Force Moonlight Diana – TFT Teamfight Tactics Composition Guide

If you are sick of playing the level 7 roll down lottery and enjoy brain dead TFT comps, you need to be playing Moonlight Diana.  I have always rated Moonlight Diana highly on my weekly meta snapshot which is posted every Friday, and in this video, we will review why we should play it, how to play it, champion choices, itemization.  

What’s up, I’m bunnymuffins. If you enjoy tier lists, composition guides, or TFT commentary, I post videos 3 times a week, so go ahead and hit the subscribe button and the bell to get notifications for each of these videos.

If you guys didn’t know, there is a huge patch coming up next week which will DESTROY all the roll at 7 compositions.  They are drastically lowering 4 cost Chosen odds, which means that you can just play tried and trusted slow roll compositions such as Diana while everyone else is struggling to figure out how to optimize the most popular builds next week.  Let’s hop right into this.


How to Play

Here is the base build of Diana.  It is very flexible as you really only need these 3 champions and then a random assortment of complementary units.  

Force Moonlight Diana - TFT Teamfight Tactics Composition Guide

In the beginning of the game, you will want to grab a Chosen Moonlight.  This can be either Diana, Lissandra, or Sylas.  Diana and Lissandra are preferred, but if you are hitting 0 Lissandras, it is OK to pick up Sylas instead.  Do not go this composition without a Chosen Moonlight.  I’m going to say this again… You will not be able to go for this composition without a Chosen Moonlight.  You will only be able to go for this composition in 20-25% of your games.

The good news is that you can almost use any items for this composition, so if you hit a Chosen early, you can force this comp. 

Now, very important–at the start of the game, do not level up.  Since we are slow rolling, we will want to have as large an economy as we can along with low levels.  We do not care about our health total.  I generally commit to Diana compositions no later than the carousel during stage 2.  

During stage 2, you will want to buy all the moonlight units and preferably some assassins while maintaining as much interest gold as possible.  This can involve open forting if necessary.  Open forting essentially means giving up the fight to make interest.  Typically, you will have your Chosen Moonlight and the other Moonlight at 2 star, giving you a 3 star moonlight in the early game.  It is ok if you have only 1 stars as long as you have the Chosen Moonlight.

Once you accumulate 50 gold, which typically occurs on stage 2-7, you will want to roll your gold until 53 gold every turn.  Why 53 and not 50? well because if you roll down to 50 and then find a unit you want to buy, you will miss out on 1 interest because of buying the new unit.  Throughout Stage 3, keep rolling your gold down to 53 every turn and buy all the Moonlights you can.  During this time, you will also want to grab Assassins and Dazzlers.  A sample team at level 5 is Diana, Lissandra, 2 assassins such as Pyke and Akali, and 1 dazzler such as Lux.  Do not level to level 6 during stage 3.  

During Stage 4, you will need to find a time to hit your 3 star Moonlights.  If you are less than 2 off of the units, meaning you have 7 copies of each Moonlight, or if you have low health, go ahead and all in at around stage 4-2 or 4-3 and roll down until you hit both your Moonlight Champions to 3 star.  After that, level up to level 6.  If you have less than 7 copies of each Moonlight, you will need to all in at either stage 4-5 or 4-6.

During Stage 5, you will want to rebuild your economy to reach level 7 or level 8 depending on your health and the game.  You can try to go for 6 Assassins or get 2 Adepts for frontline.  4 Dazzler is another option.  

If you need more help with leveling, check out the Leveling Guide where you will pick the latest times for Levels 1 to 7 (right most stage in the chart).

Champion Choices

Force Moonlight Diana - TFT Teamfight Tactics Composition Guide

Now that we know how to play the composition, let’s go over the Champion Choices.  As we just stated, we want at least 4 Assassins and 2 Dazzler.  The rest of the units can be more synergies or more legendaries such as 6 Assassin or 4 Dazzler.  I’ve even gone Mystic in some games too.

If you get an Assassin Spatula, which is one of the best items in this composition, go ahead and put it on Lissandra.  If you are only running 4 Assassin, drop Katarina and Akali.  

For positioning, notice how we have Pyke on the corner.  This is because he needs to be on the side to get a bigger stun.  The positioning of the other units is not as important, you will just want to scout and jump to the side your opponent’s carries are.


The only items you care about are Diana’s items.  The rest of your items can be team support items.  Many builds work on Diana, which is great about this composition since starting items don’t restrict this comp.  

My favorite combination is Infinity Edge and Double Hand of Justice.  However, this build is often hard to get since it requires a lot of gloves.  A more consistent build is Hextech Gunblade, Titan’s Resolve, and Quicksilver.  If you look closely, this build does not require 2 of any particular item component.  

In general, you want 1 chain vest item which can be Titan’s Resolve or Bramblevest, and 2 other items.  You absolutely need at least 1 Chain vest item to live against Hunters and Talon.  The other 2 items we can play are almost any combination of Hextech Gunblade, Quicksilver, Hand of Justice, Infinity Edge.  If you can’t get two of these items, Dragon Claw and Ionic Spark are playable.   

Good support items are Assassin Spatula, Chalice of Power, Zeke’s Herald, Locket of the Iron Solari, Zephyr, and Shroud of Stillness.  

If you want, you can itemize Lissandra with a Blue Buff or Jeweled Gauntlet.

Essentially, the only unit that matters is Diana, so that is why we prioritize all the support items after getting 3 Diana items.  

Closing Thoughts

I’ve always been a fan of this composition because some games, you just want to turn your brain off and slow roll.  It’s a very easy composition and it is very strong, and you should be playing it whenever the game gives you a good start for it.   It is also a very strong composition at every level, though I will say it works better the higher you go.  The reason behind this is because many lower ranked players force a Slow roll build incorrectly, so you might be contested more.  

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