TFT Set 8.5 Tier List – Patch 13.6b Meta Snapshot

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Meta Snapshot Summary

Updated 3/31 – 13.6b We got the new Set 8.5 comps! We have 13 comps for you today and will update with more in the coming week!

We’ve brought Voids1n back to show us Set 8.5 comps. He is the Set 5 MSI winner and reaches top 10 every set. Catch his streams on Twitch or get coaching from him!

Check out the Patch Review!

Be on the lookout by bookmarking this page or subscribing to my YouTube for the latest news and comps.

Check LEVELING GUIDE so you know what to do for each comp (includes reroll and Augments)

5 Playstyles for Climbing
* How to Actually get to Challenger *

Best TFT Comps for Set 8.5 Patch 13.6b

S: Spellslinger, Anima Miss Fortune,
A: Jhin, Infiniteam, Duelists, Vex, Jax, Lasercorps, Threats,
B: Jinx Reroll, Draven, Hearts, Samira,
C: Gnar Reroll, TBD,

For subrankings such as + and – tiers, check out my Patreon or OnlyFans (no NSFW images, just some bad language, and the two sites will have the same info) where you will get precise rankings, high level tips, and funny TFT jokes. Also you can DM for extra tips there 😉

Note that Items don’t really matter that much, so don’t grief your game to get specific items unless I mention a specific item is required.

Try out different types of positioning and champions in these comps too! There is a ton of variation in TFT so be sure to check out the Core units and then flex the rest of your team!



Video Breakdown

TFT Comps Tier List Set 8.5

S Tier: Best TFT Comps – Highly Flexible or Very Strong

Oxforce Spellslingers

TFT Set 8.5 Tier List - Patch 13.6b Meta Snapshot
With other meta comps being nerfed pretty hard, this comp is by far the most consistent, and if you have good Neeko/Janna/Twisted Fate items and augments, it’s almost Exodia. That is why it’s in S tier alone.

Last Week’s Rank:

Difficulty: Medium
Item/Augment Dependency: Medium
Variance: Medium


  • Good frontline
  • Good items on carries

Item Holder: Lux, Lulu, Leblanc, Sona, Kai’Sa

How to Play:
Generally if you have something like a Shojin early and a Lux 2* you can look to play around Star Guardian/Spellslingers early to smoothly transition to your lategame Spellslinger comp. Otherwise, you can look to carry 3 cost units like Leblanc and Sona with Annie + Alistar frontline to do well midgame. In order for this comp to top 2, you need sufficient frontline items on Ekko and, ideally, items on both your 4 cost Spellslingers.


  • Neeko items: Spear of Shojin, Jeweled Gauntlet, Guardbreaker, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Giant Slayer, Hextech Gunblade
  • Twisted Fate items: Statikk Shiv, Rageblade, Giant Slayer, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Jeweled Gauntlet, Hextech Gunblade
  • Tank Items: Any for Ekko


  • 4 Spellslinger 2 Ox Force 2 Aegis

Augments: Spellslinger Crown, Spellslinger Crest, Spellslinger Heart, Cybernetic Uplink, Luden’s Echo, Second Wind, Celestial Blessing


Miss Fortune Anima Squad

TFT Set 8.5 Tier List - Patch 13.6b Meta Snapshot
Though this comp is amongst the best comps this patch, it is very augment/item reliant so it can’t really compare to Spellslingers in terms of consistency and power.

Last Week’s Rank: S

Difficulty: Medium
Item/Augment Dependence: Medium
Variance: Medium


  • AP items on Miss Fortune, Damage items on Vayne

Item Holder: Jinx, Lulu, Kai’Sa, Lux, Vayne, Leblanc

How to Play:
Miss Fortune (MF) is one of the most flexible carry units this set. There are many many ways to get to her, but a standard and simple way to navigate to her would be to play 3/5 Amina Squad early with Jinx carrying the AP items and then replacing her with MF later on.

When you find MF 2*, replace Jinx with her. Make sure you have a spare Jinx to complete your 5 Anima (or 7 if you have Emblem). She is extremely flexible and you can build a lot of units around her, but make sure your frontline is beefy enough. If possible, go for 3* Vayne and Riven with Vayne as your secondary carry and Riven as your tank.


  • Miss Fortune items: Spear of Shojin, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Jeweled Gauntlet, Guardbreaker, Giant Slayer, Hextech Gunblade, HoJ, Archangel
  • AD/Attack Speed items Vayne


  • 5/7 Anima Squad, frontline units

Augments: Anima Squad Crown, Anima Squad Crest, Anima Squad Heart Cybernetic Uplink, Axiom Arc, Celestial Blessing, Radiant Relics, Exiles

In terms of Hero augments, Bunny Mercenary allows MF to hit more units and survive longer to get more abilities in. This is better if youre desperate for board strength. Make it Rain generates a lot of gold, so if you’re high HP and have a stable board, taking this will give you the econ boost to go level 9 and add in powerful 5 cost units. However, again, if you need pure combat power Bunny Mercenary is superior.

For Vayne carry Spread Shot is far better than Into the Night.


TFT Set 8.5 Tier List - Patch 13.6b Meta Snapshot

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A Tier: Solid TFT Team Comps. Weaker, less flexible, requires more luck than S-Tier

Jhin Renegades

TFT Set 8.5 Tier List - Patch 13.6b Meta Snapshot
Jhin renegades has potential to win out if you have Jhin and Viego items for duo carrying, but because it is so reliant on perfect items and augments to win out it will be in high A tier for now.

Last Week’s Rank:

Difficulty: Medium
Item/Augment Dependence: Medium
Variance: Medium


  • Items on Jhin and Viego

Item Holder: Jax, Ashe, Draven, Camille

How to Play:
Because this comp is basically the comp you flex into, your early game could include many, many comps. Generally, however, if you’re playing for Jhin you use Draven as an early item holder with generic frontline (Defenders, Brawlers and/or Threats). Typically you can split items early game to prep for your duo carries. For example, you can have a last Whisper on Draven and an Ionic Spark on any of your frontline units to help prepare for the transition later in the game. You always want 3 Riftwalkers because it gives you an extra Renegade while giving you solid frontline with Zac.


  • Jhin items: Last Whisper, Infinity Edge, Deathblade, Giantslayer, Runaan’s Hurricane, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Hextech Gunblade
  • Viego items: Ionic Spark, Titan’s Resolve, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Hand of Justice, Hextech Gunblade, Jeweled Guantlet, Guardbreaker, Giant Slayer


Augments: Renegade Crown, Battlemage, High end Shopping, Celestial Blessing, Level Up, Renegade Heart, Second Wind, Pandora’s items

In terms of Hero augments, both Jhin and Viego Hero augments are good, but Jhin is bit higher prio because he is the main carry of the comp. The best Hero Augment, however, is Leona’s Eclipse Prime because it gives you a Leona and offers good damage reduction for your team.



TFT Set 8.5 Tier List - Patch 13.6b Meta Snapshot
This comp really shines if you get 7 InfiniTeam online. Because it’s so heavily reliant on having an Emblem or Heart, this comp is A tier for now.

Last Week’s Rank:

Difficulty: Low
Item/Augment Dependence: Medium
Variance: Medium


Item Holder:

How to Play: Generally if you have an InfiniTeam start with Pantheon, Lucian +1, you can look to fluidly transition to 5/7 InfiniTeam later on. Mid-game, if you have a +1 InfiniTeam, you can play for 5 InfiniTeam without needing Twisted Fate, meaning your midgame will be very strong compared to others. You really want an Emblem to play for the 7 InfiniTeam capout lategame. The problem is this comp is really reliant on highrolling, but if you get an InfiniTeam Emblem on FiddleSticks and you get a 2* Ezreal, this comp has the potential to win against even Spellslingers.


  • Twisted Fate items: Statikk Shiv, Rageblade, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Hextech Gunblade, Giant Slayer, Jeweled Gauntlet
  • Ionic Spark + Sunfire Cape on Shen/Garen/Fiddlesticks units
  • AD items and/or Spear of Shojin on Ezreal


  • 5/7 InfiniTeam

Augments: InfiniTeam Crest, Infiniteam Heart, Infiniteam Crown, Ancient Archives, Phony Frontline, Cybernetic Uplink, Second Wind, Celestial Blessing

In terms of Hero augments, Shen’s Recursion Matrix is really good. Any Twisted Fate/Ultimate Ezreal Hero Augments are good as well.


Vex Reroll

TFT Set 8.5 Tier List - Patch 13.6b Meta Snapshot
With a slew of nerfs, this comp is still very good in the right spots (aka you get Rock Solid Malphite augment), but it is not as forceable as it used to be.

Last Week’s Rank: S

Difficulty: Low
Item/Augment Dependence: Medium
Variance: Medium


  • Good frontline and preferably AP+ mana regeneration itemS on Vex

Item Holder: Lulu, Lucian, Ezreal

How to Play: This is a 2/3 cost reroll comp, so we typically want to reroll at level 6 or 7. If you have a Mascot Emblem/Heart, you should opt to reroll at 7 for 5 mascots 3 riftwalker so that you can get 6 Mascots due to Riftwalker’s +1 trait ability. If you get a Hero augmetn like Rock Solid, you must roll at 6 and the other super units as well because the comp then revolves around Malphite carry with Vex as supplementary damage. If you roll at 7 due to getting a +1 Mascot trait through Spat or Augments, you’re mainly looking for Vex 3 and Jhin 2 as your main damage dealers. The Mascots don’t have to be 3* in this scenario, but if you are able to hit it at a reasonable time you should roll for it.


  • Vex items: Blue Buff, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Archangel Staff, Giant Slayer
  • Malphite/Alistar items: Tank items
  • Others: Tank items/Thief’s Gloves


  • 4 Mascots

Augments: Mascot Heart, Mascot Crown, Mascot Crest, First Aid Kit, Cybernetic Uplink, Ascension, Golden Ticket, Think Fast, Band of Thieves

The best Hero Augment for this comp is Vex’s Joy Siphen, as it stalls the comp infinitely and it makes it seem as if your units never die. The Support Vex Hero augment is good as well. Rock Solid is also top tier because Malphite becomes an unstoppable tank + killing machine if you hit your 3* Supers



TFT Set 8.5 Tier List - Patch 13.6b Meta Snapshot
Much like Duelists of last set, this comp seems to be relatively good at securing a top 4 but can’t beat out the top comps.

Last Week’s Rank:

Difficulty: Low
Item/Augment Dependency: Medium
Variance: Medium


  • Locket of the Iron Solari on Nilah

Item Holder: Kayle, Ashe, Jax, Vayne,

How to Play:
As of right now, the Duelist meta is at least 6 Duelists + 2 Ox force and useful Threat units. Considering this, early game is pretty simple. Just play either 2 Duelists + strongest units or just 4 Duelists in Stage 2 depending on what units you hit/upgrade. At level 6, roll for 6 Duelist and for some 2* units to stabilize a bit. If needed, roll again at 4-1 for 2* Vayne and Nilah and maybe one Twisted Fate.

If you have full AD damage items (like Giant Slayer + Infinity Edge + Deathblade) Vayne is preferred to carry these items. If you have Stattik Shiv and AP items you should put them on Twisted Fate. The most important item in this comp is Locket of the Iron Solari because Duelists do a lot of damage, especially early game, and ensuring their survival will help you run over opponents early/mid game.


  • Nilah items: Locket of the Iron Solari
  • Twisted Fate items: Statik Shiv, Giant Slayer, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Guinsoo’s Rageblade
  • Vayne items: Giant Slayer, Deathblade, Infinity Edge, Runaan’s Hurricane, Guardbreaker, Spear of Shojin, Last Whisper
  • Other units: Tank items


  • 6 or 8 Duelist

Augments: Knife’s Edge, Thrill of the Hunt, Cybernetic Implants, Celestial Blessing, Radiant Relics,

Both Hero augments for Twisted Fate are decent, but the Support one is preferred. Spreadshot is way better than into the night for Vayne carry. Nilah augments are decent as well. In terms of 1 + 2 cost Hero Augments, the utility Fiora augment is good. Fiora carry augment is also playable.



TFT Set 8.5 Tier List - Patch 13.6b Meta Snapshot
Though this comp really only comes online with Scoped Weapons augment, it’s still middle A tier in terms of power and potential.

Last Week’s Rank: N/A

Difficulty: Low
Item/Augment Dependency: Medium
Variance: Medium


  • RFC or Scoped Weapons on Jax so he becomes ranged

Item Holder: Nasus, Kayle, Gangplank, Renekton -> Jax

How to Play:
Practically the same comp as last Set without Soraka, this comp is usually just default 6 Brawlers and then add in secondary carries/units. Usually Aurelion Sol is a very good addition as a +1 unit, especially if you don’t have anti-heal items or augments. Look to duo carry Jax and Warwick however, with Riven being your premier tank. Since this is a 3 cost reroll comp (Riven + Jax), you should sit at level 7 and slowroll above 50g for your 3* units.


  • Jax items: Rapidfire Cannon, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Quicksilver Sash, Giant Slayer,
  • Warwick items: Titan’s Resolve, Bloodthirster, QuickSilver Sash, Last Whisper, Runaan’s Hurricane, Deathblade, Giant Slayer
  • Riven items: Redemption, Ionic Spark, Sunfire Cape, Titan’s Resolve, Tank items


  • 6 or 8 Brawler

Augments: Golden Ticket, Think Fast, Battlemage, Scoped Weapons, Second Wind, Ascension, Brawer Crest, Brawler Crown, Brawler Heart

The Jax Hero Augments are actually not ideal for Jax carry specifically, but are definitely usable. The best one you could possibly get is probably Warwick’s Big Data augment, which lets your units deal more damage the more HP they have.



TFT Set 8.5 Tier List - Patch 13.6b Meta Snapshot
LaserCorps is put in A tier because the augments Laser Heart and Crown were removed, therefore the comp’s cap is much, much lower than previously. You can still play it if you get a LaserCorps Emblem off tome, but since this is so unreliable this comp is not as consistent as before.

Last Week’s Rank:

Difficulty: Low
Item/Augment Dependence: Medium
Variance: Medium


  • Good frontline, 3 Warwick items (must have healing)

Item Holder: Ashe, Yasuo, Draven, Jax

How to Play:
Much like Set 8 LaserCorps, this comp oftentimes begins with 3 LaserCorps + Brawler into 5 LaserCorp late game. You can use Jax or Draven to carry Warwick items until you find him. You can Belveth as well if you find her before Warwick. Once you find Mordekaiser, the game truly comes online for you. Make sure you put Warwick in the Hacker and scout your opponents to make an educated guess as to which side you want to Hacker in Warwick for the highest probability of success.


  • Warwick items: Titan’s Resolve, Bloodthirster, Hextech Gunblade,
  • Ionic Spark + Sunfire Cape on Tank/utility units
  • AP items/Thief’s Gloves on Mordekaiser


  • 5/6 LaserCorp

Augments: LaserCorp Heart, LaserCorp Crown, Thrill of the Hunt, Second Wind, Celestial Blessing, Band of Thieves

In terms of Hero augments, both Warwick augments are really good, and so is Yasuo’s Spirit of the Exile. Morderkaiser’s support augment is preferred, but if you have to take the carry augment to complete your Lasercorp synergy it is takeable.



TFT Set 8.5 Tier List - Patch 13.6b Meta Snapshot
Usually the threats played are Bel’Veth, Aurelion Sol and Aatrox, but you can throw in all threats like shown above. This comp is actually very reliant on if you have full items/good Hero Augments for both BelVeth and Aurelion Sol. Aurelion Sol Hero Augments are statistically a lot better than Bel’Veth’s. The Threat Level: Maximum augment makes this comp super strong. However, without it, it lacks the punch to truly contest with the top comps.

Last Week’s Rank:

Difficulty: Medium
Item/Augment Dependency: Medium
Variance: Medium


  • BelVeth and Aurelion Sol items

Item Holder: Jax, Camille for BelVeth, Lulu, Lux, Leblanc, Sona, Kai’sa for Aurelion Sol

How to Play:
You play your strongest board until you can get BelVeth and ASol, then start transitioning into a full Threat board. You can also opt to reroll Bel’Veth, Rammus and Morgana. If you hit 3* of all those units, the comp is decent, but Morgana is not as good of a frontline or utility unit as Cho’Gath in my opnion. Otherwise, you play BelVeth, Aurelion Sol and Aatrox. Aatrox can fit in any Threats variation (and most boards in general, honestly) because he’s reasonable frontline. You add in Fiddlesticks later. Again, comp becomes A/S- tier when you get the augment Threat Level: Maximum.


  • BelVeth, ASol, Aatrox

Augments: Threat Level: Maximum, Ascension, Celestial Blessing, Band of Thieves, Second Wind


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B Tier: Playable, but not Preferred. These comps could be strong if uncontested.

Jinx Reroll

TFT Set 8.5 Tier List - Patch 13.6b Meta Snapshot
Because this comp is so reliant on getting Jinx’s Get Excited! Hero Augment, it can not be at the top of this tier list.

Last Week’s Rank: S

Difficulty: Low
Item/Augment Dependence: Medium
Variance: Medium


  • Mana Regeneration/AP items on Jinx, AP items on Miss Fortune,

Item Holder: Jinx

How to Play:
Since this is a 2 cost reroll comp, you should look to slowroll (above 50g to maintain econ interest) for Jinx 3* at level 6. You should look to play 5 Anima Squad + 2 Prankster at 6, and once you hit your 3* Jinx look to replace one of your Anima Squad units for Miss Fortune as your secondary AP carry. However, if you have Anima Squad spat(s), you can look to play 7 Anima Squad at level 7 or 8.


  • Jinx items: Spear of Shojin, Rageblade, Statikk Shiv Rabadon’s Deathcap, Jeweled Gauntlet, Guardbreaker, Giant Slayer, Hextech Gunblade, HoJ, Archangel
  • AP items + Shojin on Miss Fortune
  • AD/Attack Speed items Vayne


  • 5/7 Anima Squad, frontline units

Augments: Anima Squad Crown, Anima Squad Crest, Anima Squad Heart Cybernetic Uplink, Axiom Arc, Celestial Blessing, Radiant Relics, Exiles

In terms of Hero augments you can only really excel with Jinx’s Get Excited! augment because it enables her carry ability by a lot.


Draven Reroll

TFT Set 8.5 Tier List - Patch 13.6b Meta Snapshot
With the Hacker nerf (Moving 2 Hacker threshold to 3 hacker), this comp is no longer one of the top comps, but rather is top B tier. However, if you get Mech Spat(s), this comp is still decently good.

Last Week’s Rank: S

Difficulty: Medium
Item/Augment Dependency: Medium
Variance: Medium


  • Last Whisper + Healing on Draven (need Infinity Edge if you get the Ruthless Blades augment)

Item Holder: Draven

How to Play: As with other 2 cost reroll comps, you should look to reroll at level 6 for 3* Draven and pyke. If you get a lot of Wukongs, look to get 3* Wukong as well to increase Draven HP. Because 2 Hacker ability was moved to 3 Hacker, you typically can’t play Hacker Draven until level 7, but if you get a Mech Spat you can bypass that and play 3 Hackers at level 6. You really want Last Whisper so you don’t get stuck on Tanks. Sometimes you play the old Draven build with Supers and if it’s a heavy AD lobby, you can look to play 4 Defenders. If given the possiblity, 5 Mech should be played as well.


  • Draven items: Last Whisper, Infinite Edge, Hextech Gunblade, Bloodthirster, Rageblade, Hand of Justice, Giant Slayer, Runaan’s Hurricane
  • Pyke items: Thief’s Gloves, AP items, Tank items
  • Other units: Zeke’s Herald or Tank items


Augments: Mech Emblem, Mech Crown, Thrill of the Hunt, Knife’s Edge, Ascension, Golden Ticket, Hacker Heart, Combat Training, Featherweights

Hero Augments: Both Draven augments are good and both Jax and Warwick’s support Augments are good as well.


Hearts Reroll

TFT Set 8.5 Tier List - Patch 13.6b Meta Snapshot
If you get Sona’s Power Grid or Lee Sin’s Cleansing Safegaurd augments, this comp is high A tier. Without it, though, it relies on getting your 3* units really quickly, or you fall behind the lobby’s tempo.

Last Week’s Rank: N/A

Difficulty: Medium
Item/Augment Dependency: Medium
Variance: Medium


  • Mana Regeneration on Sona, Tank items

Item Holder: Lulu, Lux, Ezreal

How to Play: Generally if you get Power Grid, you look to prioritize Sona 3* and Leblanc 3* if the opportunity comes. Sona is the biggest prio for sure. Because she’s a 3 cost, you look to slowroll for 3* at level 7. If you have Cleansing Safeguard, you can opt to reroll for Lee Sin at level 6 or push levels and roll for both him and Sona at level 7. Look to prioritize Mana Regeneration (usually Blue Buff) + Jeweled Gauntlet on Sona and tank items + Ionic Spark on lee. It’s hard for this comp to win out unless you hit ideal augments and 3* units.


  • Sona items: Blue Buff, Jeweled Guantlet, Guardbreaker, Giant Slayer, Hextech Gunblade
  • Lee Sin items: Tank items + Spark
  • Other units: Ap items or Mana Regeneration/AP


  • 4 Hearts

Augments: Heart Crown, Heart Emblem, Golden Ticket, Think Fast, Cybernetic Uplink, Ascension, Second Wind, Trade Sector, Luden’s Echo

Hero Augments: Cleansing Safeguard or Power Grid are by far the most preferred Hero augments for this comp, as they enable this comp a lot.



TFT Set 8.5 Tier List - Patch 13.6b Meta Snapshot
This comp really can’t contend with the likes of Spellslingers and other top comps, but is playable because of the Samira buffs. This comp still isn’t that great, but it can top 4 in certain spots.

Last Week’s Rank: B

Difficulty: Medium
Item/Augment Dependency: Medium
Variance: Medium


  • Last Whisper

Item Holder: Ashe, Sivir, Draven

How to Play: Much like Sureshots of last Set, look to play strongest board early and push the tempo. Because this comp does not win out 95% of the time, you have to look to get strong early/mid game to preserve HP. On the other hand, if you’re playing Underground and are playing AD carries after a big cashout, Sureshots are a semi-viable option if you hit an early Samira 2*. Last Whisper is required, otherwise you can’t bypass beefy frontlines. Your win condition is 3 item Samira and 3 item Ezreal 2* with a lot of frontline, so this comp is very reliant on highrolling.


  • Samira: Last Whisper, Infinity Edge, Hextech Gunblade, Giant Slayer, Hand of Justice, Deathblade, Rageblade, Runaan’s Hurricane
  • Ezreal items: AD items + Shojin
  • Other units: Tank items


  • Samira, Ezreal + Frontline

Augments: Sureshot Crown, Second Wind, Celestial Blessing, Thrill of the Hunt, Ascension, Sureshot Crest, Sureshot Heart, High End Shopping, Level Up, Jeweled Lotus, Cybernetic Implants

Daredevil is the preferred Samira augment, and both Ezreal Hero augments are takeable. The best augment for this comp, in my opinion, is Garen’s My Sword is Your Shield, because it offers a lot of stall for your Sureshots to scale.


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C Tier and Below: These are compositions that are weak, but if they are given to you, you might be forced to play them.

TFT Set 8.5 Tier List - Patch 13.6b Meta Snapshot

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TFT Items

Carousel Item Priority (Start of Game)

High Priority >>>> Low Priority

Tear is very good this patch because of the Spellslingers and Anima Squad meta, making extremely good AP items such as Spear of Shojin, Stattik Shiv, Chalice of Power, Archangel Staff, Blue Buff

Bow is good for making Statikk Shiv or playing flex AD, which is less optimal but still viable. Twisted Fate can also potentially use 3 Bows, so you can never have too many.

Bow = Flex into AS carries such as WW, TF, Vayne
Belt = Flex defensive item into anything
Rod = Ionic/Gunblade Flex
Sword = Gunblade Flex
Chain = Worse belt for defensive flex
Tear = Spellsingers/Vex
Cloak = Mech items, Chalice, Spark
Glove = Thieves Gloves, LW, JG, HoJ


  • How are compositions ranked?
    • There are many factors, but the two strongest ones are how often they can be played and how strong they are when you get it. Think of it like frequency of being played combined with how well it can potentially do.
    • I also rank them based on how often the best players in the world play each comp (top 10 players in major regions)
  • Why isn’t XYZ Comp here?
    • Probably not played enough, not strong enough, or maybe it hasn’t been discovered yet and will hopefully be added next week.
    • It’s also impossible to fit every single variation of every composition on a tier list, so expect variations of these comps to do well too.
    • I also add in different versions of different comps in the notes, so be sure to read through them! (For example, one synergy might have two different playstyles such as reroll or standard)
  • [Legendary Unit] carry is the best in the game, where is it?
    • It is not reliable to have a 5 cost carry as a composition because you will not be able to get a 2* Legendary consistently. There may be metas where there are ‘Fast 9’ comps, but these often use any legendary they can get instead of a specific one.
  • What does Difficulty, Item Dependency, and Variance mean?
    • Difficulty is how hard the composition is to play.  Difficulty does not factor into the strength or viability of the composition but serves as a factor for new players. 
    • Item dependency is how important specific items are to the composition. 
    • Variance is the approximate placement range of the composition.  For example, a consistent Top 4 composition has Low variance.  A composition that either places 1st or 8th has a High variance.
  • Does what composition I play matter?
    • No. Playing TFT well matters a lot more
  • I can’t get these exact items every game
    • You don’t need perfect items or exact items unless specified in the Requirements section. Most of the time you just need ‘playable’ items and not ‘best in slot’ (BIS)
  • You are wrong, XYZ comp should be in S tier and ABC player said this S tier comp sucks
    • Everyone has different opinions. I try to take a data based approach by analyzing games from the best players in each region to combine all their opinions.
    • At the end of the day, comp doesn’t matter much compared to just playing TFT well (rolling, managing econ, positioning, etc). If you check out the best players, you will see that each player favors different compositions yet they are all very highly ranked.
  • When is this site updated?
    • Every Friday
  • Where can I learn more?
    • There are many resources and players to learn from. I suggest starting at my YouTube channel and this website.

Knowing how to get better at TFT is much more important than knowing what compositions to play. Knowing how to play Teamfight Tactics will help you no matter what patch it is.

Tier placement assumes strong play.  Refer to Difficulty metric before attempting to play.

Video Guide

BEST TFT Comps Guide for Set 8.5 Patch 13.6b | Teamfight Tactics | Tier List