TFT Set 7.5 Tier List – Patch 12.21 Meta Snapshot

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Meta Snapshot Summary

Updated 11/4 – Worlds Patch! This is the final serious patch of Set 7.5!

We’ve brought imissvoidsins back to show us the Meta in the tournament scene this weekend. He is the Set 5 MSI winner and reaches top 10 every set. Catch his streams on Twitch or get coaching from him!

NOTE: Augments greatly change the comp you run. For example if you get lots of emblems, you don’t need to run certain units or you chase an 8 or 9 synergy. Adaptation to your augments/items/units is key in Set 7.5

Check out the Patch Review!

Be on the lookout by bookmarking this page or subscribing to my YouTube for the latest news and comps.

Check LEVELING GUIDE so you know what to do for each comp (includes reroll)

5 Playstles for Climbing

Unranked to Diamond

Quick Tips for Climbing at Start of Season

9 Advanced Tips to get to Challenger

Best TFT Comps for Set 7.5 Patch 12.21

S: Graves Seraphine, Dragons, Olaf Reroll, Jade, Kaisa Reroll, Mirage Daeja, Karma Reroll, Yone Reroll,
A: Lagoon, Ezreal Reroll, Guild Zippy, Xayah, Darkflight Rengar, Mage Nomsy, Whispers, Built Different,
B: Dragonmancer Lee Sin, Astral, Graves Nilah, Darkflight Cannoneer,
C: Cannoneer, Qiyana Reroll, Swiftshot Twitch, Nidalee Reroll, Senna Reroll, Sett Ragewings, Wukong Reroll, Diana Assassins, Varus Bruisers,
Other: Double Trouble

Tournament/Pro Meta Shifts

Note that Items don’t really matter that much, so don’t grief your game to get specific items unless I mention a specific item is required.

Try out different types of positioning and champions in these comps too! There is a ton of variation in TFT so be sure to check out the Core units and then flex the rest of your team!



Video Breakdown

TFT Comps Tier List Set 7.5

S Tier: Best TFT Comps – Highly Flexible or Very Strong

Graves Seraphine Pantheon

TFT Set 7.5 Tier List - Patch 12.21 Meta Snapshot
This comp was good last patch, but with nerfs to other top comps, this comp has reemerged as S tier. The only downside to this comp is that it is relatively augment reliant.

Last Week’s Rank: A

Difficulty: Medium
Item/Augment Dependency: Medium-High
Variance: Medium


  • Zekes and a Morello

Item Holder: Nidalee, Taliyah, Senna or Ezreal early game

How to Play: This comp is very very strong if you have the proper items/upgrades because it survives initial burst and includes Zyra/Seraphine which are a broken units. During the early game, AD items typically go on Senna but can be put on any unit that holds AD items early. If you find a Pantheon/Graves early and have a Zeke’s this comp can be forced from that spot. If you dont have Xayah specific items but rather AD bruiser items such as Edge of Night, Bloodthirster, Titans, Hand of Justice, you should seriously consider this comp as one of your late game outs.

The only mandatory items are Zeke’s and Morello, with Morello on Seraphine and Zeke’s on Zeri/Rakan. Protector’s Vow is also really good in this comp because it helps stall for your team to deal damage over time. You ideally roll on 7 at 4-1 for Seraphine, Zyra, Zac and Rakan 2*, one Graves and one Pantheon. Slot in Bard at 8. If you can’t find Bard, Yasuo or a random Jayce are good as well. You keep your units centered around Seraphine so positioning is pretty brain off in this comp.

Though the unit cost in this comp is not the highest, it still relies on specific itemization. Surprisingly, Graves’ items are actually lower on the priority list.

Seraphine items: Morello, Archangel Staff, Shojin, any AP

Graves items: BT, EoN, Last Whisper, Giant Slayer, HoJ, Titan’s Resolve

Pantheon items: BT, tank items (Dragon’s Claw is really good in this meta right now)

General utility items: Protector’s Vow, ZzRot


  • Graves, Seraphine, Rakan, Zeri, Zac, Pantheon, Zyra

Augments: Better Together, First Aid Kit, Celestial Blessing, Thrill of the Hunt, Stand United, Cybernetic Uplink, Cybernetic Implants, Cybernetic Shell


  • Generally high burst comps can potentially beat this such as capped out Xayah boards with Shyv 2 or full damage Aoshin 2* Drags, but this comp is very strong for its unit cost.

Only Drags

TFT Set 7.5 Tier List - Patch 12.21 Meta Snapshot
TFT Set 7.5 Tier List - Patch 12.21 Meta Snapshot
Though I expected this comp to be less accessible after the removal of Level Up and High End Shopping, after watching Korean Regionals it’s clear that you can still reach this comp rather consistently. Its strength is unmatched, and the Aurelion Sol variant seems to be the slighty stronger and preferred variation.

Last Week’s Rank: S

Difficulty: Low
Item/Augment Dependency: Medium
Variance: High


  • Need a lucky game to get this
  • Econ augments
  • High HP
  • Lots of Gold

Item Holder: Ezreal/Karma/Lux

How to Play:

Note: Idas is replaced by Shi Oh Yu oftentimes depending on lobby for Mystic.

Since this is a highroll comp, it is almost always required to have infinite econ to fast 9 via a strong early board that allows you to streak or something that accelerates leveling like the Level Up augment. If not, generally you can stabilize 8 with a lucky Ao Shin and then econ up to go 9. Sometimes your only out is to roll constantly at 8 for Ao Shin 2*, especially if you have a pair already.

Ao Shin needs Damage, Healing, sometimes Mana Regeneration. 2* Ao Shin does not need all damage items, but the problem is that oftentimes you are forced to play 1* Ao Shin to stabilize, and having a full damage build like Archangel’s Staff, JG + IE will help you kill a lot of units or even win fights you otherwise wouldn’t have. In order to get Ao Shin to cast with this build, however, you must have a solid frontline.

**If you can get the Dragon Soul augment and Fast 9 to put in 6 Dragons with dual Aurelion Sol and Ao Shin carry this comp ascends to S++ tier granted you have good items and/or upgrades!**

Note: You can play Aurelion Sol instead of Ao Shin if your items are more optimized for him like Morellonomicon, Hextech Gunblade, Archangel’s Staff. Aurelion Sol, like stated before, seems to be the preferred carry this patch.

Shyvana wants Morello + AP

Bruiser items such as Bloodthirster, Titan’s, HoJ, EoN can go on Syfen/Shi Oh Yu, depending on which you hit first generally.

Tank items on everyone else


  • 4 Dragons

Augments: Level Up, High End Shopping, AFK, Rich Get Richer, Late Game Specialist, Windfall, Celestial Blessing, Ascension, Second Wind


  • None really if you hit your frontline and your carry units. If your frontline isn’t stable and/or you dont have great AP dmg items then there’s a very real possibility you get run over by the Shi Oh Yu + Syfen comp.

Olaf Scalescorn Whispers

TFT Set 7.5 Tier List - Patch 12.21 Meta Snapshot
Typically played with 4 Scalescorn 4 Whispers. This comp is very good especially if you get early Olaf to start killing him off for AD and/or you get great augments. With the Lillia buffs and nerfs to other comps this comp moves up to S tier.

Last Week’s Rank: S-

Difficulty: Medium
Item/Augment Dependency: Medium
Variance: High


  • Lots of Olafs

Item Holder: Yone, Wukong, Jax

How to Play: Generally played if you get Olaf at or before 2-1. Then you isolate him in the front row so he is guaranteed death to start stacking his AD. Early game can play bruisers jade or any generic bruiser + backline DPS combo. Oftentimes at 3-2 you want to roll a little bit at least to stabilize either through 4 Scalescorn or just upgraded units. If you have a lot of econ, you can skip the 3-2 roll down and level to 7 at 3-5 and look for Olaf 2, 4 Scalescorn, or if you hit Pantheon, 4 Warrior.

Reroll for Olaf 3* at level 7, look for Pantheon, Syfen and Diana 3* as well if you are playing the 4 Scalescorn variant.

You look for Syfen and Pantheon combo at 7 if youre low on hp, otherwise you go 8 and look for the units if you’re highrolling.

Note: You dont HAVE to play this variation, you can also play the classic 4 Warrior 4 Scalescorn variation, depends on what units you hit and what items you have. With Lillia buffs, rerolling for Lillia 3 is a very viable option as well now.

Items for Olaf: RFC, HoJ, Giantslayer, Bloodthirster, Quicksilver, Rageblade, Runaan’s, Deathblade, Titan’s Resolve, Assassin Emblem

Items for Pantheon: Bloodthirster, Titan’s, Warmogs, Gargoyles, Scalescorn Spatula, HoJ, Redemption, Protector’s Vow

Items for Syfen: Bloodthirster, Titan’s, HoJ, Rageblade, Giant Slayer, Infinity Edge, Thief’s Gloves

Items for Lillia: Ionic Spark, Archangel’s Staff, HoJ, Bloodthirster, Titan’s Resolve


  • 4 Scalescorn + 4 Whispers. If you get a Scalescorn/Warrior Spat you can fit in 4 Warrior/Scalescorn/Whispers at 8. Can go to 6 with either Scalescorn or Warrior variant if dropped multiple Emblems.

Augments: Thrill of the Hunt, Personal Training, Base Camp, Scalescorn Crown, Warrior Crown, Tiamat, Combat Training, Preparation, Celestial Blessing, Radiant Relics,


  • Burst Damage
  • Anti Heal


TFT Set 7.5 Tier List - Patch 12.21 Meta Snapshot

This comp is still very reliable and strong this patch.

Last Week’s Rank: S.

Difficulty: Low
Item/Augment Dependency: Medium
Variance: Low

Requirements: SOY items

Item Holder: Wukong, Nidalee

How to Play: This comp is very simple to play. Typical start is either Wukong or Nidalee holding SOY items and playing 3 Jade with Jax + Gnar.

If playing Nidalee as your item holder, you should slot in Astral as well for the early econ boost in Stage 2 if you’re lose streaking and then add in Astral + Jade at 6. However, if your board is strong but might lose if you play Astrals instead of Jade, look to sack Astral value and play 3 Jade instead to continue your streak for the sake of tempo. Then you just slot in Olaf for Bruiser Warrior and push levels to put in SOY at level 7/8 depending on if your hp is too low. At level 8, you should take out Olaf and put in Syfen Pantheon Jayce. If you happen to hit any of these units “prematurely”, look to fit them in as they are very strong units this patch.

With the cumulative Syfen, Jayce and Shi Oh Yu buffs, this comp has steamrolled its way to the top in terms of popularity and replayability.

SOY items: Bloodthirster, Titans Resolve, EoN. Other items include GS, Rageblade

Jayce can be used as a supplementary AP carry or just a general tank. However, with the Jayce changes, he actually benefits more from AP items so items would be Archangel’s Staff, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Jeweled Gauntlet, Morellonomicon, etc.


  • Soraka, Shi Oh Yu



  • Highroll Scalescorn, capped out Dragons comp

Kaisa Reroll

TFT Set 7.5 Tier List - Patch 12.21 Meta Snapshot
Even with the nerfs to Kai’Sa and Dragonmancer, this comp is still S tier. However, this comp is potentially S- tier. Curious to see how it does at Regional Finals.

Last Week’s Rank: N/A

Difficulty: Low
Item/Augment Dependency: High
Variance: Medium


  • Kai’Sa and Zac 3

Item Holder: Taliyah/Karma unless you have Kai’Sa already

How to Play: With any other reroll comp, you would like to start with the Astral or Lagoon trait (ideally Lagoon) to build up econ/stacks. It’s ok to lose streak to get ideal damage items for Kaisa, and you roll down at 3-2 for a stable board, generally that being Kaisa and Zac 2*. From there, slowroll at above 50 econ for Kaisa and Zac 3*, and push levels for more Dragonmancers.

Items on Kaisa: IE + JG, Archangel’s Staff, Giant Slayer, Blue Buff, Spear of Shojin, MorelloNomicon, Rabadon’s Deathcap

Items on Zac: Warmog’s, Sunfire Cape, Stoneplate, Dragon’s Claw, Bramble’s Vest

Items on Others: Chalice of Power, Ionic Spark, Statikk Shiv, Zzrot’s Portal


  • Kaisa + Zac 3

Augments: Dragonmancer Conference, Featherweights, Cybernetic Uplink, Celestial Blessing 3, Preparation, Blue Battery


  • Overbearing damage like Aoshin + Dragons


TFT Set 7.5 Tier List - Patch 12.21 Meta Snapshot
Daeja is S- tier because other comps were nerfed. Simple, strong comp.

Last Week’s Rank: S

Difficulty: Medium
Item/Augment Dependency: Medium
Variance: Medium


  • Early Nunu 2* helps a ton

Item Holder: Anyone, but Ezreal/Karma are very strong early game AP holders.

How to Play:

Ideal start is Ezreal 2* holding AP items and a strong early game frontline like Leona 2*. Certain Mirages call for more specific itemization. Generally Daeja can be played in any mirage but there are specific mutations that are played in very niche circumstances.

One of them is the Pirates mutation, which almost always requires an early Daeja highroll in stage 3 (preferrably earlier on in stage 3) so you can start snowballing the 6 Pirates loot. The only real way to win with this route is Daeja 3 as you are lacking a combat mutation. The second niche mutation is Electric Overload, which is best played with reroll Leona/guardians early as it’s basically the same as the Electrocharge augment. In this instance you would prio tank items for Leona.

NOTE: You don’t have to play vertical (aka higher quantities of a particular synergy like 6 Mirage) Mirage, but if you hit soemthing like Idas, Shi Oh Yu and Syfen 2* you can just play the 4 Dragon variant of this comp + an additional Mystic like Rakan or mystic.

Items for Nunu: Warmogs, Redemption, Any other tank item

Items for Daeja: Archangel’s Staff, Rageblade, Quicksilver, Giantslayer, Hand of Justice, Hextech Gunblade, Bloodthirster, Titan’s Resolve, Statikk Shiv, Revel Spatula (go Revels)

TIP: The Mirage variant doesn’t drastically change the build. BUT here are some small adjustments in case you need it!

Dawnbringer’s Determination: Once per combat, rapidly heal at 50% Health: Nunu is insane with this. Warmogs super important. 3* Nunu very good! Can play Leona over Yone. On Daeja, prioritize damage, maybe you don’t need Gunblade/HoJ and do 3 damage items

Duelist’s Dexterity: Attacks grant Attack Speed: Daeja is the main carry, and get some damage such as Rabadon’s Deathcap, Archangel’s Staff, Giantslayer, Statikk Shiv, JG/IE, Quicksilver. Because attack speed is covered, you ideally want AP/AP crit to balance out the damage. Rageblade still good, but slam other items too!

Executioner’s Edge: Always critically strike low Heath targets with Attacks and Abilities. Gain bonus Critial Strike Damage.: Focus on damage items to make the most of this.

Warlord’s Honor: After winning any combat, gain bonus Health and Ability Power: Remember to give your units a stack on neutral rounds!

Electric Overload: When attacking or being hit by an attack, gain a chance to deal 8% of their maximum Health as magic damage to adjacent enemies: Great for your tanks. Great for Rageblade. Daeja isn’t the focus in this comp, usually played as Leona/guardian reroll. Maybe 3* Yone as well but not needed. As previously mentioned, prio tank items for Leona. After hitting 3* Leona, push levels for Daeja.

Spellsword’s Enchantment: Each player combat, gain Ability Power per attack: Rageblade/Quicksilver great combo here as per usual. A defensive item like Bloodthirster could be played here where it would be suboptimal otherwise.

Pirate’s Greed: Gain a chest of loot after each player combat: The only way to play this seriously and to place high is to highroll an early Daeja to slot in 6 mirage ASAP. Otherwise, only use this for econ unless you are trying to make YouTube videos.


  • Daeja, Nunu,

Augments: Cavalier Crest/Crown/Unity, Mirage, Celestial Blessing, Portable Forge


  • Anti Heal
  • Dragon Tank
  • Lagoon

Karma Reroll

TFT Set 7.5 Tier List - Patch 12.21 Meta Snapshot
This comp was barely nerfed this patch, still a very strong comp that is consistent and easy to play.

Last Week’s Rank: N/A

Difficulty: Low
Item/Augment Dependency: High
Variance: Low


Item Holder: Karma

How to Play: This comp is very straightforward, look to play this if given Jeweled Gauntlet + Infinite Edge components. Since Karma wants 3 glove items, it would be reasonable to start Glove during your first carousel.

If you get a Dragonmancer Emblem as first augment or even something like Dragonmancer Conference, you can look to play this comp. Early game you slot in 4 Dragonmancer, and if you econ is very good, you can roll a bit at Stage 3-1 to find more Karmas because you will still be level 4 (as long as you didn’t manually push levels), granting you a higher chance to hit 1 cost units. If you are not very close to hitting Karma 3, it’s advisable to slowroll above 50 econ at lvl 5 for maximum efficiency. From there, just level up and put in Qiyana and more Dragonmancers.

Positioning: At first glance, you might think putting Karma front row is a grief, but with the healing from HoJ and the raw HP given by Dragonmancer, you should be able to tank a lot of hits. The whole premise of this is so that Karma can generate mana quicker while being hit, thus doing more DPS. You should put Lee Sin next to Karma so he can kick away anyone who tries to jump on her, or any supertanks that have a Dragon’s Claw or are just generally hard to kill.

Items for Karma: IE + JG, HoJ, Hextech Gunblade, Giant Slayer

Items for Lee Sin: Chalice of Power, Sunfire Cape, Protector’s Vow

Items for Kaisa: Statikk Shiv, Morellonomicon


  • Karma 3, should also have Sett 3 usually while rolling down for Karma, just slot in more Dragonmancers after

Augments: Axiom Arc, Celestial Blessing, Blue Battery, Preparation, Dragonmancer Crest, Dragonmancer Crown, Dragonmancer Conference, Thrill of the Hunt, Eye of the Storm, Pandora’s Items, Urf’s Grab Bag II


  • Burst Damage

Yone Reroll

TFT Set 7.5 Tier List - Patch 12.21 Meta Snapshot
The only reason this comp is not S+ tier is because of its lack of consistency. S-

Last Week’s Rank: N/A

Difficulty: Low
Item/Augment Dependency: High
Variance: Medium


  • Swiftshot Emblem/Augment or Scoped Weapons II

Item Holder: Nid/Ezreal/Senna/Taliyah early, then put items on Yone

How to Play:

Like with most comps, you can and should opt for an Astral or Lagoon start just to kickstart your econ, with Yone items being held on Nidalee or Taliyah, depending on which avenue you choose to go down. If this isn’t possible, just use Ezreal or Senna as an item holder until you roll down for Yone 2 at 6. It’s difficult to force this comp, but if you have a Spat/Emblem or Scoped Weapons II opener you can and should hard force this comp.

Once you get to level 6 (typically at Stage 3-2), it’s important to maintain high econ, but generally, it’s ok to roll down for Yone 2 and or decent frontline like Braum 2, but how much you have to roll depends on your econ, hp and how strong your lobby is. From there, slowroll (above 50 econ to maximize interest) for Yone 3 and Braum 3. Braum is just an all-around good frontline unit, so if he isn’t properly itemized or 3* there is a good possibility your Yone gets targetted to early before he starts ramping. Level up for additional Warriors after.

Items: Swiftshot Emblem, Rageblade, RFC (if Swiftshot Emblem), Giant Slayer, Hand of Justice, Hextech Gunblade


  • Yone + Braum 3

Augments: Swiftshot Crest, Swiftshot Crown, Scoped Weapons II, Preparation, Celestial Blessing


  • Overbearing damage like Aoshin + Dragons
TFT Set 7.5 Tier List - Patch 12.21 Meta Snapshot

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A Tier: Solid TFT Team Comps. Weaker, less flexible, requires more luck than S-Tier

Lagoon Sohm/Nilah

TFT Set 7.5 Tier List - Patch 12.21 Meta Snapshot
Lagoon is very good if you get good items and are stacking Lagoon early. Since other top comps got nerfed, this comp is borderline S tier, will leave in higher A tier for now,

Last Week’s Rank: A

Difficulty: Medium
Item/Augment Dependency: Medium
Variance: Medium


  • Zzrots as frontline, ideally you want blue buff sohm and EoN Nilah
  • You want to put in Lagoon ASAP to start stacking
  • Combat Augments, as you get a lot of econ from Lagoon itself

Item Holder: Lux, Taliyah, Kaisa

How to Play: Typically you would play Lagoon in stage 2 to start building your econ. Tear start into blue buff would be ideal, and you start getting Lagoon stacks via Kaisa or Taliyah immediately. The standard way to play this would be to econ until 4-1 where you roll for a Sohm and a Nilah to stabilize your board, especially if your hp is too low. Sometimes you could be winstreaking with Lagoon and this allows you to roll at later intervals (Stage 4-5 typically).

Nilah is actually the main finisher of the comp, and Sohm is primarily there to serve as chip damage/morello applier. In terms of frontline, Zzrot is the best option because Sylas can’t tank enough even with tank items compared to just the raw health of the Zzrot. If you can get a Mage Emblem onto Zyra, this comp is S+.

Can go 9 Lagoon or 3 Mages with flex units, but with the buff to 5 Mages, 6 Lagoon + 5 Mages is the optimal way to play this comp.

Items for Nilah: EoN, BT, Titans Resolve. The only mandatory item here is EoN because Nilah oftentimes gets caught out by random projectiles or chip damage and just dies.

Items for Sohm: Blue Buff, Morello, any AP item (Rabadons/Archangel Staff)

TFT Set 7.5 Tier List - Patch 12.21 Meta Snapshot


  • 6 Lagoon, 5 Mage

Augments: Blue Battery, Luden’s Echo, Mage Augments, Cybernetic Uplink, Portable Forge, Radiant Relic,


Zippy Carry

TFT Set 7.5 Tier List - Patch 12.21 Meta Snapshot
Zippy is still good, but mainly as a midgame unit. Can not really contest the reroll comps this patch.

Last Week’s Rank: A

Difficulty: Easy
Item/Augment Dependency: Medium
Variance: Medium


  • Good Zippy items, explained below

Item Holder: Nidalee (Astral + Shapeshifters), Wukong

How to Play: Look to play this if you get either a Titans Resolve or Bloodthirster early and are looking for a strong midgame comp to build around. Ideally you should play Astral in almost all early games so you would be sacking the early game anyways, so securing a Titans and/or BT should be relatively easy. Once you build enough econ, if you are rich enough, you can roll at 7 at 3-5 for Zippy, but generally you econ up with Astral and roll at 4-1 for your upgrades, most important one being Zippy 2. From then on just add more Guild units such as Jayce and Bard, and if you have leftover Attack Speed/Attack Damage items you just put them on Xayah.

Another popular variation of this comp is the Daeja Guild variant. All you would do is replace Hecarim and Xayah for Daeja if you have more AP-leaning items, and possibly Bard or Twitch for a nunu 2 depending on which Mirage variant it was. Ideally you should go 9 to fit in the 4 Mirage 7 Guild spike, but sometimes it’s just not plausible. Mirages that are very underwhelming for this are Pirates and Electric Overload, as those don’t offer any combat boosts to Daeja itself.

Note: If you can get a Guild Emblem on your backline carry, whether it be Xayah or Daeja, you spike your board very hard. Guild Emblem in general is just very good right now so it’s very reasonable to choose it as your augment most times.


  • Zippy, Guild units, backline carry

Augments: Guild Crest, Guild Heart, Celestial Blessing, Electrocharge, Thrill of the Hunt, Gear Upgrades, Cavalier Crest, Cybernetic Implants


  • Graves Seraphine comp generally destroys this comp because it has too much shielding/tankiness for Zippy to burst through
  • A lot of capped out end game comps such as Ao Shin Dragons, highroll Xayah with Shyvana will outperform Zippy as the game progresses to the later stages.

Ezreal Reroll

TFT Set 7.5 Tier List - Patch 12.21 Meta Snapshot
This comp was emerging last patch, depending on how fast/what you hit, has potential to be S- tier. Will put in A for now.

Last Week’s Rank: C

Difficulty: Easy
Item/Augment Dependency: Medium
Variance: Medium


  • Hitting your 3* units relatively early

Item Holder: Ezreal, Braum, Nasus

How to Play: As with many 1-2 cost comps, it’s basically just pressing D (rerolling). If you have a lot of Ezreals early, a blue buff early and/or AP items like Rabadon’s Deathcap/Archangel Staff with a good opening augment you can play for this comp. Hardforcing this comp is risky because if you don’t hit early enough you won’t match the lobby tempo to go fast 9, which is the objective of this comp. The concept is to reroll above 50 econ at lvl 5 after Krugs, hit your 3* Ezreal, Nasus and Braum and then econ up to go fast 9 for the Dragons endgame comp with Legendary Dragons.


  • 4 Guardian 2 Swiftshot

Augments: Blue Battery, Luden’s Echo, Featherweights, Celestial Blessing, Preparation


  • Endgame comps like Graves Seraphine, Dragons, Highroll Xayah, reroll Scalescorn will out tempo you if you don’t hit early enough

Xayah Ragewing or Guild Xayah

TFT Set 7.5 Tier List - Patch 12.21 Meta Snapshot
Xayah is still a strong comp, however, against endgame comps such as Aoshin, highroll Scalescorn, some Darkflight comps like Rengar 3 Swain 2, this comp tends to not be able to match their strength. After further research, Xayah just seems way too dependent on highrolling to be considered an S tier comp this patch, so this is comp is now A tier.

Last Week’s Rank: S

Difficulty: Medium
Item/Augment Dependency: Medium
Variance: Medium


  • None, this comp is pretty flexible

Item Holder: Ezreal, Nidalee, Senna, Varus, Twitch, any frontliner

How to Play:

Easiest opener is Ezreal 2* holding Xayah items. Can swap for Varus mid game. Add in Twitch and any flexible frontline aka Guardians/Bruisers/Cavs. Oftentimes you won’t get this particular opener so you have to adapt with other early game comps such as Jade Shapeshifters early with Nidalee carry, 2* Senna with flexible frontline, or 2* Wukong Jade. What’s interesting is that as of recently, Zippy has become meta as a midgame stabilizer and can hold tank or bruiser items until you find Idas 2 or the Shyvana + Jayce combo.

If you are winstreaking early/have a lot of hp to work with, rolling at 8 at around Stage 4-5 is ideal. However, since this comp is heavily contested, it is not a bad idea to roll a bit at 7 at 4-1 to stabilize and to get a head start in getting Xayahs, especially if you are low in hp.


  • Xayah, Hecarim, 2 Swiftshot. Shyvana is required to get higher placements as the comp truly goes online once you get her.

Augments: Press the Attack, Cybernetic Implants, Stand United, Scorch, Guild Crown, Weakspot, Celestial Blessing, Tantrum, Portable Forge


  • Sohm/Nilah Lagoon if Nilah assassinates Xayah.
  • 4 Dragon with Aoshin/Asol if they hit their units/items because these comps have heavy backline access with their raw dps.

Darkflight Rengar

TFT Set 7.5 Tier List - Patch 12.21 Meta Snapshot
With other comps nerfed and this one basically maintaining its state, Rengar is still A tier. It can be S tier in certain circumstances, but will keep in A for now.

Last Week’s Rank: A

Difficulty: Low
Item/Augment Dependency: Medium
Variance: High


  • Sacrificed Emblem for Darkflight Essence or Zeke’s

Item Holder: Ezreal/Senna/Wukong/Nidalee -> Rengar

How to Play: If you get a Spat/Emblem opener or have a FON, this comp accelerates into S tier because the Darkflight Essence is actually very powerful in this comp. Without an Emblem, this comp is still decent with a Zeke’s. You want to play a standard AD opener and play into Rengar/Rell midgame. This comp is relatively straightforward. Push level 7 to roll for 3* Rengar and Rell and to find Swain. Look to play this comp if you get Double Trouble augment as well.

Items on Rengar: Infinity Edge, HoJ, BT, Deathblade. Remember that Rengar typically uses only 2 items due to the Darkflight trait.

Swain: Morello, Titan’s, Stoneplate, Warmogs, Protector’s Vow, Dragon’s Claw, Bramble’s Vest. If you are sacrificing emblem, you leave a slot open for the Darkflight Essence because Swain with Essence stacks is very strong.


  • Rengar, Rell, Swain

Augments: Double Trouble, Cybernetic, Darkflight


  • Lagoon counters this comp by wiping out your entire board via Nilah and Sohm, oftentimes Pantheon is only unit standing and can’t hold his own.
  • Obviously highroll Xayah/Dragons will beat this through sheer DPS.

Mage Nomsy

TFT Set 7.5 Tier List - Patch 12.21 Meta Snapshot
Mage Nomsy is now A tier because of the slight mage nerfs and the lack of consistency in getting Mage Spat due to the removal of Urf’s Grab Bag I as well as Zyra nerfs, as Mage Zyra was the real catalyst for this comp to push S-tier. Additionally, Nomsy may have trouble taking down more durable comps that heal her burst such as Shi Oh Yu or Darkflight comps. Althought incredibly strong in Stage 3 and 4, this comp may be too reliant on hitting Zoe now as well. This comp is still strong, but just not top tier. You should really use this to transition to the all Dragons (Ao’Shin and/or Aurelion Sol carry) comp shown above.

Last Week’s Rank: S

Difficulty: Easy
Item/Augment Dependency: Medium
Variance: Medium


  • Nomsy items.

Item Holder: Lux, Nomsy, Tanks

How to Play: Gameplay

Since most early game boards are either Astral or Lagoon in the current meta, ideally you would Play Lux Astral early and once you find Nomsy you transition into a Nomsy Mage comp like shown above. If you can’t play either Astral or Lagoon, you can resort to standard AP early game boards such as Ezreal Twitch + generic frontline or Karma Jade. This comp is extremely strong right now especially if you can get an early Nomsy 2. It excels with Axiom Arc as well. As with most AP comps, you would ideally want a Zzrot as frontline. Typically you roll at 3-2 to find at least one Nomsy and Sylas.


  • 5 Mage Nomsy

Augments: Axiom Arc, Jeweled Lotus, Mage Heart, Mage Crest, Cyber Uplink


Zyra Pantheon – Whispers

TFT Set 7.5 Tier List - Patch 12.21 Meta Snapshot
With the nerfs to Zyra, this comp can still top 4 pretty reliably, but you can actually itemize Syfen and expect him to do well now instead of him Thief’s Gloves holder. (A-)

Last Week’s Rank: A

Difficulty: Low
Item/Augment Dependency: Medium
Variance: Low


  • Rageblade on Zyra

Item Holder: Ezreal/Senna

How to Play: Since Zyra’s BiS items are 2x Rageblade + Runaans, it is very viable to hold her items with units that typically hold atk speed/AD items like Senna/Ezreal. Can play Guardians/Bruisers/Cavs frontline. You should hold Zyras on bench instead of looking for her later if you are looking to play this comp because Zyra is a heavily contested unit right now.

Roll down at 4-1 for 1 Pantheon, 1 Syfen, Zyra 2 and ideally upgraded support units like Seraphine. Since the Zyra items are similar to Xayah items, you can flex between these two comps. If you get Rageblade, BT as ur midgame items you should lean towards this comp as Pantheon uses BT + HoJ and Zyra uses attack speed items.

Items on Zyra: 2x Rageblade, Runaans. Can replace a Rageblade with a Mage Emblem and slot in Zoe at 8.

Items on Pantheon: BT, HoJ, Titans Resolve, Dragon’s Claw, Warmogs

Items on Syfen: Thieve’s Gloves, Leftover BT or Tank items,


  • Pantheon, Zyra, Syfen, Seraphine

Augments: Celestial Blessing, Big Friend, Thieve’s Gloves, Ascension, Thrill of the Hunt, Second Wind


  • Lagoon counters this comp by wiping out your entire board via Nilah and Sohm, oftentimes Pantheon is only unit standing and can’t hold his own.
  • Obviously highroll Xayah/Dragons will beat this through sheer DPS.

Built Different

TFT Set 7.5 Tier List - Patch 12.21 Meta Snapshot
Can do extremely well if highroll, but typically is A tier.

Last Week’s Rank: A

Difficulty: Medium
Item/Augment Dependency: Medium
Variance: Medium


  • Built Different Augment

Item Holder: Anyone

How to Play: Gameplay

Standard Leveling. Try to win streak early too

Identify your 4 cost carry. There’s no “set” carry. Can use Xayah, Graves, Nilah, Pantheon at 4 cost.

Identify your best tanks. During the game before you find your final comp. Ask yourself “Who is the best Cavalier/Bruiser/Guardian”


  • Flex units, play around Graves/Xayah/Pantheon. Built Different Seraphine is also an underrated comp.

Augments: Built Different, Knife’s Edge, Recombobulator, Portable Forge, Celestial Blessing, Level Up, Weakspot, Best Friends, High End Shoping


For full gameplay and Q&A, check out my live stream at

B Tier: Playable, but not Preferred. These comps could be strong if uncontested.

Lee Sin

TFT Set 7.5 Tier List - Patch 12.21 Meta Snapshot
If you can get Lee Sin 3, with BiS items, this comp can really pop off. Can sub in Ao Shin for 6 Tempest. The only reason this is B tier is because it’s hard to stabilize midgame to allow for you to roll for 3* Lee Sin consistently. Karma and Kaisa are just better Dragonmancer reroll candidates.

Last Week’s Rank: A

Difficulty: Medium
Item/Augment Dependency: Medium
Variance: Medium


  • Lots of Lee Sins

Item Holder: Anyone

How to Play:

Reroll for Lee Sin 3* at level 7.

Items for Lee Sin: Damage build seems to be the best. HoJ, JG, IE, Titan’s, BT, Ionic, Gunblade, Archangel,


  • 6 Dragonmancer

Augments: Eye of the Storm, Tempest Crown, Celestial Blessing, Jeweled Lotus, Axiom Arc, Thrill of the Hunt


  • High single target damage

Astral Mages

TFT Set 7.5 Tier List - Patch 12.21 Meta Snapshot

Last Week’s Rank: A

Difficulty: Medium
Item/Augment Dependency: Medium
Variance: Low


  • Lots of Astrals early on

Item Holder: Lux

How to Play: Gameplay
Since 5 Mages was buffed, the only Astral units you should focus on rerolling is Skarner, Vlad & Lux. Slot in 5 mages at 6 with Sylas, Taliyah & Lillia. If Nomsy variant is Mage, replace for Taliyah & Lillia. This comp is simple, just focus on frontline and Lux items. Push levels for Zoe/Bard/Asol eventually.

Lux items: Shojin, Archangel’s Staff, Jeweled Gauntlet (IE if you have Jeweled Lotus)

Astral Loot Table


  • 3 Astral + 5 Mage

Augments: Axiom Arc, Jeweled Lotus, Cybernetic Uplink, Preparation, Mage Crest, Portable Forge, Celestial Blessing


Graves Nilah

TFT Set 7.5 Tier List - Patch 12.21 Meta Snapshot

Last Week’s Rank: B

Difficulty: High
Item/Augment Dependency: Medium
Variance: Medium


  • Itemize first carry you upgrade

Item Holder: AD holders like Senna/Yone

How to Play:

Standard leveling into Fast 8 for tier 4 units

Flexible comp, so no need to play exact champions


  • Graves, Nilah,

Augments: Cybernetic Implants, Cannoneer, Weakspot, Stand United, Portable Forge, Celestial Blessing


Darkflight Cannoneer

TFT Set 7.5 Tier List - Patch 12.21 Meta Snapshot
4 or 6 Cannoneer good. 6 is better, but you need an Augment/Emblem for it. This comp was top tier last patch, but due to the multiple nerfs to both units and traits that this comp revolved around, it is a lot weaker now.

Last Week’s Rank: B

Difficulty: Medium
Item/Augment Dependency: Medium
Variance: High


  • One Zekes Herald
  • Last Whisper

Item Holder: Aphelios, Any AD

How to Play:

Generally you want to sack Stage 2 and build your econ up. Most important aspect of this comp is getting Zeke’s early as it is the centerpiece item of the comp. Played optimally, you should roll down on 3-2 at level 6 and run 2 darkflight with 2 Aphelios’s. Put the Zeke’s on Senna and sacrifice her because she is the most expendable unit. Once you stabilize at 6 with Aphelios you push to level 7 to find Graves.

Lots of variations to this team. Can have 2/4/6 Darkflight, but higher Darkflight is not particularly necessary. Even though nerfed, 4 cannoneer is still preferred with this comp. Can do Cannoneer Emblem Rengar. Once you have Graves 2 and a strong team comp overall, you don’t have to play multiple copies of Rell/Aphelios, you can play more Cannoneers instead such as Cannoneer Nomsy


  • 2/4/6 Darkflight, as many Cannoneers as possible



  • Raw DPS from top meta comps

Rank up with a Challenger TFT Coach

C Tier and Below: These are compositions that are weak, but if they are given to you, you might be forced to play them.

Cannoneer Zeri

TFT Set 7.5 Tier List - Patch 12.21 Meta Snapshot

Last Week’s Rank: C

Difficulty: Medium
Item/Augment Dependency: Medium
Variance: Medium


  • Cannoneer Nomsy
  • Copies of Zeri depending on who you are going for

Item Holder: Senna

How to Play:

Reroll for Zeri 3* at level 7


  • 4 Cannoneer

Augments: Tri Force, Best Friends, Cannoneer Augments, Portable Forge, Celestial Blessing, Radiant Relic


Tourney Meta

Many of us are awaiting our region’s respective Regional Finals, but now is the time to discuss comps played at Regionals that have just passed. For this, we will use the Korean Regional Finals to see what top international players are playing in a tournament environment.

Unsurprisingly, around 75% of comps that top 4ed were some variation of the Dragons comp, the only variance was who was the carry. It seems Korean players heavily favor Aurelion Sol (A’Sol) as their main carry. If they can’t hit A’Sol, they’ll play Daeja instead, whether as 4 Dragons or as Guild Daeja with Zippy and just other Guild units.

Surprisingly, there were not that many Graves Seraphine players. While China absolutely LOVES that comp, Korea seems to be more interested in getting Dragon boards. It seemed that the only way Xayah performed extremely well (Top 2) was for players to hit Xayah 3. In two games, two players hit Xayah 3 and won out.

Funny thing is, one Xayah 3 board was getting demolished by a fully online A’Sol Dragons board (which just goes to show how strong Dragons comp is compared to Xayah, even at 3*), and then the A’Sol player surrendered to guarantee a 4th overall standing in the tournament (this revolves around the nuances of the ranking system). The Xayah 3 player was guaranteed second as the fights were not even close, but to secure his overall placement, the A’Sol player conceded.

TFT Set 7.5 Tier List - Patch 12.21 Meta Snapshot

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TFT Items

Carousel Item Priority (Start of Game)

High Priority >>>> Low Priority

Sword is best because it allows you to play Graves Seraphine, Soy’Fen and Rengar. These comps can use a lot of swords. Bow is also decent for flex because you can either reroll Olaf/Yone or just play tempo into Daeja/Xayah. Tear is best item for Lagoon opener and you can play for Kai’Sa reroll, Sohm or for Aurelion Sol later on. Belt is just an all-purpose flex item where you can slam early game items like Sunfire Cape, Warmog’s or Zz’Rot.


  • How are compositions ranked?
    • There are many factors, but the two strongest ones are how often they can be played and how strong they are when you get it. Think of it like frequency of being played combined with how well it can potentially do.
    • I also rank them based on how often the best players in the world play each comp (top 10 players in major regions)
  • Why isn’t XYZ Comp here?
    • Probably not played enough, not strong enough, or maybe it hasn’t been discovered yet and will hopefully be added next week.
    • It’s also impossible to fit every single variation of every composition on a tier list, so expect variations of these comps to do well too.
    • I also add in different versions of different comps in the notes, so be sure to read through them! (For example, one synergy might have two different playstyles such as reroll or standard)
  • [Legendary Unit] carry is the best in the game, where is it?
    • It is not reliable to have a 5 cost carry as a composition because you will not be able to get a 2* Legendary consistently. There may be metas where there are ‘Fast 9’ comps, but these often use any legendary they can get instead of a specific one.
  • What does Difficulty, Item Dependency, and Variance mean?
    • Difficulty is how hard the composition is to play.  Difficulty does not factor into the strength or viability of the composition but serves as a factor for new players. 
    • Item dependency is how important specific items are to the composition. 
    • Variance is the approximate placement range of the composition.  For example, a consistent Top 4 composition has Low variance.  A composition that either places 1st or 8th has a High variance.
  • Does what composition I play matter?
    • No. Playing TFT well matters a lot more
  • I can’t get these exact items every game
    • You don’t need perfect items or exact items unless specified in the Requirements section. Most of the time you just need ‘playable’ items and not ‘best in slot’ (BIS)
  • You are wrong, XYZ comp should be in S tier and ABC player said this S tier comp sucks
    • Everyone has different opinions. I try to take a data based approach by analyzing games from the best players in each region to combine all their opinions.
    • At the end of the day, comp doesn’t matter much compared to just playing TFT well (rolling, managing econ, positioning, etc). If you check out the best players, you will see that each player favors different compositions yet they are all very highly ranked.
  • When is this site updated?
    • Every Friday
  • Where can I learn more?
    • There are many resources and players to learn from. I suggest starting at my YouTube channel and this website.

Knowing how to get better at TFT is much more important than knowing what compositions to play. Knowing how to play Teamfight Tactics will help you no matter what patch it is.

Tier placement assumes strong play.  Refer to Difficulty metric before attempting to play.

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