Set 6.5 Revealed – Coming in Patch 12.3

New Set of TFT is coming called Neon Nights for Set 6.5. We have a ton of new champions and traits as this is the biggest mid-set update for Teamfight Tactics so far.

  • When will Set 6.5 release on PBE? They said it will come out on February 2 with Patch 12.3
  • When will Set 6.5 release on Live? They said Neon Nights will come out in Patch 12.4 on February 16
  • Will my Rank get reset? They will likely do a ‘soft reset’





New Set 6.5 Traits


Set 6.5 Revealed - Coming in Patch 12.3

At the start of combat and every few seconds, the Hexcore sends out a pulse that grants a 4 second shield for Hextech champions that, while active, adds bonus magic damage on attacks. This shield does not stack. The frequency of pulses increases at 2/4/6/8.

Jarvan IV (1), Nocturne (1), Sejuani (2), Swain (2), Lucian (3), Alistar (4), Sivir (4)


Set 6.5 Revealed - Coming in Patch 12.3

Strikers gain bonus Attack Damage that increases at 3/5/6.

Jarvan IV (1), Rek’Sai (2), Gnar (3), Irelia (4), Sivir (4)


Set 6.5 Revealed - Coming in Patch 12.3

Debonair champions gain bonus Health and Ability Power that increases at 3/5/7. If there is a Debonair VIP in play, they activate their unique bonus. (Sell the old VIP for a chance to see a new one in your Shop.)

Brand (1), Talon (2), Leona (3), Draven (4), Zeri (5)


Set 6.5 Revealed - Coming in Patch 12.3

This trait is active when you have exactly 1 unique Rival unit, as Rivals refuse to work together.

Vi’s mana cost is reduced by 20.

Jinx gains 40% Attack Speed for 3 seconds after scoring a takedown.

Vi (4), Jinx (5)


Set 6.5 Revealed - Coming in Patch 12.3

At the start of combat, the Mastermind grants the 2 allies directly in front of him a portion of their maximum Mana. (1)

Silco (5)


Academy, Imperial, Protector, Sister

New Champions


Set 6.5 Revealed - Coming in Patch 12.3
TraitsSyndicate, Arcanist
Orb of DeceptionAhri fires an orb in a line, dealing magic damage to all enemies it passes through on the way out and the way back. Ahri fires 1/1/2 additional orb(s) for each time she has cast this combat.


Set 6.5 Revealed - Coming in Patch 12.3
TraitsHextech, Colossus
PulverizeAlistar charges through the enemy team, dealing magic damage, knocking them back, and stunning them for seconds. He then taunts nearby enemies.


Set 6.5 Revealed - Coming in Patch 12.3
TraitsSyndicate, Sniper
VolleyAshe fires a volley of arrows centered on her target, dealing % of her Attack Damage as physical damage per arrow and slowing their Attack Speed by % for seconds.


Set 6.5 Revealed - Coming in Patch 12.3
TraitsDebonair, Arcanist
SearBrand launches a fireball at the nearest enemy, lighting them ablaze for seconds and dealing magic damage. If the enemy is already on fire, they take bonus magic damage which stuns them for seconds. (Total Damage: x) VIP Bonus: Brand fires a 2nd fireball at the farthest enemy.


Set 6.5 Revealed - Coming in Patch 12.3
TraitsYordle, Twinshot
BombardmentCorki fires a missile at his target that explodes on impact, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies.


Set 6.5 Revealed - Coming in Patch 12.3
TraitsDebonair, Challenger
Spinning AxesDraven starts spinning an axe, empowering his next attack to deal % of his Attack Damage plus bonus physical damage. The axe will return to his original location after striking the target. If Draven catches it, he will empower the axe again. Draven can spin up to 2 axes at a time.
Passive: Draven ignores % of his target’s Armor.
VIP Bonus: Draven gains infinite attack range and ignores % of his target’s Armor.


Set 6.5 Revealed - Coming in Patch 12.3
TraitsSocialite, Yordle, Striker
GNAR!Gnar transforms into Mega Gnar for the rest of combat. Mega Gnar throws a boulder at the farthest enemy within boulder range, dealing % of his Attack Damage plus bonus damage as physical damage to all enemies it passes through.
While in Mega Gnar form, Gnar is melee, gains Health, and his mana costs are reduced by 30.


Set 6.5 Revealed - Coming in Patch 12.3
TraitsScrap, Striker
BladesurgeIrelia dashes to her target, striking them for % of her Attack Damage + bonus damage as physical damage. If this kills the target, she Bladesurges again at the lowest Health enemy.

Jarvan IV

Set 6.5 Revealed - Coming in Patch 12.3
TraitsHextech, Striker
Ageless StandardJarvan calls down his standard to a nearby location, granting all nearby allies bonus % Attack Speed for seconds.


Set 6.5 Revealed - Coming in Patch 12.3
TraitsMutant, Assassin
Arid AssaultKha’Zix leaps towards the lowest Health enemy, striking them for (Total) physical damage (% of his Attack Damage + ) and increasing their maximum Mana by % until they cast.


Set 6.5 Revealed - Coming in Patch 12.3
TraitsHextech, Twinshot
Relentless PursuitLucian dashes away from his current target and fires shots at nearby enemies that deal magic damage.


Set 6.5 Revealed - Coming in Patch 12.3
TraitsSyndicate, Enchanter
Soul ShackleMorgana grants herself a shield for seconds and shackles herself to all enemies in a 2 hex radius. She then deals magic damage per second to them, as long as the shield holds.
If the shield expires without being broken, all targets are stunned for seconds. If the shield is broken, Morgana instead refunds herself mana.


Set 6.5 Revealed - Coming in Patch 12.3
TraitsHextech, Assassin
Unspeakable HOrrorNocturne terrifies his target, stunning them with fear for seconds and dealing magic damage over the duration.


Set 6.5 Revealed - Coming in Patch 12.3
TraitsMutant, Bruiser, Striker
Furious BiteRek’Sai bites her target, dealing % of her Attack Damage and stealing % of her target’s Armor and Magic Resist.


Set 6.5 Revealed - Coming in Patch 12.3
TraitsChemtech, Scholar
Toxic WaveRenata unleashes a toxic wave towards the largest group of nearby enemies, poisoning all enemies in its path for seconds. Poisoned enemies suffer % reduced Attack Speed and take magic damage per second. Damage dealt by the poison can stack.


Set 6.5 Revealed - Coming in Patch 12.3
TraitsHextech, Bruiser, Enforcer
Arcane AssaultSejuani signals Bristle to charge, dealing magic damage and stunning her target for seconds. She then gains Frost Armor, granting her Armor and Magic Resist for seconds.


Set 6.5 Revealed - Coming in Patch 12.3
TraitsSocialite, Enchanter
Piercing DarknessSenna fires a beam in the direction of her target, dealing % of her Attack Damage as physical damage to all enemies hit (total: X). For each enemy hit, she heals the lowest health ally for % of the damage dealt plus .


Set 6.5 Revealed - Coming in Patch 12.3
TraitsMastermind, Scholar
Unstable ConcoctionSilco injects an unstable concoction into of his lowest Health allies, granting them % maximum Health, % bonus Attack Speed, and immunity to crowd control for seconds. When the concoction wears off, unstable units die, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies.


Set 6.5 Revealed - Coming in Patch 12.3
TraitsHextech, Striker
On the HuntFor the next seconds, Sivir grants herself % bonus Attack Speed and her attacks bounce up to times, dealing % of her Attack Damage to enemies hit.


Set 6.5 Revealed - Coming in Patch 12.3
TraitsDebonair, Scholar
Force of WillSyndra flings the nearest enemy towards the farthest enemy, dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies upon impact, and stunning the thrown target for seconds.
VIP bonus: Force of Will’s impact area is larger and knocks up affected enemies for seconds.


Set 6.5 Revealed - Coming in Patch 12.3
TraitsChemtech, Challenger
Spinning SlashTryndamere spins in a line towards the most enemies, dealing % of his Attack Damage (total: X) to enemies in his path and empowering his next 3 attacks to deal % more damage.


Set 6.5 Revealed - Coming in Patch 12.3
TraitsDebonair, Sniper
Lightning CrashZeri charges herself up with electricity for seconds. While electrified, she aims at the farthest enemy, her attacks pierce, and she dashes after every shot.
Passive: Zeri’s attacks fire bullets, each dealing % of her Attack Damage as physical damage plus bonus magic damage to the first unit hit.
VIP Bonus: Zeri’s Lightning Nova’s radius is doubled.

Other Champion Changes:

  • Blitzcrank no longer a Protector
  • Ekko is now an Innovator
  • Jinx is now a Rival and no longer a Sister
  • Kassadin is now a Scholar and no longer a Protector
  • Leona is now a Debonair and no longer an Academy
  • Swain is now a Hextech and no longer an Imperial
  • Talon is now a Debonair and no longer an Imperial
  • Vi is now a Rival and no longer a Sister. She is also now a 4g unit with Piltover Pulverizer:
    • Vi shields herself for damage and deals magic damage to her target and enemies behind it.
    • On her 2nd cast, she also dashes through her target.
    • On her 3rd cast, she instead throws her target into the air and slams them back to the ground, dealing in a circle around her target.


Akali, Dr. Mundo, Fiora, Garen, Graves, Heimerdinger, Janna, Katarina, Kog’Maw, Lissandra, Lux, Samira, Shaco, Sion, Taric, Tristana, Trundle, Twisted Fate, Urgot, Yone, Yuumi


New Augments Tier 1

Treasure Trove IGain 1 blue and 1 gray loot orb.
Three’s CompanyGain 3 random 3-cost champions.
RecombobulatorChampions on your board permanently transform into random champions that cost 1 more. Gain 3 Magnetic Removers.
Keepers IAt the start of combat, your units grant adjacent allies a 125 health shield for 8 seconds.
Electrocharge IWhen your units receive a critical strike, they deal 100 magic damage to nearby enemies.
Disintegrator IYour units’ attacks deal bonus magic damage equal to 2% of the target’s maximum Health.
Arcane Nullifier IYour units’ Abilities ignore 20% of the target’s Magic Resist and reduce healing received by 50% for 8 seconds.
Luden’s Echo IWhen your units cast and deal Ability damage, the first target hit and a nearby enemy take 150 bonus magic damage.
Backfoot IYour units that start combat in the back 2 rows gain 20% Attack Speed.
Phalanx IYour units that start combat in the back 2 rows gain 25 Armor and Magic Resist.
Battlemage IYour units that start combat in the front 2 rows gain 30 Ability Power.
Meditation IYour units without items equipped restore 3 Mana per second.
Cybernetic Uplink IYour champions holding an item gain 150 Health and restore 2 Mana per second.
Cybernetic Shell IYour champions holding an item gain 150 Health and 30 Armor.
Blue Battery IAfter casting their Ability, your units restore 10 Mana.
Archangel’s Embrace IUpon casting their Ability, your units gain Ability Power equal to 20% of their maximum Mana.
Second Wind IAfter 10 seconds of combat, your units heal 50% of their missing Health.
Double Trouble IIf you have exactly 2 copies of a champion on your board, they both gain 30 Attack Damage, Ability Power, Armor, and Magic Resist. When you upgrade to 3-star, gain a 2-star copy.
Tri Force IYour 3-cost champions gain 233 Health, 13 starting Mana, and 23% Attack Speed.
Swift JusticeYour Enforcers permanently gain 2% Attack Speed after each combat, and an additional 2% if they survived. Gain a Sejuani.
Irresistible CharmDebonair champions take 25% less damage. Gain a Leona.
Debonair HeartYour team counts as having 1 additional Debonair. Gain a Talon.
Stored PowerYour Hextech champions permanently gain 1 Ability Power each time they are hit by your Hexcore’s pulses. Gain a Swain.
HexnovaThe first time a Hextech champion drops below 60% Health, they increase nearby enemies’ maximum Mana by 50% until they cast. Gain a Nocturne.
Hextech HeartYour team counts as having 1 additional Hextech. Gain a Sejuani.
Concussive BlowsStriker’s critical strikes stun their target for 1.5 second(s). Each target can only be stunned once every 5 seconds. Gain a Rek’sai.
OverpowerAfter every 2 attacks, Strikers gain 75% Critical Strike Chance on their next attack. Gain a Rek’sai.
Striker HeartYour team counts as having 1 additional Striker. Gain a Rek’sai.
Free…Healthcare?All units benefit from the Chemtech trait as though they were Chemtech units. This does not affect the number of Chemtech units. Gain a Warwick
Study the BladeAll units benefit from the Challenger trait as though they were Challengers. This does not affect the number of Challengers. Gain a Quinn
Hextech ArmoryAll units benefit from the Hextech trait as though they were Hextech units. This does not affect the number of Hextech units. Gain a Sejuani.

New Augments Tier 2

Augment nameDescription
Treasure Trove IIGain 2 blue and 1 gray loot orbs.
Golden Gifts IGain 1 golden loot orb.
True TwosGain 2 random 2-star 2-cost champions.
Four ScoreGain 3 random 4-cost champions.
Component Grab BagGain 3 random item components.
Future Sight IKnow who you will fight next. Gain a Zephyr.
Jeweled LotusMagic and true damage from your units’ Abilities can critically strike.
Keepers IIAt the start of combat, your units grant adjacent allies a 175 Health shield for 8 seconds.
Arcane Nullifier IIYour units’ Abilities ignore 40% of the target’s Magic Resist and reduce healing received by 50% for 8 seconds.
Electrocharge IIWhen your units receive a critical strike, they deal 150 magic damage to nearby enemies.
Disintegrator IIYour units’ attacks deal bonus magic damage equal to 3% of the target’s maximum Health.
Luden’s Echo IIWhen your units cast and deal Ability damage, the first target hit and a nearby enemy take 225 bonus magic damage.
Woodland TrinketAt the start of combat, your highest Attack Speed champion creates two 400 Health copies of themself (excluding items).
Verdant VeilYour units are immune to crowd control effects for the first 10 seconds of combat.
Weakspot IIYour units’ attacks ignore 40% of the target’s Armor and reduce healing received by 50% for 5 seconds.
Backfoot IIYour units that start combat in the back 2 rows gain 30% Attack Speed.
Phalanx IIYour units that start combat in the back 2 rows gain 35 Armor and Magic Resist.
Battlemage IIYour units that start combat in the front 2 rows gain 45 Ability Power.
Meditation IIYour units without items equipped restore 5 Mana per second.
Cybernetic Uplink IIYour champions holding an item gain 250 Health and restore 3 Mana per second.
Cybernetic Shell IIYour champions holding an item gain 250 Health and 45 Armor.
Second Wind IIAfter 10 seconds of combat, your units heal 75% of their missing Health.
Archangel’s Embrace IIUpon casting their Ability, your units gain Ability Power equal to 30% of their maximum Mana.
Double Trouble IIIf you have exactly 2 copies of a champion on your board, they both gain 45 Attack Damage, Ability Power, Armor, and Magic Resist. When you upgrade to 3-star, gain a 2-star copy.
Tri Force IIYour 3-cost champions gain 333 Health, 23 Mana, and 33% Attack Speed.
Thieving RascalsFree Yordles from the portal have 35% chance to arrive holding an item component. Gain a Lulu.
Debonair CrestGain a Debonair Emblem and a Syndra.
Very VIPWhen an ally dies, they grant the Debonair VIP 40% of their maximum Health for the rest of combat. Gain a Syndra.
Hextech CrestGain a Hextech Emblem and a Nocturne.
Striker CrestGain a Striker Emblem and a Rek’sai.

New Augments Tier 3

Golden Gifts IIGain 2 golden loot orbs.
Treasure Trove IIIGain 3 blue loot and 2 gray loot orbs.
High FiveGain 3 random 5-cost champions.
Radiant RelicsOpen an Armory and choose 1 of 4 unique Radiant items.
The Golden EggGain a massive golden egg that hatches in 5 turns.
Future Sight IIKnow who you fight next. Gain a Radiant Zephyr.
Electrocharge IIIWhenever your units receive a critical strike, they deal 200 magic damage to nearby enemies.
Arcane Nullifier IIIYour units’ Abilities ignore 60% of the target’s Magic Resist and reduce healing received by 50% for 8 seconds.
Luden’s Echo IIIWhen your units cast and deal Ability damage, the first target hit and a nearby enemy take 300 bonus magic damage.
Disintegrator IIIYour units’ attacks deal bonus magic damage equal to 4% of the target’s maximum Health.
Tiny TitansYour Tactician heals 35 Health, grows larger, and has 135 maximum Health.
Weakspot IIIYour units’ attacks ignore 60% of the target’s Armor and reduce healing received by 50% for 5 seconds.
Backfoot IIIYour units that start combat in the back 2 rows gain 40% Attack Speed.
Phalanx IIIYour units that start combat in the back 2 rows gain 50 Armor and Magic Resist.
Battlemage IIIYour units that start combat in the front 2 rows gain 60 Ability Power.
Meditation IIIYour units without items equipped restore 7 Mana per second.
Cybernetic Uplink IIIYour units holding an item gain 350 Health and restore 4 Mana per second.
Cybernetic Shell IIIYour units holding an item gain 350 Health and 60 Armor.
Blue Battery IIAfter casting their Ability, your units restore 20 Mana.
Second Wind IIIAfter 10 seconds of combat, your units heal 100% of their missing Health.
Archangel’s Embrace IIIAfter casting their Ability, your units gain Ability Power equal to 40% of their maximum Mana.
Double Trouble IIIIf you have exactly 2 copies of a champion on your board, they both gain 60 Attack Damage, Ability Power, Armor, and Magic Resist. When you upgrade to 3-star, gain a 2-star copy.
Tri Force IIIYour 3-cost champions gain 433 Health, 33 Mana, and 43% Attack Speed.
Debonair CrownGain 2 Debonair Emblems.
Hextech CrownGain 2 Hextech Emblems.
Striker CrownGain 2 Striker Emblems.

New Items

Removed Guardian Angel

Added Edge of Night

  • When the holder first drops below 50% Health, they briefly enter stealth, becoming untargetable and shedding negative effects. After coming out of stealth, the holder gains 30% bonus Attack Speed.
Set 6.5 Revealed - Coming in Patch 12.3