and Amumu 3*. For this, you need to econ up, roll at 3-2 at level 6 to stabilize and then build your econ back up to slowroll above 50g to hit your 3*s. If you hit a lot more Luxes than Amumu you should push level 7 to finish getting Amumu 3*.


  • Lux items: Spear of Shojin, Nashor’s Tooth, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Archangel Staff, Hextech Gunblade, Jeweled Gauntlet, Stattik Shiv
  • Amumu items: Tank items


  • 2/4 Porcelain 2 Arcanist 2 Warden


Ascension, Boiling Point

Umbral Yone + Alune

TFT Comps Set 11 Tier List - Patch 14.7 Meta Snapshot

Leveling Pattern: 3 cost reroll


  • Hand of Justice on Yone

Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:

How to Play: Since this is 3 cost reroll comp, you want to econ while playing strongest board until level 7. At 4-1, roll for Yone and Alune 2* to stabilize. You have a higher chance of finding Sylas and Kayn at level 7. You can roll at 3-5 if you have 40+ gold to roll at level 7. You can potentially also find Morg/Sylas/Kayn/Ornn as well on your rolldown. Afterwards, econ back up and slowroll above 50g to hit 3* Yone/Alune.


  • Yone items: Hand of Justice, Titan’s Resolve, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Edge of Night
  • Kayn items: Hand of Justice, Titan’s Resolve, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Edge of Night, Bloodthirster
  • Alune items: Spear of Shojin, Morellonomicon, Hextech Gunblade, Rabadon’s Deathcap
  • Azir/Morgana items: Statikk Shiv


  • 4 Umbral


Pumping Up, March of Progress, Idealism, Gargantuan Resolve, Harmacist

For full gameplay and Q&A, check out my live stream at

B Tier: Playable, but not Preferred. These comps could be strong if uncontested.

Lucky Paws Kobuko

TFT Comps Set 11 Tier List - Patch 14.7 Meta Snapshot

Leveling Pattern: 1 cost reroll


  • Lucky Paws augment

Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:

How to Play: Since this is a 1 cost reroll, you want to build as much gold as possible throughout Stage 2 so you can roll down at 3-1 at level 4. You want to roll to 30g, because it’s unlikely you’ll hit 3* Kobuko 3-1, so you want some interest left so you can build up to 50g and slowroll above maximum interest at level 5. This is the most efficient way to use your economy for a 1 cost reroll. After you hit your Kobuko 3*, you want to build up gold and hit level 8 to fit in 6 bruisers, because you need Galio and Sylas for this comp to scale into lategame. You have many options for lategame carries come late game. If you have AD items, just play Kai’Sa or Irelia, but if you have AP items, you can try to go Fast 9 and play around Hwei, Azir, Lissandra, etc.


  • Kobuko items: Bloodthirster, Titan’s Resolve, Redemption, Tank items
  • Galio + Sylas items: Tank items
  • AD or AP items for backline of your choice


  • 6 Bruiser


Lucky Paws, Well Fed, Bruiser Crown, Bruiser Crest, Unified Resistance

Built Different

TFT Comps Set 11 Tier List - Patch 14.7 Meta Snapshot

Leveling Pattern: Standard 4 cost


  • Built Diff augment

Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:

How to Play: Obviously you want to play traitless units for this, but what your comp lands on midgame/endgame completely depends on what your items look like. If you have AD items you lean towards Kai’Sa and Ashe late game and if you have AP, you lean towards Morgana/Syndra. Tanks are very flexible, but Ornn is great for printing items and Annie is a great tank even traitless.


  • Kai’Sa items: Spear of Shojin, Last Whisper, AD items
  • Ashe items: Last Whisper, AD items
  • Annie/Ornn/Sylas/Galio items: Tank
  • Morgana items: Morellonomicon, AP items:
  • Syndra: Blue Buff/Shojin, AP items



Built Different, Unified Resistance

Storyweaver Reroll

TFT Comps Set 11 Tier List - Patch 14.7 Meta Snapshot

Leveling Pattern: 1 Cost Reroll


Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:

How to Play: Since this is a primarily 1 cost reroll comp, you want to naturally level up at roll for as many copies of Sivir, Garen and Zyra as possible. Roll to ~30 gold. After, econ back up and slowroll above 50g at level 5 to hit your Garen and Sivir 3, and then level to 6 to roll for Zyra 3. Your lategame is to find Irelia and put in 7 Storyweaver.




Inkshadow Kai’Sa

TFT Comps Set 11 Tier List - Patch 14.7 Meta Snapshot

Leveling Pattern: Standard Leveling


Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:

How to Play: This is probably one of the more consistent and easy to play 4 cost AD comps, as you just play Inkshadow into Inkshadow. You want senna as the item holder a lot of the times, but if you have a 2* Caitlyn and a 1* Senna it’s better to put the AD items on Caitlyn for board strength. Midgame there are a lot of different tanks you can use, as any upgraded Warden/Bruiser/Behemoth and work. Late game, however, you want to transition out Bard and maybe even 5 Inkshadow to throw in 5 cost units.




Kha’Zix Reroll

TFT Comps Set 11 Tier List - Patch 14.7 Meta Snapshot

Leveling Pattern: 1 Cost Reroll


Item Holder:
Best Emblem/Spatula Holder:

How to Play: Since this is a primarily 1 cost reroll comp, you want to naturally level up at roll for as many copies of Kha’Zix, Malphite and Kindred as possible. Roll to ~30 gold. After, econ back up and slowroll above 50g at level 5 to hit your Kha’Zix and Malphite 3, and then level to 6 to roll for Kindred 3. You can even look for Neeko 3 if you have a lot of gold to work with. Late game you can just add more Heavenly units.




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C Tier and Below: These are compositions that are weak, but if they are given to you, you might be forced to play them.


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  • How are compositions ranked?
    • There are many factors, but the two strongest ones are how often they can be played and how strong they are when you get it. Think of it like frequency of being played combined with how well it can potentially do.
    • I also rank them based on how often the best players in the world play each comp (top 10 players in major regions)
  • Why isn’t XYZ Comp here?
    • Probably not played enough, not strong enough, or maybe it hasn’t been discovered yet and will hopefully be added next week.
    • It’s also impossible to fit every single variation of every composition on a tier list, so expect variations of these comps to do well too.
    • I also add in different versions of different comps in the notes, so be sure to read through them! (For example, one synergy might have two different playstyles such as reroll or standard)
  • [Legendary Unit] carry is the best in the game, where is it?
    • It is not reliable to have a 5 cost carry as a composition because you will not be able to get a 2* Legendary consistently. There may be metas where there are ‘Fast 9’ comps, but these often use any legendary they can get instead of a specific one.
  • What does Difficulty, Item Dependency, and Variance mean?
    • Difficulty is how hard the composition is to play.  Difficulty does not factor into the strength or viability of the composition but serves as a factor for new players. 
    • Item dependency is how important specific items are to the composition. 
    • Variance is the approximate placement range of the composition.  For example, a consistent Top 4 composition has Low variance.  A composition that either places 1st or 8th has a High variance.
  • Does what composition I play matter?
    • No. Playing TFT well matters a lot more
  • I can’t get these exact items every game
    • You don’t need perfect items or exact items unless specified in the Requirements section. Most of the time you just need ‘playable’ items and not ‘best in slot’ (BIS)
  • You are wrong, XYZ comp should be in S tier and ABC player said this S tier comp sucks
    • Everyone has different opinions. I try to take a data based approach by analyzing games from the best players in each region to combine all their opinions.
    • At the end of the day, comp doesn’t matter much compared to just playing TFT well (rolling, managing econ, positioning, etc). If you check out the best players, you will see that each player favors different compositions yet they are all very highly ranked.
  • When is this site updated?
    • Every Friday
  • Where can I learn more?
    • There are many resources and players to learn from. I suggest starting at my YouTube channel and this website.

Knowing how to get better at TFT is much more important than knowing what compositions to play. Knowing how to play Teamfight Tactics will help you no matter what patch it is.

Tier placement assumes strong play.  Refer to Difficulty metric before attempting to play.